Sunday, March 8, 2009

[82] The Longer I Debate (Not Mine)

Submitted by Hambydammit on Sun, 2007-08-19 00:47.

The longer I debate theists, the more I realize they don't have definitions for anything. Consider this sentence:

God is the creator of everything and gives meaning to humanity through the sacrifice of his son to atone for our sins.

God: No definition. He's supernatural, which is literally nothing. He's omni-max, which is self contradictory at least a half dozen different ways.

Everything: Except himself? So it's not everything. So what created god?

Meaning: As you say, meaning assumes intelligence, which assumes god, which is circular, and therefore, meaningless in the logical and philosophical sense.

Sacrifice: How exactly is it a sacrifice to die when death is not death and you have lost nothing? So this sacrifice means something else, but what?

Son: Really? God has a penis? Who did he mate with? So, not really "son." Some other thing that is different, but is called son.

Atone: How does a deity who created everything 'atone' by a 'sacrifice' that isn't really a sacrifice, forgiving people for being the way he made them, and then sending those who don't believe it to eternal punishment. This doesn't fit the word atone in any definition I can find.

Sins: What is a sin? It is what god doesn't want us to do? Or is it things that we can reason to be bad? If we can reason it, then we don't need god to tell us. If we can't reason it, then it is not bad, so why is it a sin?

So, that whole sentence is just riddled with words that don't have a precise meaning!

The whole thing is simply meaningless babble.