Tuesday, June 30, 2009

[143] My Version

Since its everyone's business and I don't give a fuck anymore, I'll make my case.

I'm not a relationship person, I don't lie to people about what I do and don't feel about them. I told Steev this from the beginning. I try, I really do try to find reasons to care about people and you'd think being able to talk to someone, work out world (or at least campus domination), and awesome, say fun times would be enough. NO. It's never enough. Let's make it dramatic and say your falling in love. Let's tell me "British style relationship" and then get angry at me for following the rules. The truth is, I incessantly had to essentially force the conversations to get ounces of truth or understanding between us. I'll take the blame for being the idiot who's maniacally complicated, but I try to talk things out or give perspective whenever I can. I'll accept all responsibility for whatever mess or confusion this shit has caused because I saw it coming and didn't stop. When she tried to break it off I was opposed because I thought it was a simple matter of better definitions and more talking. I was wrong. Take whatever story you want from her that makes me look like the intentional asshole because it won't be worth bringing up again after this.

Yes, I care/d about her for who she is and how we relate/d. I was never out to hurt her which is what I had to tell her everyday because again, I didn't want to acknowledge what I saw behind her "it's fine" and "it's cools." It was my mistake.

Also, its frankly bullshit the way some of the guys, including myself I recently learned, treat her normally. Unzipping costumes, ass grabs, and punches to the arms and chest that leave bruises are fucking pathetic. And I know she doesn't want me to say anything, but I'll go on sounding stupid trying to make up for my silence then anyway.

How easy it would've been for me to lie. "Yes dear, I love you to," "of course I'll do all I can to make this an awesome relationship," "No, I don't find other girls attractive."

And to be clear, this isn't me ranting about her or blaming her for shit. I'm doing the only fucking thing I've tried to do this entire time and be honest and put my perspective out there. I know where I fucked up, and I still am frankly confused about many things. I understand that serious questions can get lost in the jokes. I don't ever know what people mean by "normal relationship" or "most people" and it can be just as hard for me to read the "joke" in the answer to one of my serious questions as it is for someone to understand me. In any event, I'm learning from the past and refusing to dwell or blow things up. Take this for what you will, but I'm done.  

Saturday, June 27, 2009

[182] Untitled

Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 5:41am

Power struggles, wasted time
Wasted potential, stupid people
Pointless shows and fatty foods
Annoying songs and random moods

No real escape, nothing meant to change
Check out my status, nay my twitter too
Fake consolation, creepy stares
Excuses to screw, unfair fares

Autotune, shoddy products
Wannabees and never wills
Here's a quiz here's a tip
Passing off the same old shit

Free to enjoy your destiny
Waking up to boredom and agony
I'm justified, your justified
Who would dare or care to say otherwise

Reconciling differences
Fourth, fifth, and sixth chances
I don't care I don't care I don't care
Being ashamed of nothing to bare

Who to trust and when to move
Random acts of violence
Refresh to the state of the world
One more round for the dizzy girl

Always wishing harder
Shades of self control
Unable to meet expectations
Judge pious presiding arbitration

Take a joke, take a punch
Slow it down and playback
Timeless question goes unanswered

Updated about a week ago · Comment · LikeUnlike
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 Steev Young at 2:26pm June 27
um...... I like it. very good actually.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

[181] Super Happy Fun Adventure!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 5:47pm

Yesterday we moved my brother into Teter. To preface, I say "my brother" and "my mom" because I've yet to invent terms that would serve a more descriptive and honest purpose. My brother allegedly wants to become a doctor. This is a child who's managed to kill a tortoise from neglect, leave his comforter on a space heater....for months, and take a hammer to his laptop. He's part of the groups program. Given that I like to play games with myself, I volunteer to pretend to be a parent and hang out with my dad, mom, and her husband as IU gives their "we really give a damn about your kids" presentations and programs. I twittered that I'd have to blog about this experience, so here it is.

The morning start out normal enough. I've stayed up all night so by the time we got there my eyes were killing me and I was in the mood to just kinda say anything . My mom shows up to Teter and I guess was taken aback that I had long hair and hadn't shaved. Right from bad movie she sits next to me. A few random questions and platitudes out of the way she says "I missed you" to which I replay "ok" read (you somehow think I give a fuck?). They usher us into the next room and I'm standing against a wall talking to my dad. My mom walks up and tells my dad to get Josh's (my brother) registration so he can get a parking pass, for groups, seven weeks, when he will have no time and no reason to go anywhere. So my dad takes off. Looking like an embarrassed and confused child my mom finally turns to me and proceeds to tell me how closely I need to watch my school money because before I know it it will be gone.

Let's take an aside for you to understand the full bunt of how...ridiculous?....retarded?...."highly connotative word for 'what the fuck' ".... this statement really is. When I started school there was 70K for all four years. It would have covered everything with change to spare when I graduated. Being the brilliant accountant my mom is, she put the money into an account that could fluctuate. Yes, I have school payed off, and the choice is somehow made to turn the college fund into an investment opportunity. Well, freshman year I live in the dorms in a learning community which isn't exactly cheap. She not only gives me shit when I signed on to this shit apartment that saved a few grand, but also when I tried to buy food off campus. I found out a number of months ago that the account had been losing money along with everything else tied too close to our economy. Instead of telling anybody when it first started happening, it just kept going down. 10-15 thousand later she decides to ask....fucking ASK my dad if she should move the money into a more stable account. His response was that of any rational person....duh you stupid, stupid bitch. She decided to email me with my dad's advice on the subject so that I could confirm or deny that she should move the money. This probably done to include me in her game where I feel like I have any control over how the money gets spent.

Back to yesterday. I make a point of stating that I haven't spent 70K nor half of 70K since I've been here, and that if there is anything less in the account, it isn't my fault. No sense of "oh, I see what you did there, or "you got me" just a blank stare.

So the day goes on. We have to cart my brothers shit up to the fourth floor of Teter. He's got himself, my dad, mom, her husband, and some of his roommate's family helping. He also manages to pack all of his shit like this, by not packing. Clothes sitting in piles in the back of his car, all well within the range of a single garbage bag are stacked up along with other random shit. We get done and one of the first comment on my mom's fat disgusting face is "Whoa that was a lot and pretty hard work." Let's compare. I have ten times as much shit as my brother. My dad and I unloaded by ourselves in a few hours, three different times. The bag of clothes she carried up the stairs I'm sure made for quite the arduous trek.

Not to long after this my mom makes sure to say "hey, why don't you go down and get your parking registered before you forget." And now it's time for more context. Just two hours earlier she described my brother as "viewing money as no object." Also, as many of you know, Teter is at most a 15 minute walk to my place where it would make the most sense for the car to reside. Not only is mine fucked up, but I'm the one who needs to go to meetings, go food shopping, etc. not him. My dad apparently telling him that I would need it doesn't matter when he can throw a minor tantrum and get his 40 dollar seven week pass anyway. And how about this, in light of her money as no object comment, she bought him another computer and 32" tv, one or both of which she presented as gifts from her, bought with his SCHOOL money. The same money I'm squandering and need to keep tabs on...with no access to the account.

So at the end of day I've managed to get passively scolded and remanded to keep track of money that's been skull fucked while under her control. I'm looked at with pissed off condemnation, and basically ignored for wanting to use a car for credible purposes with it still always available to my brother in a parking lot that doesn't cost money. That's part of the thank you for unloading his shit I assume.

Today: I get a phone call from my dad asking me a favor. My mom had called my dad this morning to ask if he had heard from Josh because when she tried to call him all she got was his voice mail, and therefore, it's reason to freak the fuck out. My dad had I guess talked to Josh later that day and per my mom's incessant badgering managed to make Puss, oohh I like that, Josh is renamed Puss. So, she manages to make Puss homesick with classic questions like "are you sure you can handle this, groups is pretty intense" and "won't you miss your friends?" So what was the favor my dad asks? Can I try to call him or talk with him and assure him that it's okay, he'll make friends, and that he can survive a few weeks here in Bloomington. Apparently his roommate who he's been friends with all through high school has managed to find other people to hang with so his only contact has "somehow" found other, and dare I say cooler, friends.

A final moment of Zen wrap-up if you will: After "reading the directions over and over again" deciding it "just doesn't work" my brother tells my mom he's going to throw away his new Ipod alarm clock and "worst case scenario he'll just have to buy another one."

Written about 2 weeks ago · Comment · LikeUnlike
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 Billy Bowman at 5:59pm June 21

 David Jaffe at 6:33pm June 21
 Andrei Vajiac at 6:56pm June 21
i am in shock after reading about the displays of douchebaggery and utter retardation you wrote about above.
well... to be honest, what do you expect from your mother? certainly nothing rational or logical...

 Jared Pease at 7:51am June 24
Let me get this straight-your mom had 70k saved, just for your college, and all you can show for gratitude is a bunch of behind the back insults?

I can't say I'm surprised if you aren't her favorite.

 Nick P. at 1:05pm June 24
I'd think you'd give me more credit. No, in fact, my dad got a settlement that luckily accounts for the money in that account. My mom had nothing to do with it. On top of that, she never misses an opportunity to try and claim that she had to fight my dad in court for it to be in the account and somehow her "struggle" is the only reason it's in there. So, she slanders my dad who almost died for the money, she squanders it out of stupidity, and you get to accuse me of being ungrateful.

 Brian J Morrow at 7:02pm June 24
Honestly, does Puss stand a chance!?

Please tell me he atleast knows where [and how to get back from] the Union... I see you writing another note about this kid calling you mid-lecture on the first day of classing asking `How the fuck do I get back to campus?´ or some odd, far off equivilent.
... Read More
PS. These ARE serious question, folks! If you meet this kid...

 Michele Elizabeth Zerbe at 9:45pm June 24
Corbin's mother bought him that iPod alarm clock and I put the thing together without even looking at the directions. Also, I have a Twitter, never typed a single "tweet," subsequently forgot my username/password, and the website wouldn't send me both, so I gave up, and I've still managed to get two followers, who I can't find out who they are because I can't log on. :/ Just thought I'd comment about the least significant parts of this note. ;)

 Brandy Dieterle at 4:30pm June 25
I've never met your mom but I think it would've be funny to be there when she saw you, the expression on her face. More than funny, hilarious actually. Then she goes on to tell you she missed you?