Saturday, May 24, 2008

[93] When There's Just Never Nothing To Say

Saturday, May 24, 2008 at 6:46am

::commercial announcer voice:: Did you know there is an answer to the biased views expressed on Wikipedia? Is there a place that doesn’t demean and censor the truth like godless Youtube? Well folks, Conservapedia and Godtube are for you. If you’re a conservative Christian who wants to take America back to the Dark Ages, don’t forget to spend part of your daily devotions on these sites. You’ll learn such fun facts including all the failings of evolution, how Hitler was an atheist, and the perfectness of bananas fitting into your hand which shine the light on the truth of God. Too old for your Christ action figure? Tired of reading the same old passages in church? Take a gander at Conservapedia and Godtube and you’ll be well on your way to damning the human race. Ah, who are we kidding we’re all damned to begin with ::chuckle, ha, cheesy smile::

I aim my rants at Christianity because that’s what I’m most familiar with. Don’t get me wrong, the second I don’t have to worry about getting assassinated I’ll write more about the failings of Islam and maybe one day Scientology. I just think when something’s
that obvious who am I to step on the toes of Sam Harris, Ayan Hirsi-Ali, or Pat Condell. I just couldn’t refrain from saying something at least about those two places above. I’ve talked about Godtube before so quick note, every video is either how you can pray, the faults of evolution, or a hell scare video. Conservapedia I just found tonight. This site actually listed five scientists and said “….did not propose the theory of evolution.” Ummm….. It also has over 200 sources from which it compiled why evolution is a theory in crisis. I think we need to take a moment and remind the Christians to take a step back and smell what they’re shoveling. You can make a shit pile as tall as that Lego tower recently in the news, but please, don’t think it’s anything more than shit. If Christian stood for anything more than denial of facts and irrational behavior, I might slide more easily into the category Mr. Bowman subscribes to “Christian-ish” or perhaps moderate Christianity. Unfortunately, this is not the case and virus sites like AIG and creationweb inspire people to spawn offspring and paint such a lovely picture of what you become associated with when you take on that title. Obviously, it isn’t places like this alone that should keep you away, but they help as reminders. Ignorance tells you evolution is a belief system. You acknowledge facts, you don’t have to believe in them.

I need to have this question answered. Does it not bother you to watch the world remain chaotic and desperate? If the truth of any religion was so powerful and compelling, why hasn’t it won out and proven itself? If it’s the responsibility of every Christian to go out and spread the word, why is so much effort put into insolating the base already in place? When church is no longer enough, you go to bible study. When bible study gets tedious you go to camps. When camps start to fail you join support groups. When support groups fail you find some Christian oriented program that’s geared toward an interest of yours that has nothing to do with lessons from Christianity. And if those faithful aren’t having enough problems, imagine the people being told to pray and abstain from condoms if they want to eat.

I’m going to argue that there’s no such thing as a Christian who “knows god” in any capacity beyond stories they heard about Jesus. Think about it like this. The most logical of the apologetics will admit that they cannot empirically prove god. This is just a common sense fact. So by definition they have to be agnostic. There is no choice here, I’m not discussing your choice “level” of faith. So what would you call an agnostic who believed in Santa? Perhaps a child, misinformed, or deluded yet still hopeful and happy. The Christians who are bold enough to say they know anything about God are at best happy hopeful agnostic deluded children. Now slow down and realize I didn’t say “Christ’s teachings followers,” I said people who claim to “know God.” This is going to piss someone off so prove me wrong.

So onto those “Christ followers.” The ones who explicitly follow what Jesus said or did and any mumbo jumbo they don’t understand that layeth elsewhere in the bible can remain laying. Does it matter to them that “Jesus quotes” appear in books and documents well before Jesus? His miracles painted on Egyptian walls and frequently performed by those ghastly pagan gods. I guess they like to ignore the part where he goes on about enforcing the laws of the old testament, you know the juicy ones, and not abolishing them…hmm. I have this little idea of history where stuff that came earlier is probably the originator of something that came after that carries striking similarities. That’s just me though. If an Egyptian god gave Jesus his material, so to speak, why isn’t he considered important? Granted, this is oversimplifying. The overall point remains. The bible was humanly written, “inspired by god” seems to be an off the cuff response to the simple minded who couldn’t help but point out the obvious human flaws and similarities of the past. I took a science and the occult class will give you
too much detail between Christianity and its origins.

Also, I’m so sick of hearing about the truth of prophecy I could shit. There was no channel 5 reporting on the day to day activities of Jesus. He wasn’t part of the original Real World cast. Writing the story of someone you only know from previous stories does not, will never, and never has lent any credence to the integrity of a prophecy. Jesus’ life is a compilation of word of mouth stories that were agreeable enough to make it into the bible. The passing documents that refer to him, or more likely a “Christos,” independent of the bible or apocryphal texts are not in agreement with what you’ll read in the aforementioned texts. I’ve had people ask me “how could Jesus choose to be born on the predicted day?” Aside from the absolute ludicrous amount this man doesn’t know about how Jesus’ birthday was originated ehem assigned, I suppose an even simpler answer would be the son of god can do whatever the fuck he wants. And shouldn’t the power of faith not need something so concrete as fulfilled prophecy anyways? Looks like someone back then understood faith is in what you can make someone swallow, and not just in remaining alive while choking on it. You take all of that and put it on a prophecy that’s as vague as a Ms. Cleo readin’ and you tell me why I should believe you. When the bible predicts the lotto or the next Katrina I’ll be interested.

Didn’t you know these blogs are inspired by god? O, you’ll scoff and think I’m mocking you, but truly I say unto you the only way to the Father is through these blogs. The big secret though is this. God will only allow those into heaven that have enough gusto to disbelieve in him. Despite all the proof he has given us like a home on a dangerous planet spiraling through an infinitely cold universe, natural disasters, and sewage through our pleasure centers, you need to just forgo your old notions to be saved. Are you willing to risk it just going along with those passé ideas about your faith like they’re going to save you? Something that can work that easily only works on those eager to buy it.

I wanted to keep this short with the sales add for those dumbass sites, but when you’ve got nothing else to do….
Updated about 6 months ago

Billy Bowman (Bloomington, IN) wroteat 11:41am on May 24th, 2008
Woot! I was referenced in a rant! i feel special...
As for the retards calling wikipedia biased.. i'm speechless. I really can't find words to describe.. how that makes me feel. It only strengthens my feelings that hardcore christians and some of the most retarded people on earth. I say hardcore christians because many who call themselves christians, are in fact not and only call themselves this as they've been raised that way or don't know what to believe, but its these ones that study and believe without question what they read.. they are dangerously stupid...

Perhaps it's not even just limited to christians, but anyone who does not question and seek answers for themselves, in any aspect of life.... yes i think that is far more likely... but christians are no doubt a shining example in this country.
As for godtube, if they just posted their videos on youtube, and let whoevers out there looking for that kind of thing... i bet they're videos would get a lot more hits.
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Billy Bowman (Bloomington, IN) wroteat 11:54am on May 24th, 2008
The rest of your rant as always bring up good points, and more thoughts and questions about what exactly it is i believe... but believe makes it sound like i must have some sort of religion, and thats not it as all.. it's more.. answers that i'm seeking.. well.. at anyrate. I'm appreciative of them. Hopefully i'll be able to figure it out sometime soon.
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Michele Elizabeth Zerbe wroteat 2:39pm on June 11th, 2008
its unfortunate that so many people use different religions as labels for other people. just like the ignorant people who believe anyjew is liberal and ceremonial, or that any man believing in alah must be out to destroy something American, people use christianity as a scapegoat for a lot of things. sometimes just bad experiences can prompt such habits. if i picked a religion and stood everyone id ever met side by side who claimed that religion, id likely have trouble finding anything else in common about them. its foolish to belive that all "christians" act the same way or "cause the same problems" or belive the exact same things. which is exactly why there is so much gray area in the christian religion. lots of people assume that if they believe in "God" than thats automatically christian. or some people who separate themseles morally but hold onto their "title." reading some of your little notes almost tempts me to feel guilty, but that goes away as soon as i see how base that is.