Friday, November 2, 2007

[41] Can A Nigga Get An Amen?

Can a nigga get an AMEN?
Finished "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. Basically amazing. I really don't care if your up your Christian faith's ass or not its one to read and think about. What people don't seem to get, if you accept something as a fact, because it is proven as a fact, doesn't mean that you've automatically denied something else. (Maybe not the case for Mr. Dawkins as the atheist pope but….) This is something starting to piss me the fuck off when I try to talk to anyone about their "faith." They believe in belief to such an extent that simply hinting to the side that proves them wrong sends a childlike paroxysm my way. This is fucking ridiculous. If you have all the answers tightly wrapped in the bible and you KNOW everything then how can you contain yourself when an opportunity presents itself to shut me up? Just because you haven't been presented with the right facts or asked yourself the right questions doesn't mean you have any room to start on some tangent of assumed claims somehow construed as your "reasoning and logic" proving you right. How many playground fights do I have to run into before someone is ready to just fucking sit, listen, and discuss?

I said before that a reaction with "the truth" so much less telling than your actual expression of actual truth. And that is such a true statement I don't even know what to pick apart first. I say something about the un-originality of Jesus' story and about how many Christian norms are evolved from pagan rituals. Basic level arguing points to me, mind you. In retort I get "God is great, I'm saved!, why are you attacking my beliefs!?, Your going to hell!" and all of a sudden all I see is some insecure child throwing a temper tantrum. I'm sure as hell not stunned by your magnificent version of god that makes you such a great soldier, full of peace and love.

I personally have never said nor can faithfully say "I don't believe in god." To me, it would be the same thing as saying that I don't believe in orbiting teapots or the flying spaghetti monster. Whether some things exist or don't its not my place or within my capabilities to make claims. This is the same case FOR EVERYONE. Belief in something because it can't be disproved is desperate and fucking retarded.

Literally, with every ounce of pissed off connotation behind it can you ever express, how dare you tell someone they are going to hell. I've talked about how much I hate mental abuse. Though that was in relationships the same effect applies to anyone with a mind weak enough to take it. Convince someone that they will endure everlasting hellfire and wah lah no shit a new "believer" is strapped and ready. This is especially deplorable when it happens to children. Dawkins makes the point over and over throughout the book. Indoctrinating children is plain terrible. To label someone so young and incapable of contemplating religion and their place in the world as Christian or Muslim children instead of child of Christian/Muslims parents is where he wants people to cringe. Doesn't that show how weak religion really is though? It deliberately goes for people who are fed up with or incapable of really thinking for its arsenal. Don't you wish you could be all you can be?

Its really sad because I just kinda started hanging with this girl who is entirely, and quite frustratingly, self defeatist. The too frequently typical story of hard upbringing, messed up parents, whatever else. Then all of a sudden she "found Christ" yada yada the story goes on as expected. If there is a more picture perfect example of crawling into a hole, trying to change the subject, outright fear and resentment when the word religion is even said I challenge you. In order for me to call someone a friend I need honesty, trust, and talks. I don't try to shatter your view on life because I get a feeling of conquest, but only because I respect what it is to be human and wish you would do the same. I also was talking with this guy who I work with as well. He had such a hysterically horrible story I have to retell it.

One day he's driving with his friend. She says something so stupid or arrogant about God that he chooses to test her. He starts to speed. Taking his hands off the wheel she starts to freak out and ask what he's doing. Faster and faster he goes. She starts getting hysterical, yelling at him to stop. He starts to slow the car and put his hands back on the wheel. She starts to cry and wants to be taken home. He sardonically asks, "Where is your God?" I was like daaaaamn when I heard this story, and though its pretty fucked up it was a harsh way that hopefully at least made someone see through their own bullshit.

            I want people to put themselves in my position or at least allow me enough of themselves so I can understand theirs. Do I understand that when your life feels threatened and Jesus comes along with promises of perfection, love, and happiness your compelled to fight, quite ferociously, to protect that? Yes. Do I understand that we don't know everything and no "little scientist" is ever going to disprove god? Duh. Is it understood that some people can't imagine their lives as anything meaningful or worthwhile unless their on their knees and brought to tears? Unfortunately, again yes. This is the most tragic of the realizations when pondering religion. It is a fact that if you can't fill that void that some people will freak out and act irresponsibly. You also need to remember they probably won't do anything more or less than someone who was doing the same in the name of god
            I can sympathize with not being able to satisfy that "love" urge. I can discuss what it feels like to be alone. I know how fucked up you can get when your so confused you can't even rant coherently. I understand the wave of thoughts that can overwhelm you when depression sets in. NEVER has a simple promise of heaven and eternal life and love made any of that less compelling or more easily deniable. I will always believe that people can lie about their faith, but never be able to lie to themselves. That pinch of doubt you feel or have at any one time felt won't go away no matter how many bible verses you throw at me, proclamations of being saved, or condemnations of peoples' actions. I bet my reasons for staying content and finding happiness, because they can't be based on a "because," will provide an actually peaceful foundation on which to express myself. 
            This is what people believe. They will be sort of good to people they kinda like and relate to their entire life. They can, more or less, frequent church and "pray" about the lottery ticket they've yet to win or relative that needs a cure. One "miracle" will happen in their family that will all but solidify god's existence.(who needs to acknowledge non sequitur reasoning anyway) They will profess their undying love for Christ to those feeble non-believers and feel "fulfilled" knowing god's ego is satisfied making them saved. When they die, as long as its not slow and agonizing, it will be with uneasy "pride" and those few indiscretions they maybe forgot about will be forgiven anyway. For the rest of eternity they get play with their new super powers and dance across the universe. This is what people believe.

It's not an accident that the churches don't teach the history of their religion, or any facts about other religions. It's about dominance not tolerance. Its about "right" and "wrong" instead of relativity and exploration, truth in your heart of hearts. People don't know the real facts about their beliefs because they don't want to know, they don't feel they can handle knowing, their family and friends will black list them and get anxious. FEAR. You are being controlled at any one point in time by something because deep down at some evolutionary level you are AFRAID. No one really cares that their child might be sitting next to a Muslim child in class despite the fact their so-subscribed religions would tell them to kill or disregard the others existence as a person.


You believe in a story that's easiest to swallow. You believe in what makes you feel, too falsely, powerful. You believe that exhaustion of thought and reason is where your comfort lies.  Its bullshit, fucking bullshit. Try to handle all the pain and guilt your responsible for self inflicting and see how quickly the grand details behind your heaven pile up. See how quickly people go from just being wrong to being wrong and going to hell. See if you show up more and sit up a little straighter in church when what's really being asked of you starts to sink in. This isn't the fucking holy spirit "working through you." This is your subconscious gripped by fear, say hello. This is that one sentence, that one idea, the random thought that crept in and said "how could god…." or "I can't believe…." Your desperate attempts at maybe trying harder or working more never truly quiet your restless mind. Nor do they justify any bullshit action you take because you don't know enough about yourself to take care of yourself. Your errant 'reasoning' and 'work' for the 'lord' wall you into a room of invisible barriers.

You don't need a guide book and you don't really wonder where morals come from. Punching fuckers in the face is harmful to your self preservation. Killing your parents would've cut off the food supply. Stealing friends girlfriend loses your ride to school. Cause and effect keeping you in line? Nah.You can't say that life isn't worth it unless god is pulling the strings. Unless your crazy ass is Michael Fritzius your kids will be more than enough purpose to live and die for. God forbid learning and understanding be enough to satisfy you either. How dare you try to love and be there for someone without doing it as a Christian. You'd have to be a monster or something to think what you feel is valid. You don't think heaven is up there and hell is down there because they just are, you just don't care to discuss the relativity of down and up and the uselessness of them in space. We are sooooo important because god gave us the earth that didn't explode from a marble and didn't have to be inherently improbable before we got here, and didn't take an incomprehensible amount of time and energy to form.. In fact, if the odds were 1 in a billion that the earth would exist. There would still be A BILLION earths that could inhabit our universe. You think your so important. That your worthy and dare I say capable of knowing the unknowable. To me, your ignorance and arrogance are sickening.