Sunday, September 2, 2012

[298] No Point 'Cept One

It’s an odd duality being an utterly motivated drifter. Am I lazy, waiting, or both? Does it make sense to try and scrape together labels and descriptions when your ever waning conception of reality settles upon the word “is?” Maybe it’s not about what you do, but the level of fulfillment you get from engaging in it. And if that’s the case, I’m again dually blessed and screwed. I find that when you talk long enough, you’re able to justify anything. I hope I manage to describe instead of just talk.

What does it mean to force yourself to do something? Is it pushing against a previous moral concept? Is it submitting your will to power? Is it convincing yourself that what you’re doing is actually what you should or wanted to do all along? In any event, you’re fundamentally changing what it means to be yourself in that moment. Is it “buckling down” or breaking your own knees? Is it finally realizing or mental exhaustion? No will to keep up the fight, the line in the sand, the previously hard fought and won conception of reality that’s sustained until this point.

It’s one of the things that infuriate me about some old people and every dumb ass. The same mind that locks in how it works is the one that traps it there. How are you supposed to know the difference between trapping yourself and actually getting a grip on things? Obviously, so far my answer has been to simply decide. The reality that extends so far is in your mind, but that doesn’t seem like all the justification it needs.

So maybe that reality should be punctuated with ideas like “don’t harm others” or “plant a tree.” Common sense under a catch-all umbrella of good to thus in turn make us feel good; or some of us anyway. Then you leap into questions about what is harm, do they “deserve” it, how selfish are you being in your caring nature, public perception verses reality…it never seems to end. And surely you’ll find someone along the road to justify and chime in precisely when you needed them the most. Surely that’s “helpful.”

Maybe, and this would go along with no free will, we’re supposed to listen and wait for our cues. Also in line with the “is” conception of reality, that all you need and want to know is right here and always will be, you just need to find a way to access it. Which, on our way back to free will, presumably you could choose to do so. Or at least have the fog of potentials make you feel as if you had.

I’m really only excited when I get to show off. It was pure joy being the “smart kid” K-5. All that mattered was that I was recognized for doing better and being faster than everyone around. The closest opportunity I’ve had to that again was with the coffee shop. School homogenizes and commoditizes education and personality. I didn’t need 15 years in school to know my grades didn’t matter. I didn’t need insecure power tripping authority figures to set me straight, but that’s all that was offered. Stick the one “well-meaning super caring” teacher crap back up your ass.

Back then wasn’t knowledge for the sake of knowledge. It was recognition and praise for exercising my brain. It paid. Maybe I just got addicted to that at a young age. Maybe now I don’t regularly practice an instrument, or read as often, or really do anything to the kind of hyper obsessiveness I used to, because no one is noticing. Or if they do, they notice it like a YouTube video. But, as the hero with a fix, I can’t just drop the craving; I need to do something bigger, faster, and louder. I need to make a scene that takes me outside of myself. I need to be something that can hardly be explained if not for the collective neurosis of all these blogs.

There just doesn’t feel like a fucking point otherwise.