Tuesday, January 29, 2013

[327] Just Be In The Know

I feel like before I die I should ever be striving to convey what I consider to be the truth of my disposition. Foremost because I think it has longstanding implications for your disposition. I don’t want people to be confused. I don’t want you to read my other despotic or seemingly judgmental blogs with the wrong back drop. There’s just a fundamental state I maintain that I think needs to be celebrated.

I have no problems. I don’t hesitate to type it. When I’m bitching about your relationship or life or some confusion, it amounts to “existential angst.” I cannot complain. Another idea I’d like to beat into the ground and restate in everything I ever write; I have peaked. I’m healthy, fed, and intellectually quelled with a roof over my head. I do and always remember my place in lieu of the rest of the world.

The problem is in how people perceive this. You get a lot of jealousy. Like, “why the fuck do you think you’re so happy!?” And I think this has everything to do with missing the point. I call life a game. It’s an exercise. It’s a learning experience. It’s the consequences of cause and effect. It’s not about me, or you, or any one thing you want to base you pathetic conception on. I have fun with it. I play with it. I know that if it were over tomorrow, I was playing the game I wanted to play.

It’s what I hope to change when I get more influence. I want more people to realize that no one is like you. Your perspective has something important for the world at large. No one is going to sound like me. While there are business leaders I idolize and comedians that speak so closely to what I would say on stage, nobody says it or does it like me. Therefore, my message and method is important and has consequence and can impact in potentially significant ways provided I’m speaking to what we all know and think, but speaking to it in my way.

I wish you would think of your life as not having problems. It’s such an unnecessary burden to bog your day or psyche down with bullshit that doesn’t speak to anything. Like, if I feel anxiety, it’s about how I’m going to react to something. Do I beat the ever loving fuck out of you or make a smart ass comment or maybe just shut the fuck up and turn away. I’m not genuinely worried about anything. I’m more concerned with the message I sent and the conception I’d have to defend about myself given a scenario.

I just can’t wait. I really can’t wait. Provided I don’t up and die randomly in a car crash, I cannot wait for the stage. The opportunity to be me or speak me or lay it out like I’m desperately waiting to hear it be said will be a fucking thrill. And I hope I have you laughing. I hope the mother fuckers that know me are like “haha I bet he..OH SHIT HE JUST and are cracking their shit up while the world spends their time judging and re-characterizing. I’d get off on the idea of confusing the fuck out of people or rattling the cages of those not in the know.

It’s around the fucking corner. Get excited.