Monday, September 15, 2008

[132] Holy Hell House

Monday, September 15, 2008 at 6:24pm

Holy Hell. (Almost too perfect of a phrase for this level of irony.)

I just got done watching Hell House. Familiar feelings of sadness, desperation, and anxiety coupled with my heart beating faster and breath quickening signal the flag to write. Using fear to show how much Jesus loves you, a theme I will never understand. Abortions, being gay, going to raves, and even being picked on will lead to suicide, rape, and devil characters speaking in funny voices about how terrible the world is. The whole production is really quite sick. If you thought the charge of “death cult” was a bit harsh on the Christian community, I urge you to watch this documentary.

It will continue to baffle me someone who says something like, “we aren't doing anything, it is all up to God.” We built the house, came up with the script, and auditioned the actors, but now is the time to really see God's work. Whether you completely disagree with how the scenes were set up or not, its “really” about, bottom line, whether or not you have a relationship with Jesus. All the time spent on the juicy details was just to get their rocks off I guess.

Perhaps the most troubling is how adamant they are about marginalizing the serious problems that plague us. With the cheeriest of smiles someone will state, “We live in a horrible, horrible place, and we are beginning the end times, BUT it's always nice to know eternity is waiting for us. ::giggle::” You think you've been mind-fucked by watching meat spin and 2 girls 1 cup? Try being a 7-12 year old contemplating what it will be like to suffer and burn for all eternity. If you watch, you'll see their looks, and its absolutely gut wrenching. I think as a way of combating their fear they make these little plays, and talk so matter-of-factly about it, so that it doesn't creep in when they're alone. I would liken this to behavior of soldiers under extreme duress, laughing or joking about nearly missing the roadside bomb perhaps.

Obviously, nothing is sacred to me, and I'm just as quick to joke about rape, suicide, and being gay, but there is a truly fundamental difference between my disposition and theirs. I've at least dealt first hand with people who've discussed feelings and thoughts about life's problems, and we've worked on making things better. I fully appreciate and recognize what those events, and thoughts on them, can and will do. These people speak from a position of their own desperation. They are so blaze and cavalier it's as if rape and suicide were gum drops and candy canes. Ugh, I really wish I could put this better and I apologize if I'm unclear. But Nick, don't you tell people to commit suicide and that you'll rape them? Yes, but I feel people understand that I understand where I'm coming from. These people are simply blind, or perhaps in denial. FUCK....okay, what it boils down to is this, look at their faces, their eyes, how their lips move when they are discussing some scene or personal issue, these are things you'll never find when your looking at me.

Blatant transition from review to factual digression. I was arguing with, I believe his name is Chuck, about the difference between philosophy and science. He feels that philosophy can use the factual evidence of science, as well as rules of logic, as stepping stones to help “prove” (or better establish?) things beyond science. Apparently, I'm not trained in logic, and have a mere opinion about what science is and how it operates. Let it be known as well, the figures portrayed in the Expelled movie should be made to be marginalized and felt bad about their empty speculations about evolution, and lies about how they were received when they questioned it. Remember, science has rules, philosophy is subject to the failings of how we perceive ourselves to be right. I direct you to any "revision" in modern terms of what some philosopher thought another was thinking. Science is based on evidence. Predict first, confirm later. Philosophy can take anything from anywhere, mix it in a blender, and say “hey, look how deep I am.” Do I think philosophy is important and has its roles, sure, but to claim that it is somehow another “science” is to belittle and misunderstand what science is. This is not an opinion.

What I'm afraid of is missing out on life. This is not a fear of death. Being comfortable with dying is not the same thing as acting opposed to self preservation, as Fritz tried to explain/argue to me earlier. I fear that my life will be negatively impacted by people who are driven by modes of thought that “just want to make them happy.” I'm afraid that the ideas of real people and real experiences will pass over so many lives that we are driven to deny any semblance of their presence, as portrayed so beautifully by the people in Hell House, revival meetings, and bible camps. These people understand nothing about themselves and are thenceforth doomed to suffer and become slaves to themselves. Coining the phrase Blind Puppet Masters (For those Dawkins fans). I feel like notions of passion are dead. We are exposed to everything so we feel like there is nothing left to create, but this is just isn't so. It doesn't even take a lot to make a meaningful contribution, but you have to, this moment, realize that it is in fact you who are choosing to make it.

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