Monday, July 10, 2006

[1] If You're A Girl You Better Fucking Read This

Sorry about the title, I'm just trying to draw attention to this post. lol...

Okay, so this is like a call-out for the inner workings of the womanly mind. Over and over, I talk to my friends who have been in relationships that do nothing but fuck them square in the ass, and despite my warnings and suggestions, they still fawn over the assholes that fucked them over. If your boyfriend makes you cry, orders you to do things, or makes your friends and family uncomfortable... leave his ass now. It's plain and simple. I know he acts differently in private. I know he has deep feelings that you don't want to hurt. I know u might be in a comfort zone with the relationship and you don't know how things would be afterward. I know those are all bullshit reasons to stay with someone.

Why sacrifice what you could have in a relationship for someone who pretends to give two shits about you and whispers those sweet little, and actual nothings, in your ear? Every girl I've ever asked this doesn't know why and just says, "Because that's just how girls are." That's total crap. I'm sorry, but it is. Everything has a reason be it genes or upbringing or whatever, and I need someone to establish how badly those things affect a girl to keep her in a bad relationship. Moreover, her still feel things for the guy who now doesn't talk to her, doesn't look at her, and basically erased her from his memory.

This is a major thing I want every single girl to realize now, 90% of guys are in it for the pussy, if I'm to be blunt.
They will feed you mounds upon mounds of crap to see how far they can get you to go. I don't care if they are charming, sweet, borderline gay a.k.a. metro, it's instinct, it's low and sad but it's true. I'm sick of girls getting hurt in these relationships crying for days over someone that never gave a damn in the first place. Within three months I've personally had five people tell me how they are crying or worrying about the ones who've caused horrible riffs in their lives. And three of these are after I told them exactly what would happen before they even went out! Who honestly looks for trouble like that?

Now remember, this is only about 90% of guys.
I'm not bashing your current boyfriend or anything, but you girls truly need to look at your relationships. If u don't feel like a queen, if he doesn't try to make you feel special everyday, and if there's a pool of drama spotted with "good times" here and there, get out now. There's billions of guys and the odds are in your favor of finding one that will treat you as you should. So please, send me some insight behind the girl psyche so I can either stop complaining and blame it on those damn genetics, or get angry at the parents and family that brought their little girl up to be walked on. So, please leave a comment or something to help explain.