Friday, December 29, 2006

[16] Finally.....At Least I Hope Not

[Disclaimer] While I still think of it as an awesome movie, much of the language and conclusions I write below are not how I've come to understand things or believe. I leave these up as evidence that I used to think like this and change is possible and preferable.

Current mood: epifanized
I live for moments like this. One's where your eyes are opened to old ideas newly revived in young minds. I just saw this movie called Waking Life and I'm so in awe of what was discussed my heart is aching. The perfect mesh between "logic" and theology. God is always speaking to you. Right now, at this very second, when things are. Paralleling your life to a dream is ingenious. How free and surreal and perfect when your lost in your head. The closest one can get while they are alive. Alive. A word that has begun to lose all its meaning. The moments where people aren't acting from a script but take part in "holy moments." Ones where its actual people and personalities and recognizing the moment. Acknowledging the spirit that drives you to questions. I know now more than every why love is so important. Why I call what I feel for Dream Girl love. They are true. Moments when you can't become yourself anymore than when your with that person. Moments that connect you with what God wants you to feel. What's to show you to keep you out of the "real" world and realize you need and want to accept the dream. Such a powerful message. The movie talks about history and the eerie connections between what was "then" and "now" and how people do and say and repeat over and over and can't or won't face the reasoning as to why. No one is going to explain all this all better than the movie so again WAKING LIFE see it, think about it, question life and your role in it. People should not fear death. If you need a better way to understand eternity there is no better than to look at the hours of dream u had and the one minute of sleep that was involved. We are manifestations of someone else's dream. And to become self aware is to walk in to light. If you ever feel depressed or worthless or alone then all you've done is allowed societies restrictions be imposed on you. When you start to live your life like it's a dream, for the moment, doing anything and everything you want, experiencing and cherishing what true people have to offer, there is no greater happiness. I'm just so literally blown away right now I don't even know how to think. All the thinking I do has all been striving towards understanding what this movie hit on and its like my mind has transcended. Christians keep doing what your doing, trust and believe in the bible, but I think there's a lot more to it and all the answers aren't wrapped up in nice bible verse packages. They preach the ideal but could never have hit me so hard w/o all the thought and reason that was poured into understanding faith and transient beings as much as this film. For all those who care, yes from this point on I can faithfully call myself a Christian, but I want to go so so sooo much farther with that. I respect Tapper and Nicole with how they explain and propose but they want to leave all the thinking up to the bible and that doesn't work for me. And now I can feel comfortable knowing that that isn't a bad thing. Please for the love of God if you read this strive to find yourself and look for times when your chest aches and your eyes water because of how real they feel. Don't be down or lazy about the right now. All the waiting for the future and grasping for past happiness…'d be more alive if you were dead. I'm not saying go kill yourself by any means, but the term "walking in the light" takes on a whole new meaning or hell the old meaning with new perspective. My faith wavered, I didn't know fully if I could let go or believe and trust in something else. Stupid thoughts encouraged by depression and sadness kick in and all the "what's the points" and "who cares" really seem to set it. But now its like, if I'm this worthless nothing human being with pipe dreams, love issues, and other things exponentially insignificant and my life can feel "sooo bad" why does everyone go through it, through all points in history, every minute of every day. Everyone is connected by something they can't shake. This mass almost telekinetic power that inscribes our genetic code that compels us to act a certain way. Life with all its "problems" so specific and magnified to one important lesson that can be learned from every bad situation. If your desperate and reaching for a sign look no further than to how people resolve/d problems. This, explained better in the movie again, is like with movies and how they can capture those moments that can't really be relived….those personalities at that moment. Find the right now happiness, see what questions the universe is asking you, live your dreams. I can't think of anything better you can learn.

Friday, December 22, 2006

[15] Let's Change the World.....Right after American Idol...

Current mood: unsettled
I just got out of the movie "Letters From Iwo Jima" and that led to a discussion with me, my dad, and brother about war and politics and it is all definitely blog worthy. I personally don't understand war. You have to get 1 overly war hungry person that dupes half a nation? Like sheep thousands are slaughtered for what? Your friends, your family are the ones out in Iraq right now. How many people know the real details behind the war? What are the motives to keep someone from just living and loving their families? People need to start thinking about life and what's really important. I like to fuss over girl issues and problems of the heart and though that may be self centered or petty in some people's eyes it's a hell of a lot better than worrying about being drafted or if someone in my family is coming home in a body bag. Who wouldn't the freedom to care about love? I want to join Stamper's rally and I encourage anyone who reads this to join as well. The problems with your president and government are finally hitting home, what are you going to do? Is the country doomed to fall for more Republican propaganda. "They're gonna take my guns away! Mitch Daniels loves motorcycles! Fuck faggots and keep every baby from girls raped by their sick relatives!" Meanwhile our wallets, sanity, and safety all suffer. I'm tired of being surrounded by sheep. Everywhere, everyone wants the same things in life, the simple things that make them happy yada yada, yet because people lie to themselves and allow their decisions to be made for them history repeats itself. Its crazy but friggin hippies have probably made it the farthest in the quest for happiness and all it took was weed and hacky sacks. I want to believe people are angry or passionate about changing things, whether they know how to or not. To be honest, I hear things from my dad everyday about politics and history yet I feel like I can't really make a difference. And honestly, I don't think I can as one person. But, things like Stamper's rally or w/e are perfect examples to show that you think, you give a damn about something and want to change and can shake the frustration of being the one w/o a voice. The fact that it would take so much work to get the point where people are doing NOTHING, nothing but trying to better themselves is fucking ridiculous. No child left behind? Some fucking kids need and choose to be left behind, and here's an idea, don't cut fucking funding for the kids in the process of "helping" them. How do we stop war and bring the troops home? Of course! SEND MORE TROOPS! Especially when its to a country we never had a reason to fight. Things like this are right in front of you, everyday, and how can we stop it all? Does anyone even care anymore? I dunno, I can't really go on because as I said, I don't know all the details, and I don't really follow politics, but when things finally start to hit home you realize how numb to it all you can become. Depressing as it sounds I think our generation may be reduced to nothing but fist shakers and pigs led to slaughter. Strategy from the Nazi's and Japanese, the one time Bush did his homework.

Saturday, October 7, 2006

[14] God Or Something Like It, Deceiving Appearances

DISCLAIMER: Back when I started writing, I had no qualms about rambling, shit punctuation, no paragraphs, and text speak versions of words. I didn't spell check. It's not until about the 20s of the blogs where I pretend I have a grasp of the English language.

Current mood: discontent
Well after reading the definition of love on Wikipedia and my stomach in knots I figure why not see what's in my head. According to the bible God is love. I think this is insanely interesting because if God is love that would make it infallible, perfect, in essence what every human being should aspire to, value, and live for. So then I start wondering, Well if God is love why do people, namely if not frequently those who are absorbed in Christianity, tell me to just get over the girl I say I love. Could there be a bigger oxymoron than that? God is in you, knows what you think, completely understands everything you do or don't do, gave you every asset of your being and yet when he's on the hamster wheel in your stomach you should just give up and punch in at signs of distress? I don't believe that you can feel a certain way about someone for so long and have it all motivated out of pride. As I was reading I connected to a piece if not fully to every definition that was proposed. Love is ineffable (cannot be expressed in words). I don't understand where people think enough talking and focusing elsewhere is going to make you feel better if the love seems unrequited. I want to know what the people who pray everyday, try to work for God, ask for forgiveness and all the other good stuff do when their deepest wishes and prayers go unanswered. Everyone can say its all part of the bigger plan and for this reason or another but what is really going on in the psyche of one of those people. Not a shade of doubt arises? No anger, just complete understanding, HA! Ya right, even the bible calls that one. But then to make it all better the bible says start back at the beginning of the line where everything made you feel happy and enlightened then everything will be alright again. Anyone else see a trend? I'm not going to lie, my first thoughts about getting into or learning about religion weren't at first related to being with God. But then, after you gain perspective and start to realize more and more how wrong you were/are can you still justify buying into everything when it feels as though God or at least his followers are contradicting themselves, moreover, in the most important area of life? All I can really talk about or be completely honest about is myself and what I see in my world. I doubt I'm as worthy as those who are "seeing" and "hearing" God everyday but why can't I seem to feel secure in the type of love He assures or is expressing to me that others want to praise so highly? I can't stop the stomach churning, I would if I could. And the very fact that I can't leaves me to believe that someone or something is telling me that it isn't suppose to stop and is suppose to keep influencing my decisions and putting me through the sleepless nights and headaches. And if the one thing that I can have faith in, God, is making all this happen and is actually talking and showing Himself in, trust me, the only way that I would be responsive to, then how am I the stupid one for not giving up?

The bible says to avoid all temptation? Even the urge that temps you to strive for love?

Monday, October 2, 2006

[13] Stories Are Fun...Specially When Legally Drunk

 Current mood: beyond dead tired
Category: beyond dead tired
Writing and Poetry

Young and blind, arrogant as the devil the little boy lived. Each day was a flurry of excitement as he jumped from one adventure to the next. Be it throwing rocks at the prissy girls who thought they could take his tire thrown on the playground, or leading his pack of friends into trouble with security at the local hotel, each day was carefree and without thought. He went to school, came home and watched television, and played outside like every other normal person. His parents lived as happily as married parents do and tried with all their might to set their child straight, instill good morals and values. This child was smart as a tack, challenged any and all to games and puzzles that would test him. The whole world was for him to take and he had not seen it yet. With this child, so open, and free there always lies the possibility for a fall. One that torments the mind and doubts the soul. One that makes the eyes swell up and tear. It is always when life can never be better that the sharp turn into nothingness is taken.

Clause 1

He never really noticed the girl other than for her pretty face. They were just classmates in a band room of a school in a town. His brimming self confidence and her reserved inner being conflicted so this roaring lion was reduced to nothing but a pesky brother type. He antagonized and played and each day went on and on and nothing ever seemed to change. Throughout those days things at home began to change for the boy. His parents began to fight more and stress was as common as breathing or eating. After months of carrying on his parents split up and unbeknown to him this sparked a change in the boy.
From those days on he began to think, not about it being his fault or how depressing life could be, but instead just think about everything and everyone all the time. He would play out their actions in his mind and see how they affect his life even in the smallest and seemingly insignificant times.  He paid attention to all of his feelings and learned how he could manipulate them, subdue them. Still pursuing his outgoing and outlandish persona he never wanted to look weak and despised the notion of other thinking less of him. He made promises to himself that would be accomplished by no less than all of his will. All of this swirling in the back of his head and never making sense. Making itself known only in his dreams that would wake him to find his heart racing and legs twitching. Time moves on. The days go on much like they always had. Now he went to school, came home to a distraught mother, played outside, and slept like the dead. He still thought all the time yet never acknowledged it, maybe hoping that over time his subconscious would disappear and he would never have to face the questions and realizations that were screaming to be acknowledged.
His mother never seemed to help any situation. She would shed constant unwanted and unneeded worry upon the household. She had the same affect on the boy as all other people do. He began to feel no connection or bond, simply another being that needs to be tied into intricate webbing of those in his immediate surroundings. She tried to restrict him. Govern like the all knowing mother she knew she was. This would fuel a flame more than either would expect. Unable to deal with her own grief and mind she dumped herself onto the boy and his brother. He could not feel sorry for her.
Clause 2

            Perhaps it was coming of age or perhaps it was his new found perception but things began to significantly change within the boy. He began to see himself as somewhat of a rebel. Bad ass mother fucker in later day terms. He knew he was smart, he knew what he had to say to get by, and he had the arsenal of friends and bad ideas to bring it to fruition. Now when he went to school he did not antagonize out of blind youthful exuberance, he did it because he could and it satisfied his devilishly ingrained thoughts. This new gift would fuel every decision. He was not the all A student anymore? Fuck it, who cared, he would get by and no one would ask enough questions to make him feel like they cared. No one could ever make him feel anymore. The time bomb in his mind was beginning to sink in and each day he faced another realization and truth that perhaps he was not ready to deal with. So he used it as fuel to make his mind stronger. He knew just how horrible a person could be, just want they could accomplish, and where their actions could take them. He reveled in this realization.
The pretty girl passes by his right side…

Clause 3

            Fun was not fun anymore. Excitement was nothing but a mere word of the past with no real connection in his mind. Of course there were high points here and there. Going from one extreme to the next proved to be unhealthy after a while. All the while time kept coming and going. The boy new he was getting older. Each year would bring more responsibly and teenage thoughts would try to fuck with his mental system. This would never deter him though. Any and every question or thought was to be pissed off about or complained about. How can one get by if their constantly trying to solve every little thing that pops into their mind? They can't, and their weak if they try. The shell of the boy existed on. The constant struggle to grasp something real and teenage urge to be perverted, troublesome, and destructive propelled the laundry list of bad decisions over the years. Connections to friends were broken. Not by the times and circumstances but by something deeper that the boy could not control.

Clauser 4
            Flash to high school. Here is where the boy senses that he is finally setting into his "true" self. He prided himself and stringing together curse verse of which none could challenge. He cared for nothing but himself. Any and everything he knew he could work over and he did work them over. Any sense of virtue or innocence was in bolts of absent thinking before the boy could catch himself. He tried and succeeded to push away anything that did not have his minds stamp of approval posted all over it. This game was getting old. He hungered for reason and purpose……..
 Tap, tap, tap, tap, concert B flat scale. He heard the band playing and realized he had missed the entrance. He liked music, hated the class, but liked music and was good at playing. It took ten minutes of a Green Day album to make him appreciate and sense what music really did for him. Always next to him throughout the years was the pretty girl. He never really thought about her but she always was in his head. He was just asshole boy with no real positive feature that could woo one such as her so what did he care? So time went on.

Clause 5
            With the sin belt ever increasing with girls and property in the wake, the boy knew that while he feasted off of this lifestyle that urged him to keep going and throw out feeling it was taking its toll. He wanted to break down but would cease to see himself as a man if he did. He made newer, greater visions of the future for himself, filled with money and parties and people. As with all things though he would think about it all, over and over, until it was picked apart and made him feel unfulfilled yet again. Where would it end? Only a little bitch would commit suicide. While he tried to work things in his favor he never had the urge to ruin or play with his friend's lives to suit his urges. There was no group that he wanted to claim. He was just an outspoken thinker. He prayed for a change.

Clause 6
            Life will find you at every point you are not ready for it and all you can do is sit back and pray it is a good surprise. Maybe it's the magic of summer or just something in the air but when it happened it was as though the boulder had finally rolled off and shattered that ice that was this boy. There are not enough words to depict how it really felt. Her warmth, curled up body pressed closely to his. The ever present sent of her hair flowing up through his nose and blanketing his head. Heartbeats and breaths in sink. Hs mind, with all its jittering and babbling, got lost in night and was silent. The sleeping souls around them provided the most surreal ambiance of relaxation and serenity. How was it possible for people to survive as long as the boy had without a feeling like this?

Clause 7
            The wave of questions and wonders and hopes and dreams barraged the boy every day. Wasn't she with someone? Did he do something good? Can this go anywhere? Should he talk about it? An endless stream toyed with his insecurities. He was strong and could deal with it, no thought had ever bested him and God forbid it happen now. Each week the same overwhelming happiness set in and when he thought he could not handle another minute of it, gone. With new turmoil comes new clarity. The boy began to get in touch with the kind of person he really was and knew he could be. There was no need to deny feelings. He just would not allow them to control his actions like they did with his parents. Instead he realized it was important to act on them in order to make the true statement about who he really was.

Clause 8
            He let her in. She was not the simple pretty face he has always known but the keeper of his feelings. She held the key that unlocked thoughts about the meanings of life and the important of love. He made himself there for her. He offered his advice and concern during the troublesome times of her life. He became the big brother. This simply would not do. He pressed his attack and made his intentions clear. Like night and day she would either play into it with her flirtatious nature or look at him like he was on drugs. With every attempt that failed his pride and heart were diminished. He lashed out at this feeling by divulging back into his self destructive ways of the past, only to feel terrible about it later. This roller coaster of emotion and new pieces to the ever growing puzzle had not end in sight.
            Clause 9
                        He did not know if he was going crazy, literally. Never very if at all religious he began to look for signs to maybe confirm or deny his actions, no longer able to count on his thought process as a reliable source. It would take a sentence or an action from her to strike a chord that rang so loud and deep and in the boy that to try and explain it would take so much away and denounce it happened. Here is this confused being, getting lost in signs and stomach dropping feelings that has not made any real connection with anyone who may be able to sympathize or offer advice. Perfect.  When worse comes to worse you will find that you can always bitch about your issues to your best friend. And the boy's came in handy to pick up spirits and renew faith countless times. Another sign? Who knew? And the boy did not care to think about it anymore.
            Clause 10
                        Cat and mouse has yet to end. Grasping for the hand of God and truly beginning to believe he might have to let go of the one thing he has ever held precious in the world the boy writes, looking for a path of enlightenment. He does not want to play that games he used to. He does not want to rely on the old adages, though helping him to become the person he is, are not righteous or worthy. He broke down one night and felt like he could truthfully pray and ask for help. He doesn't know if that would help him and realizes that he truly knows nothing. One can only live each day with actions derived from their feelings that define who they are as one of God's children. He knows he is the loving, deep feeling person that is committed to proving his worth to the one he wants to live his life for. As long as he sticks to that path, he is never lost, or alone.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

[12] Tweedles Thumbs. Looks Above. Proceed With Digression.

DISCLAIMER: Back when I started writing, I had no qualms about rambling, shit punctuation, no paragraphs, and text speak versions of words. I didn't spell check. It's not until about the 20s of the blogs where I pretend I have a grasp of the English language.

Current mood: Perpetual "Meh"ness

Hmmm so its become overly apparnent to me that I'm completely dramatic. I need to go from one extreme to the other in order to keep some sense of order in my head. I can either be all gung ho about "dream girl" or I hav to take the completely opposite direction. I wonder if that means I hav no real sense of self. Or at least don't want to be my "old" self nemore. I wonder what it would be like to just make her dead to me. Cus I'm quite sure I can't just toy with this for too long. I know I'm a bad person, that's obvious. But where's the redemption kick in. I get all crazy when I think too much. God "fucking" with me and whatnot. In the back of my head I know that's just like, nick wtf grow up. I think it takes a long time for things to truly set in with me. I've gotten everything I've ever been passionate about. I refuse to lose. And who made the decision I hav to? Why not go into the bag of tricks. Would it really spoil the overall goodness later? I can't say yes or no, only assume…kinda. Depends on whats in the bag, so to speak. I'm not like against God or opposed to change. Make someone believe that about urself and u should get a metal. Obviously I'm failing. I don't get it. A simple. Go away and give it a rest is all it would take lol. Just more and more flirting more and more joking. O well. I'm not a bitch, I can deal with it. Big brother doesn't really work for me. I've already got a sister. The fact that it has to work for me if it works for her doesn't help things ne. maybe I should give up. I know its worth it but still. I wonder what giving up really feels like. Why not? It would stop me bitching, give me an excuse to be even meaner, random, and pervish. I'd be rich as hell conserning myself with only money and indulgence. I mean if I'm gonna cope I might as well do it in style. I'm not worth it to her. I'm flirty boy no. 2 or 3 with a crush. That's sad. She loves me? Ya like all her friends. I've got pets names? I bet the others are in alphabetical order so she can keep them straight. I'm sure its just me being self centered to think I'm special in ne way to her. Method for keeping my hopes up or sumthing. College will help. Sure I'll think about her but the practicality of nething past flirtacious i.m's will be ridiculous and I'll be able to justify trying to forget her with that. This broken record affect, fuck, I'm waiting for the overwhelming hit that sends me back to completely hating everyone and not caring. I want her power lol, shit. I still don't believe she's just some ideal I'll get over with another pretty face so good luck on pep talks. I'm just simply not worth nething to neone but myself. I'm good for a laugh, a pep talk, a ride, and free movies. Whoopee. The story of a million others like that, and their prolly better at it and hav real chances with practical ideals and don't bitch. Every hero has that tragic flaw right. So then I'm the bad guy with that super awesome perseverance and will that keeps me sane, flirtatious, and delusional so I can forget about the other shit.

Monday, September 25, 2006

[11] Whirlwinds Are Fun Till You Fly Through A Window

DISCLAIMER: Back when I started writing, I had no qualms about rambling, shit punctuation, no paragraphs, and text speak versions of words. I didn't spell check. It's not until about the 20s of the blogs where I pretend I have a grasp of the English language.

How many ways are there to convey ur point to someone. I like to go with outright showing or telling of something. And what if that isn't working. Do u take the ballzy move and just go all out and hope for the best? That's pretty much what I think I'll have to do as much as I don't want to. When its all out on the table what else is there left to lose. I go over every senario as to why she won't just tell me to leave her alone. Why she would still flirt and play around when she knows, or at least I've told her, what it does to me. I mean ok college soon right, she doesn't want to be long distance? She doesn't like me and can't find the right words? She thinks I'm bullshitting her? She doesn't think I'm religious enough? And if its that one I'll be beyond pissed and say fuck religion and everything associated with it. if someone can make me change for the better and make me want to shower love and attention on them and that isn't good enough because of a rule in a religion, to me there is no more ludacris piece of bullshit reasoning in the word. And I even looked into religion things, like for me even not just to use as ammo in my arsenal of ways to get her. I refuse to live for "what if" it will not happen, I will fail in every way possible and look as stupid as can be, without going crazy mind you, before I technically give up. Why can't she just talk to me. Or say sumthing concrete that doesn't sound like its out of fear or frustration. I want to be told by her sincerely to give up and then I'll give up. But it never comes. I ask for it. I call out to be shot down and it comes in droplets of what sound like half truths and inconsistencies. My inner self is like, o hey good sign she's not totally dissing you. BUT she's super nice and I don't even know if she has the capability to tear my heart out BUT she's played with and said mean things to other people before and is perfectly comfortable doing it BUT they aren't as close to her as I am BUT shouldn' that make it easier to talk shit out? Its just a ping pong effect back and forth in my head and I hav to blog every fucking day about the same shit to stay sane. And then what would be the harm in trying. To give me that scrap of a bone and let me run with it. then when/if it failed (which I guarantee it wouldn't) then we could both say hey we saw what happened, no more confusion, blurred lines or hurt feelings. I mean I don't think she takes the situation as seriously as me but is she like afraid to fail with me? Could she possibly be thinking like me and just preferring to blow off the feelings and saying different excuses for why she feels things or for why I won't give up. That sounds like I'm some super awesome-o person that makes ppl feel like that but I don't fucking know what to think. I doubt that one, but to me it would make the most sense simply because only someone with as much bullshit in their head as me would react in completely unpredictable or non make sense-ical ways. When the time comes where all the cards are on the table I can only hope for some sort of settling or direction. I don't' want to burden her, I don't want to be some weird dude on the list, I don't want to make situations out of nothing. But I can't ignore me. And I want to shower affection on and love this person that is so special inside and out for ever and ever and work everyday at everything to make it so. Plain and simple to me. I can go off and "hook up" with neone. I can be fake and play the bullshit game of life but I don't want to nemore. and the more and more I think about how I feel for her the more I despise (though they were out of ignorance) the stupid shit I've done in the past. God supposedly gives signs right? Well there'd be no bigger sign with flashing lights and metallic colors that would tell me to get in touch with God and whatnot than if I can be her everything. Ok so main goal, no "what if" under ne circumstance. I will go down in flames….damnit. Go with the flow, as fucked as the flow is making me, its all I have.

Friday, September 15, 2006

[10] What Else Is New?

DISCLAIMER: Back when I started writing, I had no qualms about rambling, shit punctuation, no paragraphs, and text speak versions of words. I didn't spell check. It's not until about the 20s of the blogs where I pretend I have a grasp of the English language.

Current mood: discontent

So I feel like blogging, I'll make it private because I don't know if I want people knowing nething about me nemore. So life doesn't seem like it would be as good if I wasn't with her. All this I hear from people who've found who they love and feel incomplete by not being with them. Well that shit is happening to me. She's such a special person and everyone knows it. inside and out. I think she's hiding something or scared w/e. I'm not sure. I wish it were just simple. I like her. She puts on that she likes me and it just happened. If something feels right then it should happen I think. I want to love her more than life. Make her my life. How else is there to live. I already said I've been through the self centered thing. Why's it all hav to be so complicated. I feel like I all I ever do is bitch nemore. I've come to the decision that I really am just about her. Literally other girls look sooo much uglier when she's on my mind. I want everything in the world for her. And I would make good on everything I've told her. I would make her feel like I see her. I dunno, I get all these signs that would mean such simple things in a normal situation. I mean she lays between my legs, like she did with her ex. She says all the flirty things and gives those lil looks. She knows how much I care about her. I go out on all these limbs saying things that ppl take so long to say or never have the balls to say. I let my stomach turn in knots and I let my mind take me into dream worlds. I feel like I'll go insane without her, not psycho insane mind u but like my will will be dimished to that of an old miser. People don't understand what it takes to make me feel. Like actually feel sumthing. I've joked about things that get u a hot seat to hell and hav a totally indifferent feeling about it all. I've been called every name in the book I've done or thought about doing everything imaginable to seemingly everyone and everything. And it all just leaves me "meh." And then at the hint of a thought about her I go through retrograde. I know why I love her. I can go on for hours all the things. That's crazy, I'm not going to until a romantic gesture in the future I kinda am thinking about. But newayz, I dunno nemore, can I keep going as the kinda play thing support system and just let her slowly slip away? I'm sure there will be that guy all religious and cute and makes her laugh and treats her right who will come along and beat me out. But will he truly feel that same pain in his heart/stomach when he thinks about what it would be like to not be with her. Will he really do everything in his power to make her feel like beautiful person I see her as? I literally think about her all the time. How I can make her laugh or where I can take her or if she'll do this or look that way. I mean I think I'm retarded but I don't feel right not thinking about her. Considering her in situations and choices that don't even come close to affecting her. And all I am is the support. Not that its bad but I mean its just confusing to be seen like that. And if I'm more it would take half sentence to tell me. What doesn't she want me to know? Should I be secretive like her to spark interest. I mean it sucks laying myself on the line and hoping to either get my heart torn out or accepted. And its so exactly half and half its scary. What is there about me to be scared of. I mean I come off as intimidating or like out there w/e but not around her. I look into all that astrology stuff I'm so at a stretch for trying to find out what's going on in her mind. I think its sad but I prefer resourceful. I need to find my inner motivation again I think. The same will to drive me when I'm alone. I hate to think like that. I hate it more than nething to think everything I do will only be for me. But I can't control her. I hav nothing but a lil influence as a "friend" or so she wants me to believe. I think I hate my perspective, this fucking gage that makes me realize whats really important all the time. I know its more important to love and live for sumone else. I know how cyborg I am or can be and how much it takes to change me. And I hate that I know it won't happen like everyone wants to keep reassuring it will. Noone understands how much this really means to me. They really don't. I hate being the whinny bitch but its true. She doesn't need me is a lie. I provide sumthing important. I would hope if I didn't she wouldn't act like she does around me. Logic doesn't work, faith isn't working, where the hell do u go to next. How much of ur inner fag to u hav to spill before something changes. She doesn't tell me nething but her thinking she can't hav friends cus they all get attracted to her. Well duh but I know whats real, my perspective crap doesn't just apply to my patheticness I can see right through a horny dude that would fuck her and leave her and someone like me. I hate those fuckers. They make her untrustworthy. They make her think I'm just another guy. One that will blow over his attraction. And I promise to neone I allow read this that I'm not. I don't bullshit people. I hate it, I hate the lies and deceit and I don't do it. least of all to someone I care that much about. I keep telling myself I'm dillusional. She doesn't like me at all. I take lil things that she sees as nothing and want to make them more. But she never confirms or denys ne of it. I don't care about the shit I've done in the past. I don't' think about that when I think of her. She's not sumthing to make up my past bullshit with. My good deed. That's fucked and never will be or was true. I don't want to give her ne drama or confusion but I can't be a person who goes with the flow when the flow says no…thing. I mean too soon after break up? Thinks I'm full of shit? Not religious? Cuss too much? Don't try enough? I'm too cute so it can't be looks . I just want to never stop talking cus that's all that happens in my head, nonstop whats and what ifs and why and when. Ugh this would be the most boring thing in the world to read. Nick acting like a bitch and ranting again. That's why its private, u asked for it. EVERY FUCKING THING I love about her. Even this game. The fact that she's that complex and could be going through the same crap I am is a good thing to me. She can do no wrong in my eyes. I hate the fact she wants to cut her hair but she can't be wrong, she's almost too beautiful. I don't want to be all creepy and look at her all the time but I'm literally captivated. I'm tired of headache and not sleeping and staring off into space and getting pissed at the thoughts of not making her my everything. I want to understand her, work out the inner puzzle. Everyone else wants to call what they have love then so be it. fuck them if they don't go through the same things I do. Just emptiness.

Sunday, September 3, 2006

[9] HA, Okay So I've Cracked Now Right?

DISCLAIMER: Back when I started writing, I had no qualms about rambling, shit punctuation, no paragraphs, and text speak versions of words. I didn't spell check. It's not until about the 20s of the blogs where I pretend I have a grasp of the English language.

Current mood: dude wtf

Ok so this is prolly gonna sound a lil crazy but I'm watchin the o.c. right and I learn of marissas death and like it really really pissed me off…I'm confused as to why its buggin me so much I mean it's a fuckin tv show right so I'm blogging this shit to try and talk my brain into makin sense of it..

Like her and ryan were so like "it" fuckin the perfectness of their imperfectness was just like those fuckers from the notebook. And like bam some bullshit car accident and she's dead? Wtf. Its like I hate that who death can get u at any minute bullshit cus it fucking adds so much to the depression and suppression of ppl's will to live. Its like if rich hot white girl with caring boyfriend and family can't make it…..fuck. I got to thinking of what would happen if sumone I really cared about just like poof fucking dead like that in sum bullshit death scene out of a movie. Mind u I'm not a violent guy but like the mental snap in my mind would make me afraid of myself. Like ok I get it ppl die I can reason through shit but it's the loss of potential and sumthing true that kills me. I like my parents and shit but ya if they died I'd be sad but like know it was coming if u get me at all. There's really no more roads to travel and they don't like influence my inner feelings and shit. But like if ms. Dream girl just like up and died like then where's the will to go on when u've invested so much of urself towards the magic of making life so special for that person. Fuckin, u can be as rich and nice and bullshit as can be but if ur inner shit isn't worked out it don't mean a thing. That's what I think ppl misunderstand about me. Ok I talk of being a rich millionair dictator when I'm older. Sure I could be it. but how many rich millionaire dictators star in the notebook. That's the true feeling I want. Sumthing worth accomplishing. Fuckin this bamf comes and turns the world upside down for ppl but it's a fuckin chick that puts him in a good place. The shit they have makes all the crazy tvland bs just melt away. Why does it always have to be on tv and then wtf are they doing killing it on tv! Shit. Either way, I'm better understood now, still pissed, but know why at least.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

[8] Uh Oh, Nasty Thoughts A Brewin

DISCLAIMER: Back when I started writing, I had no qualms about rambling, shit punctuation, no paragraphs, and text speak versions of words. I didn't spell check. It's not until about the 20s of the blogs where I pretend I have a grasp of the English language.

Current mood: just another headache 

There's no such thing as love. It's a myth, fairytale brought about after those who could find nothing left to live for started looking for excuses. Its centered around lies and ambition and is and isn't so many things that for it to exist would be a fallacy in logic. Things happen that make u attracted to sumone. Their looks or personality whatever. There's no deep inner core button that's pushed when u lay eyes on "the one." Life is always there to pay u the friendly reminder that ura dumbass if u don't look at the whole picture and see things for what they really are. U'll get caught up in an instant or a feature and make it so much more if u don't learn to control urself. Love is a choice like all things, u can say that the people ur with u luv or u don't. theres infatuation, obsession, basic attraction. Love is the ideal. People get lost in their ideals and call it having their dreams come true. Guy grows up to want a girl who cooks, cleans, and massages his back every night. Finds girl, says he loves her, marriage. Always in the back of his head though is suzy who could do all that and more but do to whatever circumstance didn't work out so he settled for less and made it his new "dream". Being with sumone is self centered in itself. Most relationships people are in so they can either get fucked or build their self esteem. Or like me they want someone to shower attention on and make feel special cus their so self centered they can only think of themselves no matter the situation and could in sum sick twisted way use it as sum sort of penance. I mean how sick is that. I can turn my own mind against me to satisy the inner will that gets me everything I want. And I don't' know if I hate that as much as I should. I mean it gets me by in every situation. Sure I might be bored and lonely my whole life but I'll never feel the pain of insincerity about sumone I may have cared more about than neone I've ever know. I'm filled with self doubt about so much shit I do and the decisions I make so I just make them without thinking or things get complicated and I start to fuck them up more than if I just went with the flow. I'm crazy about her? Or am I just crazy? Am I the psycopath that got lucky and can control his urges to do beyond stupid things simply because I take more satisfaction out of knowing I can make the choices or not? I mean things are so crazy like that. One factor of ur personality can turn u from deep to insane. Sincere to completely self centered. I think I can fortell the fucking future with how much I think about and read off people. And when those fortellings keep coming true I start to act in a way that will assure that they don't. its totally fucking retarded, I have perspective and can read situations but I throw it all away in a crazy attempt at having the control of how it works out. But then, what else am I supposed to do. Just sit back and let life flow past my eyes and then backwash and replay so I can just how stupid I was for doing or not doing in sum situation? So much to think about, so much I can't work out alone or with neone, It just sits there till I choose to bitch about it in sum drawn out blog that noone can truly understand or appreciate but me. I mean with my assumed perspective comes the knowledge that my life is great, excellent, theres absolutely nuthting I can complain about. Hence why I try to stay calm and cool and don't overact to shit because nothing is as bad as u want to make it. So with such a great life why am I plagued with this mind that sends me in circles and back again. Religion, relationships, love, people in general, situations, circumstances, consequence, all just swirls around over and over until I feel like I could be a strung out junkie who just stops giving a fuck. I can go newhere in life. Do I live up to my potential? No who does. Is living up to my potential worth using sumone to get there to satisfy that sick inner need to be self comfortable? Not at all. And then when do u decide whether its that or not. Can I actually care about sumone as much as I say I do? Would I really do nething or does it just feel like that sumtimes. Do I just want the challenge and then if I fail I can feel happy that I tried. I can make ne precious, fun loving, life changing moment into some overly practical sense that destroy ne chance of it sounding as great as it once did. Its like I attack the will to live. Do I just not see the practicality of life? Am I just going back to the old god questions of why we're here and whats the point and yada yada, totally unoriginal everyone's been there before and settled on one belief or another. They've surround themselves in a shelf of deams and wishes and hopes and don't allow their minds to fuck with them as I allow mind to do to me. And I like to pride myself on being the smart one right, that's rich. I sit here on the bus and watch her sleep on another dude like she did with me, which I though was the greatest moment of my life and yet I can blow it off and say that's just what she does, she's a flirt, its not important and all of a sudden this "life altering" moment just gets killed and all I do is say well should've seen it coming. I base my decision to graduate early, go out and start to really live my life on whether I may or may not get to be with her…I mean that to sumone as presumably logical to me should sound like such a duh situation but at the same time I allow it fuck me over as it has. Maybe that's the purpose of life to actually get lost in those dreams and make things important to you. Hell if I know, I'm just nick, rambling about nothing and everything again.

I think my heads starting to hurt again, I've been sick all day just kind of in a daze thinking and I just wonder if me not caring about so much means that I don't care about everything or more importantly things I should care about more than anything. How am I qualified to decide?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

[7] Transcending Past And (Un)illuminating Future

DISCLAIMER: Back when I started writing, I had no qualms about rambling, shit punctuation, no paragraphs, and text speak versions of words. I didn't spell check. It's not until about the 20s of the blogs where I pretend I have a grasp of the English language.

Current mood: discontent

What the fuck is wrong with people. I dont get it. sumthing is totally fucked up. Everyone knows about it. noone says a goddamn word but me. And then Im the asshole who cant just forget and go along with the bullshit. Fuck that, if theres a problem then do sumthing about it. dont crucify the ones who arent afraid of the truth. When then is it finally ok to say sumthing? After he hits her, after she cuts to far, after the life has been ruined and the time has been wasted? I get it, privacy yada yada and wanting to deal with ur own issues, Im as big an introvert as the rest of em but if I was totally fucked in whatever I was doing and my friends just thought theyd go along and not feel obligated to tell me just how fucked up I am then Id want to kick their ass. Whats the point of friends then? My friends wouldnt let me stay addicted to crack or consistently hurt sumone I cared about. My friends dont talk about the bad stuff behind my back w/o being able to tell me to my face. What the fuck is a friend nemore? I dont think neone has the slightest clue. If people want to be my friend then they know within ten minutes of being with me I will not beat around the bush and bullshit around things but give u the hard truth then and there whether neones mentally kosher with the idea at the time or not. If u dont like that then why pretend to be my friend. Why put on a face if all u perceive me as is a pompass loudmouth know-it-all? Id like to believe people want to know the truth so they know how to go about fixing their problems instead of searching for new ways to cope. How many times do I ask during the day, what? When sumone gives me that face or that under the breath thing? And u know why I ask because I want to make sure I actually did sumthign worth getting such reactions, did I say whats actually going on or was I just trying to be annoying..2 completely different things. Easy to just pass off what I say as nicks typical crap isnt it. especially because it gives u another excuse to put off dealing with ur own issues like everyone thinks they are sooooo capable of taking care of by themselves and nuthing to show for their "efforts". I see things in black and white, simple w/o the construed mixed emotion b/s. and most things are like that whether u choose to believe it or not. If ur too big a person to just tell me things or hear what needs to be said then stop playing like ur a friend of mine. I dont need faces and fake people in my life who only know how to play with drama instead of how to work to fix it. u know what u get with me, everyday the same, if Im not what ur about then why talk to me, why keep me around and pretend like Ill change and fit in the the regular flow of things. Id like to believe Im not totally insane when I rant and say things. Id like for people to agree with me because they actually feel the same way not because they need to be told how to feel or what to do. Im not u or hav ur life, I get that, but I also have the common sense god gave a goat and can see whats happening right in front of me. Maybe u actually get what Im saying but think it would be beyond outlandish to let urself agree. Hell if I know but that doesnt justify me always getting the bulk of the negative feedback for everyone elses conflicting inner self. most the people I know are seniors in highschool or new collegees, 16-21 year olds who still play the games. if ur not gonna grow out of running from ur problems now then how are u going to deal with shit in the future when those problems get even bigger and uve more time to worry and fuss and complicate things. A flaming bag of shit is being sucked towards a giant fan in so many peoples lives. Whats easier, let it hit and then clean up the aftermath or shut off the fan?

U control the switch, whether its me saying how to use it or u coming up with a reason for ur own it still needs to be flipped.

Whether u think Im talking about u or ur friend or a specific situation is irrelevant because the same reasoning can be applied to anything in life.

I feel as if this kinda shadows the last blog so w/e u think Im kinda pissed and dont care if u came to the same assumption because the point doesnt get old to me.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

[6] Meaningful Catchy Titles Are So Blaze

DISCLAIMER: Back when I started writing, I had no qualms about rambling, shit punctuation, no paragraphs, and text speak versions of words. I didn't spell check. It's not until about the 20s of the blogs where I pretend I have a grasp of the English language.

Current mood: sleepy

so i've been told i make people think and have a way with words that isn't afraid to speak my mind. then they get angry at me. not because i told them what i think but because of w/e they start to think. like some people are scared or pissed at the thoughts they get. i don't understand it. i think this is why i nver hav like deep convos with too many people, its like hit on a subject, some comment as to why i'm stupid, awkward silence. i hate it cus then like a day later we're back to being cool and its like nuthing ever got said. its so easy to just forget and put things on the backburn in our minds but why. if u have a problem it will never get better until u come up with a course of action and fix it. things don't go away and will fuck with ur head even when u trick urself into believing they won't. talk or write or do sumthign to organize ur mind and put things into perspective. if u come to a conclusion that is "bad" or unpopular to ur regular way of thinking then explore how u got there and stop lying to urself about the person u really are. the whole reason people are regarded as fake is because they just can't find comfort in all the wrongs and rights that make them up. also, its not beyond dignity if u find someone to help u with things too. not always is ur mind in the right state to handle seemingly everything that falls into ur lap at the same time. life dosn't hav to be overwhelming nor do u hav to think of urself as some mystery that dosn't matter in the intricate webbing of it all. take everything in stride and realize there are more positive u can pull out of the absolute worst situations imaginable.

fyi i'm a listener and advice giver, i luv to influence minds in resolving issues and hopefully provide insight so if u think ur in a super fucked up place despite the whole "crazy nick" thing i've got workin for me i find myself able to get people happier wether they want to be or not.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

[5] Damned If You Do, Fucked Even More If You Don't

DISCLAIMER: Back when I started writing, I had no qualms about rambling, shit punctuation, no paragraphs, and text speak versions of words. I didn't spell check. It's not until about the 20s of the blogs where I pretend I have a grasp of the English language.

Words are a bitch. Words cause good they cause bad, they arise feelings that weren't supposed to be there and they kill things that were so precious before words went and fucked with them. I've never been one too good with words as my everyday life seems to keep showing me. If u know me at all u know i'm the one who says the shit that pushes it over the edge and makes things all "nick wtf mate?" On the plus side though most people have learned that's just my way. i don't put too much stock into what people say, only actions. you can say the most seemingly hurtful and hateful thing to me and i can brush it off as if it was nuthing. i guess i just assume people can do the same thing when i say shit. so yeah turns out i'm hella wrong. For neone out there reading this that's ever felt angry, uncomfortable, offend or w/e else for the love of god please know that i say shit and don't think. Most if not all of the time when i say stupid shit to press ur buttons its because i'm cool with u and figure if u can put up with me to keep talking to me and even dish it back out then there isn't a problem. The problem comes when people can't just tell me exactly what i said or when i say sumthing that makes them uncomfortable. Its not my intent to piss off the world or make people i thought were my friends think i'm trying to be ultra creepy or stupid just for them. If you have a problem tell me outright. how will i ever learn to make those little personality tweeks that allow me to better relate to u if u hold shit in and never slap me in the face with it? i'm all about being who u are and doing what u want, and what i want is to be cool with people who want to be cool with me. everyone's different and if i'm around u i want to know exactly what's appropriate and what's not. Saying shit to managers at work for example about the dumbass usher conversations and comments i make instead of coming to me first is a major problem for me especially when i straight up asked for sumone to tell me when the envelope was pushed too far. Saying and doing are sooooo completly differnt. I know i'm a super perv sumtimes and saying some super perveted crap is totally different than me just going for a boob grab or sumthing. I just don't know what will become of this situation or how to really express my confusion and distress. I don't deny nething or regret nething cus this has been a major learning opportunity for me. Neone have a problem or comment as to what they hate or sumthing about me then hell use that as a comment or sumthing. No shit i'm not perfect, i'm crazy, and all that jazz but i want specifics, no holds bar, everything u think is wrong with me. I'm sick of blurred lines and misinterpretations.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

[4] Head Into Another Start One Direction

DISCLAIMER: Back when I started writing, I had no qualms about rambling, shit punctuation, no paragraphs, and text speak versions of words. I didn't spell check. It's not until about the 20s of the blogs where I pretend I have a grasp of the English language.

Current mood: i have a headache
i want to get bored with life. I want my friends to not joke about killing themselves because they really feel worse than they put on. I want to experience everything and not view it as nothing. I want that one girl to leave that one dick. I want someone to make someone happier than i could ever make myself. I want to believe i'm wise beyond my years. I want to help people with their problems and understand why. I want to stop starting every sentence with I want. i'll take want over need ne day cus need will fuck u up if u don't get it. at least u'll learn sumthing by not getting what u want. and isn't that what's important? to learn shit to help ur decision process for the future. i find that a lot of people are scared to learn. not abc's and 123's kind of bullshit but life in general. the hard lessons that will ultimately make them stronger but generally scare them away. let's take one of my favorite subjects relationships for example. i know too many people in just crappy relationships that are so confused about what they want from the relationship they just leave things be and continue to be unhappy. now i'm all for people making their own decisions and living their lives how they want but i can't sit idley by and believe u want to be fighting or unsure about ur relationship. i don't know if it's just highschool or the world in general but when i see so many of my friends practically locking themselves to sumone who dosn't make them happy it pisses me off. what's the point of playing with sumone's emotions if u arn't going to put the effort into it? is getting pussy worth making sumone vulnerable. people have killed themselves over less mental turmoil yet there are so many that will manipulate these girls to sickening ends. i've said it before but it should never get old....find sumone who will immortalize u in their eyes....not in that creepy i will follow u around on a chain and watch u sleep at night kinda way but in a way that u actually feel their love and not just hear it. So many random "i love u's" in the halls from kids who've been dating for only a few weeks. i mean is love so unexperienced and misunderstood that it can be thrown about as though it were a ragdoll? how depressing is that, the one thing that people should strive for and cherish is the one thing most oftenly used to exploit and manipulate with. if u hav to completly change ur identity for love then its not love. i know happy outgoing people who turn into ms. obedient and reserved so as not to anger their "loved" one when he's around. how do u justify that sort of relationship where one says jump and the other says how high? [overload of sarcasm point coming up] u've been with sumone for three years, u've gone through sooooo much together, he's aquarius and ur piscies, u lost ur virginity to him, he's tall dark and handsom, he blah blah blahed ur blah blah blah. NONE of that shit should keep u tied down if u don't truly love someone. yeah, relationships have problems most easy enough to work out. first and foremost if u think u love sumone then by all means try to work it out and prove to each other that ur worth each other. it's important to realize though that after u've tried to work it out, after u've told the one u "love" ur problem and put the effort into it that u see how they react to that information. u cry and express ur feelings to him and he says sum b/s and tries to denouce ur feelinggs or pretend like they don't exsist than i don't care what u may think but u have to run as far as u can as quick as posible. u hav so little time to find the one ur truly ment for. don't be afraid to break off sumthing that isn't healthy and meaningful. don't trick urself into believing what u hav is good and all the while looking at someone else and wishing u had what they had. u can only become stronger now armed with the knowledge of what not to have in ur relationship. FUCK COMFORT ZONES. prolly the one of the most dangerous things on the planet concerning the judgement about ur feelings. he treats u like shit and now u've just learned to deal. fuck that with ten thousand dicks. u should be happy with hurdles u overcome together. not pushed under water let up to breath only long enough to keep u alive and give u enough hope things will get better.
maybe there are those out there that think i've some motive to say the things i do, that i'm not in a long relationship or their situation is different than neone elses but i always say the same thing. u love them so much to suffer for them, why don't they do it for u? they say they love u and they they'll be with u forever. they never show it or make u feel it. neone can hold u in their arms, kiss u, make u smile or laugh every once in a while. a select few can make u actually feel loved and safe and important enough that there is no question about the love or devotion to that person.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

[3] Please Don't Read!!! Not Reverse Psychology

DISCLAIMER: Back when I started writing, I had no qualms about rambling, shit punctuation, no paragraphs, and text speak versions of words. I didn't spell check. It's not until about the 20s of the blogs where I pretend I have a grasp of the English language.

so yeah this was a response to a post this guy put up on the m'ville myspace page and i figured it would get more attention over here so fucking read it now or god will kill u.......and that previous fake outburst with the whole god will kill u thing won't make ne sense or lose it's merit until u read so yeah just do it....

ok so i'm not trying to hate on religion or nething but i just have to respond to this. do i believe in a higher power, yes. do i believe there has to be something after this so called life on earth, yes. would i have a problem with accepting someone who will let me into "heaven, " no. the only thing i don't get is why does god give us such annilitical minds to come to the conclusions that we may want to be an atheist or agnostic. why does a god who gives man such power to do such terrible things and think in their own way if he wanted everyone to automatically accept a common belief. does the arab in iraq go straight to hell because he dosn't except jesus as his savior? does the little kid that was told his entire life by his family and friends that god dosn't exist go to hell because he dosn't accept christ? do god and jesus want you to go out and convert everyone and tell them their religion is wrong and u r right? is it possible to believe that entitiy of such power would be a little less about having everyone join the crowd and mabye more about them having faith in general? While there is no problem in believing what u believe in or trusting god, the question is do u trust man? were u there when the people writing jesus's words down exactly how he said them and conveyed them exactly how he wanted them to? why if there is one way for people to follow that will get them into heaven are there so many versions of the bible. why when u look at the entire spectrum of life would one bad human who lived a sinful life earth be entitled to eteranl damnation. and on the other hand why would someone who led the good life and accept christ be endowed to and eternity of prosperity. it dosn't seem to add up. if u look at the whole universe it's all based on a balance. why not look at that and model it for something more. a balance between good and evil. i'd personally like to believe that god sends us through cycles kinda like the buddhist with the reincarnation. god loves us so why not send us back to keep the balance of good and evil in a different life after a stay in hell or heaven or even a stay anywhere at all. whether u think logically or spiritually it's undeniable that an unfathomable amount of coincidences didn't just randomly form the universe and everything in it. with that thought though u can't just assume that humans are the important ones that get to go to heaven after accepting christ. there has to be more to the whole exsistance thing but noone can say they are right and someone else is wrong. there are people just like u in iraq and china and where ever else that will tell u the same thing about their god and their saviors or prophets. i'm not saying religions are wrong but they are relative and noones one way to believe in something is going to save mankind over the next persons.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

[2] I Hate!...Eh, One More Thing

DISCLAIMER: Back when I started writing, I had no qualms about rambling, shit punctuation, no paragraphs, and text speak versions of words. I didn't spell check. It's not until about the 20s of the blogs where I pretend I have a grasp of the English language.

Current mood: blank
so i just got done talking to my friend brandon about what people do with their lives and why they do them and i figured i'd finish up my lil rant session here so..........
i left off at saying fuck carpe diem and saying seize the minute if not the very second. it's bullshit to go through life 9-5 saying u'd like to live ur life to the fullest but reality kicked in. Reality is what u make of it. if u wanna be that millionair who gets to sit on his ass and drink martini's or w/e all day then u make ur reality. i'd like to believe man's true inherent nature is to live. not live under someone giving u orders ur whole life or live wondering if they'll keep their home next month. People get themselves into these ruts because they get sucked into the public acceptance that the only thing certain is death and taxes. they never go out and make a change or try to change something. either that or they do go out fail once and then they say they gave it the good ol college try or some b/s. i mean parents will nag kids for weeks about cleaning their room but never choose to do nething but just that. does that parent give two shits about the cleanliness of the that room? in all actuallity what the hell does it matter if the room is clean. why not make sure ur kids not a fucking psycho making dolls from the hair he collects off his crush or some shit not if his room is clean. that parents is more concerned over bills or what their spouse or boss or friends are gonna think of them if they do this or that. that in itself is also a choice. people in general care so much about what everyone else thinks, and for what? so they can die yrs later and say they were popular. i mean it all boils down to death. ur all fucked to be blunt. who r u trying to impress with decisions to be someone else. why put urself through hell because ur afraid ur "friend" isn't going to accept u. why do u need someone to give u that constant reasurrance that ur hair is fine or ur ass is small. fuck that. if u want ur hair to be fine make it fine in ur eyes, if u want ur ass small go out and work it off, or not it dosnt' fucking matter it's ur choice. it dosn't even matter if u want to be that fake person either but all it dose is take away from u living ur life. how can neone choose to do that? i tell people all the time i'm going to make money and have my lil mansion and do as i like for the rest of my life. they all tell me it's b/s, life will kick in, shit happens, blah fucking blah. no shit life gets in the way. so what i'll change it. ur future is a product of what u put into it. u wanna be happy? u make urself happy. u wanna have money? go out and get it. u want a million friends? do what u need to do to get those friends. ur choice. i choose to tell everyone their full of shit because they try to put my hopes for the future down and by doing that i'm living. i'm being true to myself. u call people crazy who may dance in the mall to some music from a store but why? because it makes u feel better to see someone do something u'd prolly do if someone wasn't looking? like neone's gonna remember that shit newayz ten minutes from then. specially when UR ALL GONNA FUCKING DIE later. it dosn't matter. even me trying to be rich and lazy. that dosn't matter. all that matters is the choices we make and whether they determine if we're actually living or not. i choose not to live in the past and have regrets and it only helps me achieve my goals for the future. so yeah i think i'm done and talked circles around myself and hav gotten all cross eyed so if u chose to read this than cool w/e if not then cool w/e peace homebodies and no i don't care if i sound like a complainy bitch or super cool philosipher sooooo yeah i'm done, later

Monday, July 10, 2006

[1] If You're A Girl You Better Fucking Read This

Sorry about the title, I'm just trying to draw attention to this post. lol...

Okay, so this is like a call-out for the inner workings of the womanly mind. Over and over, I talk to my friends who have been in relationships that do nothing but fuck them square in the ass, and despite my warnings and suggestions, they still fawn over the assholes that fucked them over. If your boyfriend makes you cry, orders you to do things, or makes your friends and family uncomfortable... leave his ass now. It's plain and simple. I know he acts differently in private. I know he has deep feelings that you don't want to hurt. I know u might be in a comfort zone with the relationship and you don't know how things would be afterward. I know those are all bullshit reasons to stay with someone.

Why sacrifice what you could have in a relationship for someone who pretends to give two shits about you and whispers those sweet little, and actual nothings, in your ear? Every girl I've ever asked this doesn't know why and just says, "Because that's just how girls are." That's total crap. I'm sorry, but it is. Everything has a reason be it genes or upbringing or whatever, and I need someone to establish how badly those things affect a girl to keep her in a bad relationship. Moreover, her still feel things for the guy who now doesn't talk to her, doesn't look at her, and basically erased her from his memory.

This is a major thing I want every single girl to realize now, 90% of guys are in it for the pussy, if I'm to be blunt.
They will feed you mounds upon mounds of crap to see how far they can get you to go. I don't care if they are charming, sweet, borderline gay a.k.a. metro, it's instinct, it's low and sad but it's true. I'm sick of girls getting hurt in these relationships crying for days over someone that never gave a damn in the first place. Within three months I've personally had five people tell me how they are crying or worrying about the ones who've caused horrible riffs in their lives. And three of these are after I told them exactly what would happen before they even went out! Who honestly looks for trouble like that?

Now remember, this is only about 90% of guys.
I'm not bashing your current boyfriend or anything, but you girls truly need to look at your relationships. If u don't feel like a queen, if he doesn't try to make you feel special everyday, and if there's a pool of drama spotted with "good times" here and there, get out now. There's billions of guys and the odds are in your favor of finding one that will treat you as you should. So please, send me some insight behind the girl psyche so I can either stop complaining and blame it on those damn genetics, or get angry at the parents and family that brought their little girl up to be walked on. So, please leave a comment or something to help explain.