Monday, September 1, 2008

[60] The Gates Of Hell

The Gates of Hell
D'Souza just can't get over himself can he? In a closing remark with his debate with Dan Dennett, D'Souza states that its god respecting your denial of him and allowing you to enter hell. Ummm can no one see where this is slightly skewed reasoning? Aside from this being based from completely subjective Christian logic, when has anyone made a choice to not believe in something and then be punished accordingly by rules which can't be agreed upon? When you made up your mind that Santa didn't exist, did your parents slap you around a bit because keeping the dream will make you behave a little better around the holidays?

Dinesh speaks to those who want a sermon. It can be loud, it can drift from here and there, take in parts of this and that, dosn't actually have to be coherent but by golly he said it with such passion and went to school for this stuff, how could he be wrong? Over and over and over, hell one more over and over he comes to the table with "We have NATURAL LAWS and five senses that restrict our information, restrict our understanding." IN THE NEXT SENTENCE he says, a belief in god (a being outside of nature) is the MOST PLAUSIBLE and, according to Occam's Razor, most likely considered correct for its simplicity. Hold on one second there Dinesh 'ol boy I think you just shot yourself in the head and then thought to yourself, thank god I remembered to load this thing.

I like to keep the arguments for god removed from critism of the bible or a specific religion. As if it wasn't shaky enough ground to try and argue for a being you openly admit can't be percieved, you then try and drag those shattered remains of an arguement over magnificent claims about human life and the world. This is why I suggest to anyone who sincerely wants to put their effort into refuting a Christian to first, give up, and second attack the bible. No, don't set it on fire or throw it away, quote its passages, question the "context" that people try to throw at you, falsify its claims.

"Christianity" as I've said in the past has taken on so much more weight than mere belief in a book and the necessity of good and bad, for most educated people of the world. What used to be a shield for becoming frustrated or depressed about our situation has taken on the will to find any topic it can, lay an egg in it, and then have it reburst onto the scene like Alien. Easy example, non-believing Einstein who could've stood to re-word some things more carefully is quoted over and over and over by Dinesh in a mere charicature of the true meaning of his theories. Don't try to downplay Christianity because it is literally these things:

How people relate to their closest friends.
What people call love.
Where they find mental peace and understanding.
How they can find truth amidst their sometimes perfectly chaotic existances.

The list goes on for however many interpretations that exist. Whether people want to say, no Christianity is X and god is Y, I think this is a lie when how they convey their faith comes across to me. For whatever reason people can't, or sincerely don't want, to disassociate the choice of viewing things that way, from the idea that they are divinely mandated.

Christianity aside, Dinesh goes for atheism. For the umpteeth time atheism is the LACK of belief, not something you can do an action in the name of, another thing Dinesh so ignorantly says you can do, over and over and over again. I've read Neitzshe and understand evolution and its not my "extreme Darwinism" and feindish lack of belief that would motivate publically unacceptable behavior. To keep hearing these things tied together is becoming more than annoying. No one has, nor ever will, wave the invisible flag of the Fairies after conquering a land that was mandated to them by the head invisible fairy.

I know that people are capable of keeping the bible in whatever context they want in their own minds. I keep hearing "read the bible for yourself" as the advice to my critisms. "keep things in context." My short answer to this is, read the other holy books, learn of the other religions, keep them in context, then tell me every single reason why you don't believe in them. When your list is compiled put "reasons why I don't believe you" and resubmit it to yourself. My frustration comes from people who try to disassociate themselves from the real world and tie all their problems into dogmatic belief. All I'm trying to say is that we're not so different, you and I, and if we could have a conversation where god remained in the realms outside of perception, you'd see why our same questions, confusions, and hardships are what really need to be focued on, and by throwing your arms in the air and proclaiming god, the only thing your "helping" is yourself.