Monday, March 2, 2009

[80] Insignificant

Probably the biggest word to describe how I justify most of my actions in life. Words, for example, are pretty insignificant. I was asked why I cussed recently and the best I could come up with is that I've been doing it since 2nd grade. Who cares? In a number of years many of our words will disappear with history. History that, as tv so clearly points out, is nothing but violence, take overs, political squabbles, and wrought with fear. From one famous name to the next the world is passed around like a cheap whore. If there's one thing i learned from watching the history channel and then switching to Green Day's cover of Working Class Hero its that we, as existing individuals, are completely insignificant in relation to the universe we inhabit. I mean who's reading this that's really thinking about the Darfur people?

You hope your actions will influence people, assuming you even act at all. The burden is still on them to accept it and understand you. This is a give and take relationship. The highest honor you can aspire to in this life is that your service to someone will make you and them truly happy. I don't like to focus on bullshit and that's why people think I'm the rebel or one that likes to fight. I don't care to talk about half the shit people revolve their worlds around because we both know it will provide nothing in the end for either of us. I'm concerned about the all too frequently used term sheep that I see people become. They don't know how or are afraid to weed out this intrinsic bullshit.

Do you want someone to tell you your life before you live it? You'll be born into such n such religion, told right and wrong, go to school, get a job, have such and such right of passage, go to college, get a job, work the next 50 years, have fun sometimes here and there, talk about these issues your parents did, find someone to "settle down" with, the list goes on and can get unbearably specific. To take a misquoted line from the Astronaut Farmer "When I was a kid I was told I could be anything I wanted to be, somewhere along line I think we forgot that." I think before we ever ask questions we should start with the ultimate question. Are you happy? Before you care about someone's cussing, their religion, their possessions, their anything, ask yourself if your happy. If not, why not, if you don't know, why don't you know. If you don't know why u don't know then I can say you're in denial.

How much fuller can you make this life when you realize your probably not going to dance across the universe with Jesus forever anymore than your going to burn in hell for having an opinion?