Tuesday, September 4, 2012

[301] Wondering, Blundering, and Thundering

Thank goodness! I thought I’d never find something to write about again. I feel like I’ve been doing something of a bad job living like I want the future to be. On one level it is laziness; on another, an intellectual indecisiveness. I think this stems from not finding enough stimulating or compelling ideas than the ones I already hold. I’m starting to move a little more into the philosophical underpinnings of economics and politics though, and how these play into how I may start conducting my life is worth exploring.

The illusion of my “peaking” comes from my being relatively healthy, fed, socially integrated, and basically educated with access to a litany of wants my forefathers could not have imagined. I see pushing the limits of peaking by taking an aspect of our shared and giant basin of knowledge and doing something so resoundingly useful or gratifying, and at the same time obvious, that presumably nobody could have done it like me. When you set yourself such a lofty goal, learning things for the sake of dinner conversation or making money for a new toy seems futile. As a result I lay dormant, get impatient with the little inefficiencies or inconsistencies. I get distant because the world around me starts to look more impeding, or complacent, than helpful.

Manipulating information can serve an infinite purpose. Whether you’re trying to feed the world or simply keep it hobbling along, you need to know the numbers. Increasingly, you need to know the feelings and opinions because a significant portion of your playing field denies things like heat melting ice. But how do we quantify them and turn them into a mere variable we can work with? How do I take this demoralizing and cynical view of our future and genuinely start to believe there is a place, which can have the humblest beginnings, and move forward? Hint: make it personal.

I seem to only ever feel motivated by data. When I learn the actual numbers of plankton we’d need to cultivate to maintain safe levels of oxygen. When I can say it will take X amount of hours to build so many green houses with the capacity to move X amount of food to the X amount of places that are still in need. But even there, things can be deceiving. It’s just as important to get the numbers behind how fucked everything is. The money, the amount and financial impact of legislation, the momentum of public opinion, the actual count and access to resources, and the unregulated and unaccountable interests in keeping the status quo.

This daunting task of counting, reporting, displaying, and formulating a way of teaching is entirely doable, but also potentially dangerous and likely easily corruptible. Therefore, any system that attempted to create something of such gravitas would have to not only need to use ongoing real time information to predict future fallout, but need to be prepared for a number of potentially distasteful courses of action if met with certain kinds of resistance. In fact I suspect this is the main form of deterrent for any overhaul of a so-named “system.” It would have to be fundamentally illusive and accessible.

“Common sense” only applies when it is in fact, common. If everyone were to take place in drawing a picture of the world on a single white board, they would all have a specific and common centerpiece in their description of it. You only have to go so far as to create a Christian and a Muslim board to cripple something mutually progressive. Here you can try to give people a common enemy or struggle to squeeze ideas together that appease enough of the people some of the time, but this only shuffles the burden around and is terribly inefficient.

My current semi-solution is to put them to work in smaller intermingling factions. There are very few things people understand like bringing home the bacon or taking care of their families. People understand it sucks to get sick and it sucks to be hungry. Also, people are getting used to be connected to everything, at all times, which has any number of consequences. If you can plug them into an economy that gets them everything they need and informs if not humbles them to their wants, you can focus on how to keep it sustainable and enduring. Let them grow their own food. Let them share infrequently used resources, Enable them to pursue the various end games of their ideas.

Here’s where “overthrowing the system” becomes ludicrous. Surely communes, co-opts, exchanges, etc. have proven to be helpful steps in the right direction. Show me how a small group of do-gooders recreates an Indiana University. How many of them are members of the volunteer fire department, police force, and teacher’s union? To ignore the federal and statutory role is a fool’s game. Start your movements or be an example of a different way to live, but if you genuinely concern yourself with the big picture, you need to tackle each layer in a way that makes sense of the ones above and below it.

The data will win if I can make it digestible to people. I’ll be able to live with people holding simply horrifying, ridiculous, and destructive ideas as long as I can make them data points. The forms of human manipulation take on an entirely different form at this point. Much as relatively current trends of thought permeate our economic and social structure already, I want to hijack that structure and shift it onto things that actually work. Not my opinion of how they work, just what counting and measurement say.

I want the coldest and most deliberate look at what people are actually good for. It would help in judging my action or lack thereof, and it may reformulate what we think of as moral or necessary. One thing I’m certainly tired of hearing though, is excuses. Whether it’s from myself or, more likely, from others over the pettiest of shit, it’s a wonder I find time to escape and think about the future at all.

I want to be an electric car driving, home grown food eating, social primate who works in a manner reflective of my effort and understanding who doesn’t need to take undue advantage and make excuses for my well-being over someone else who’s just as capable and likely wants the freedom to express themselves, be healthy, and pursue their interests as well. I currently can’t afford it, waste my time, engage with illogic and antithetical dribble, am constrained by monetary obligations in an overall society that plays by anything goes rules. I don’t know how to avoid dipping my foot into the corruption where that heinous word “compromise” comes out to play. Didn’t my government teach me not to negotiate with terrorists?