Tuesday, July 11, 2006

[2] I Hate!...Eh, One More Thing

DISCLAIMER: Back when I started writing, I had no qualms about rambling, shit punctuation, no paragraphs, and text speak versions of words. I didn't spell check. It's not until about the 20s of the blogs where I pretend I have a grasp of the English language.

Current mood: blank
so i just got done talking to my friend brandon about what people do with their lives and why they do them and i figured i'd finish up my lil rant session here so..........
i left off at saying fuck carpe diem and saying seize the minute if not the very second. it's bullshit to go through life 9-5 saying u'd like to live ur life to the fullest but reality kicked in. Reality is what u make of it. if u wanna be that millionair who gets to sit on his ass and drink martini's or w/e all day then u make ur reality. i'd like to believe man's true inherent nature is to live. not live under someone giving u orders ur whole life or live wondering if they'll keep their home next month. People get themselves into these ruts because they get sucked into the public acceptance that the only thing certain is death and taxes. they never go out and make a change or try to change something. either that or they do go out fail once and then they say they gave it the good ol college try or some b/s. i mean parents will nag kids for weeks about cleaning their room but never choose to do nething but just that. does that parent give two shits about the cleanliness of the that room? in all actuallity what the hell does it matter if the room is clean. why not make sure ur kids not a fucking psycho making dolls from the hair he collects off his crush or some shit not if his room is clean. that parents is more concerned over bills or what their spouse or boss or friends are gonna think of them if they do this or that. that in itself is also a choice. people in general care so much about what everyone else thinks, and for what? so they can die yrs later and say they were popular. i mean it all boils down to death. ur all fucked to be blunt. who r u trying to impress with decisions to be someone else. why put urself through hell because ur afraid ur "friend" isn't going to accept u. why do u need someone to give u that constant reasurrance that ur hair is fine or ur ass is small. fuck that. if u want ur hair to be fine make it fine in ur eyes, if u want ur ass small go out and work it off, or not it dosnt' fucking matter it's ur choice. it dosn't even matter if u want to be that fake person either but all it dose is take away from u living ur life. how can neone choose to do that? i tell people all the time i'm going to make money and have my lil mansion and do as i like for the rest of my life. they all tell me it's b/s, life will kick in, shit happens, blah fucking blah. no shit life gets in the way. so what i'll change it. ur future is a product of what u put into it. u wanna be happy? u make urself happy. u wanna have money? go out and get it. u want a million friends? do what u need to do to get those friends. ur choice. i choose to tell everyone their full of shit because they try to put my hopes for the future down and by doing that i'm living. i'm being true to myself. u call people crazy who may dance in the mall to some music from a store but why? because it makes u feel better to see someone do something u'd prolly do if someone wasn't looking? like neone's gonna remember that shit newayz ten minutes from then. specially when UR ALL GONNA FUCKING DIE later. it dosn't matter. even me trying to be rich and lazy. that dosn't matter. all that matters is the choices we make and whether they determine if we're actually living or not. i choose not to live in the past and have regrets and it only helps me achieve my goals for the future. so yeah i think i'm done and talked circles around myself and hav gotten all cross eyed so if u chose to read this than cool w/e if not then cool w/e peace homebodies and no i don't care if i sound like a complainy bitch or super cool philosipher sooooo yeah i'm done, later