Thursday, August 30, 2012

[297] I Are Robot

I think there is a superficial line between “us” and machines. I semi-consistently get accused of being a robot because I understand people's lives and relationships in terms considered cold, impartial, or somehow (given how deeply it cuts) utterly misinformed. Maybe I can run with an explanation of this robotic nature. Maybe I can explain that the picture is more complex, and frankly more meaningful, than you have the capacity to hear.

I’m not an advocate of circumstance. I don’t want to “fall in love” with someone because we grew up in the same place. I don’t want to “find myself surprisingly agreeing with” someone because we both found an angst ridden philosopher our freshman year of college. I don’t want to subject someone to the whirlwind of my feelings. I don’t want to constrain someone because I’m afraid they’ll leave me. I, in an important sense concerning your personhood, personality, well-being, and arbiter of your decisions, don’t want to be responsible for making decisions for you. I don’t want to trap you or guilt you, or exert a horribly conceived sense of power over you.

I just am. Whether I’m happy or sad, that is up to me. Whether I choose to find a way to swallow what I’m doing in life or not, again, up to me. My decisions, as long as I’m going to claim responsibility for them, I’m going to regard them as free, if only pragmatically. “I” am not “us” and don’t burden you with my little exploration of self, meaning, or place in the world. I think this is a position of respect, understanding, and freedom. If I openly state that I’m an ongoing puzzle to be put in relative space, far be it for me to be the judgmental stopping point on what to say about who you are.

And because it never gets old, apparently as a robot, I’m interested in strings of data. I like to let my brain process an input and see some kind of conclusion. Funny thing about drawing conclusions, nobody likes it when you “doom them to fail.” Now, I stress that I’m using their language, for us robots merely see things as “necessary consequences.” You may have guessed that we robots get the most flack when it comes to talking about how people get along with one another. It gets extra dramatic when they’re supposed to or have been “getting along” for long periods of time. Proposing a more nuanced and specific answer as to why that diverges from “because they love each other” gets quite a load of shit dumped on a poor merely processing robot’s head.

Now don’t go humanizing, this isn’t a pity party. This is one in a string of ongoing explanations. I understand this is the point to start touting a litany of feelings, and they’ve been taken under administrative consideration.

A little about robots; it isn’t that they don’t feel, it’s that they feel sparingly. And even when those feelings kick in, they tend to be fleeting and not overwhelmingly compelling. See, for robots, feelings inform. They’re like a lick from an enthusiastic puppy; “Oh, that was sooo cute! And a little wet lol” but it’s going to dry up and the dog will shit on the rug. This doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy the puppy licks, but robot memories are designed to store the smell of puppy shit. We understand the amount of work it takes to get that puppy to a happy and healthy place for both parties.

A robot is only as good as in the information available. My inputs come from hundreds of self-descriptions describing a million different versions of the same relationship! Even pointing this out to a fellow converser is a robots folly. Why, however could a robot know MY LOVE?! This seems to misunderstand a robot’s position. I have nothing vested in whether you work or don’t, I’m merely stating the experiential data and drawing an analogy to a seemingly similar situation. Live long and prosper for all I care, but why not contemplate the significance of your defensiveness?

I say loud and I say often how much I don’t believe in love. For those of you who understand this is almost my 300th blog on or referencing the topic, I’ll save the rehashing why. Love, like all things in a robots mind, is constrained by how useful it can be used to compute an outcome or understand the data. Given enough conversation, explanation, and an indefinitely growing list of the definitions of love, it does not compute. However, all hope is not lost! Surely there is a positive swing that can be described as to why people relate the way they do.

So then we can traverse into the hard, pragmatic, and dare I claim “rational” world. With this streamlined sensibility, we take people’s words for it; we apply basic understandings of human psyches, and use some good old fashioned plain speech. Here, people don’t want to be alone. In this world, people are afraid of having nothing to show for their lives. In this magical place, people go through experience after experience and, if they're lucky, have lives play out like their favorite television drama provided no one ended up dying. Love comes as quick as you’re willing to say it. The “cutest” “smartest” “most amazing” guy or girl in the world is a mere Facebook status update and/or few years away from the last one.

Please note, simply being a pattern does not mean I lament the pattern, or that it’s a bad pattern, or that I don’t believe there is a large amount of genuine happiness to be derived from said pattern. BUT IT’S A FUCKING PATTERN! It’s this odd thrust of ego and hubris and self-importance that placates common sense and historical perspective that just throws this humble robot for a loop. If, and let me stress if, patterns can be, at least semi-relied upon to predict the future, why not try to live in that future and behave accordingly? Why not try to account for all the things people would like to ignore or forget, and own them now, get good at them now, and see what manifests from that?

Now, I understand I could just have a much fucked up conception of happiness or well-being. This is something I don’t heavily debate, so if that’s the resounding opinion, it hasn’t reached my ears. But part of my robotic perspective is to try and state things plainly, or at least as plainly as the data informs me. Yes, I like you. Yes, I get bored. No, boredom doesn’t mean I don’t like you. No, it isn’t always about boredom. Yes, I would absolutely like to keep what we have. No, I will not keep what we have it means I feel I’m made to start lying about myself. No, I don’t want anything resembling the kind of things people have been inputting me with since I found an interest in the subject.

Before something changes, it has the capacity to do so. It is “ingrained” with an ability to reformulate around new ideas, behaviors, or environmental settings. That’s my robot brain. I have little to no control over why it decides to see things as re-hashing the past, and little to no control over not wanting to fall in line with what has proven to be dismal denial ridden insecure and ill-informed relationship rings of the past. As far as I can tell, it just seems to make sense not to behave that way.

I won’t equate sex with your personality or our relationship. I won’t pretend you have a quota of texts or Facebook comments in order for me to really believe you like me. I won’t subject my infinitely joking and dismissive personality so you get an opportunity to feel insecure or pissed off for something that doesn’t even register once you care to slow things down and break them into their smallest obvious conclusions. I have this small, ever so small, robot conception of self that is responsible for how it thinks and what its thinking may do to or for the rest of the world. If I’ve managed to actually get somewhere in my processing, I simply can’t sacrifice it to sensibilities of a common man. After all, it’s only after enough of them that I’ve been driven here in the first place.

So when a robot manages to feel, it’s not an accident. When a robot is trying to be honest, it’s hanging its reputation on the line because it doesn’t believe you should accept what it has to say without understanding its reasons. When a robot is willing to talk about or fight for what it believes in, open your fucking ears and minds. As a robot, they need a closet and alcohol. Incorporating you into the mix might as well be an act of your god. It’s not whining, nor a threat; it’s just the reality as far as a robot can see. How ironic when the robot gets blamed for not being able to connect like all the normal people.