Friday, December 22, 2006

[15] Let's Change the World.....Right after American Idol...

Current mood: unsettled
I just got out of the movie "Letters From Iwo Jima" and that led to a discussion with me, my dad, and brother about war and politics and it is all definitely blog worthy. I personally don't understand war. You have to get 1 overly war hungry person that dupes half a nation? Like sheep thousands are slaughtered for what? Your friends, your family are the ones out in Iraq right now. How many people know the real details behind the war? What are the motives to keep someone from just living and loving their families? People need to start thinking about life and what's really important. I like to fuss over girl issues and problems of the heart and though that may be self centered or petty in some people's eyes it's a hell of a lot better than worrying about being drafted or if someone in my family is coming home in a body bag. Who wouldn't the freedom to care about love? I want to join Stamper's rally and I encourage anyone who reads this to join as well. The problems with your president and government are finally hitting home, what are you going to do? Is the country doomed to fall for more Republican propaganda. "They're gonna take my guns away! Mitch Daniels loves motorcycles! Fuck faggots and keep every baby from girls raped by their sick relatives!" Meanwhile our wallets, sanity, and safety all suffer. I'm tired of being surrounded by sheep. Everywhere, everyone wants the same things in life, the simple things that make them happy yada yada, yet because people lie to themselves and allow their decisions to be made for them history repeats itself. Its crazy but friggin hippies have probably made it the farthest in the quest for happiness and all it took was weed and hacky sacks. I want to believe people are angry or passionate about changing things, whether they know how to or not. To be honest, I hear things from my dad everyday about politics and history yet I feel like I can't really make a difference. And honestly, I don't think I can as one person. But, things like Stamper's rally or w/e are perfect examples to show that you think, you give a damn about something and want to change and can shake the frustration of being the one w/o a voice. The fact that it would take so much work to get the point where people are doing NOTHING, nothing but trying to better themselves is fucking ridiculous. No child left behind? Some fucking kids need and choose to be left behind, and here's an idea, don't cut fucking funding for the kids in the process of "helping" them. How do we stop war and bring the troops home? Of course! SEND MORE TROOPS! Especially when its to a country we never had a reason to fight. Things like this are right in front of you, everyday, and how can we stop it all? Does anyone even care anymore? I dunno, I can't really go on because as I said, I don't know all the details, and I don't really follow politics, but when things finally start to hit home you realize how numb to it all you can become. Depressing as it sounds I think our generation may be reduced to nothing but fist shakers and pigs led to slaughter. Strategy from the Nazi's and Japanese, the one time Bush did his homework.