Saturday, December 8, 2007

[63] This Is A Title

I definitely just saw I Am Legend, badass movie check it out. It had a little talk in it about god so don't blame me for sounding redundant. "God didn't do this, we did." Personal responsibility. This is the only thing I rally for in my crusade, catch the irony, against people of "too perfect" faith. While the movie didn't have specifically religious undertones to it, it did have spiritual ones. It's one thing to denounce or disagree with one or another aspect of someone's religious world view, but I think it's another to completely disregard any harpings of your spiritual self. Is there something else to our existence? Who knows. Does it feel like there is? Apparently so.

I think there are more problems with connotation than there are with actual words' definitions. I've said in previous blogs how vague people's definitions are of things, but generally everyone can keep a semi-civil conversation and remain in context. Think of the word atheist though. To me it doesn't carry that punch that I guess it does to those religiously minded. I was watching Fox have an, ewey, atheist on to talk about their tree of knowledge next to the nativity scene. She was pitted against the regular pastor they have on Fox. What did we see? One person explaining why they believe knowledge and celebration are important, the other making accusations about motivations and "coincidences" in the display. The ever present little pious look and fevering restlessness took hold of the pastor who could barely contain his passive ad-homonyms. Every time the atheist woman was referred to it was like that, "the atheist." She was almost dehumanized as even one of the hosts seemingly pretended to forget her name while talking with the pastor. This is exactly to the T what I hate about the overly religious mindset. You can't get that arrogant and ignorant of your actions unless you've practiced fully justifying such behavior for too damn long.

Sam had it right that "atheism" is too blunt an instrument for what really needs to be done. A change in people's thoughts, mannerisms, and awareness needs to happen in a battle with endless fronts. Bad ideas need to be denounced for just how bad they are and people need to be made to understand why they can't hold them and still have status in our society. Undeniable good reasons need to be tirelessly reiterated until they become more common than the word is.

What really bugs me as well is the preconceived notions people come up with about me and why I am the way I am. I at least ask questions about people's faith and try to find out what makes them tick. The fact that I'm so easily write-offable as "just another one of those people" bugs the hell out of me. I don't treat people like that. Yes, I ridicule the idea of a "super demon beast" compelling my thoughts and actions. Yes I ask for more than "look around, here of this miracle?, you don't know how it feels" as your justification for your actions. And finally yes, I will always bring it back up, ask more questions, challenge you, and voice my opinion. If you don't want to "fight", as my one friend so puts it, back then that's your prerogative. Do not expect me to give up having "faith" in knowledge and truth in "respect" for your ironclad belief. Not gonna happen.

I'm just really tired of getting headaches over all this shit. The more I encounter people who don't live up to the standards they set for themselves, or worse, live up to an idiotic standard, I feel like I lose something deeper than respect. The idea of anything being eternal or forever recurring attached to consciousness is tormenting if its going to be in constant struggle against pure egotism. Will Smith was kinda freakin out there for a while not being around people and I kinda connected with that when I think about how frequently I'm shut off to people. I'm bugging out talking to people who either completely agree with me or don't care to offer a solid opinion. No religious minded person cares to challenge me? None want to put their views up to a test, if you could call it that, against a foe they already "know" they will beat? I think because that idea doesn't bother them as much as it does me is why I get these headaches. I get to empathize with feelings they've learned to ignore. Sure I'll play the victim here at the end because I only have a reader to empathize with, not god for me to pretend like the problem disappeared or is any less significant.

AH I mean how many fucking times do I have to see the same stupidity over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Fucking denial, putting on a fake face. Split personalities that fucking scar the real one? Its sickening, literally I get sick to think about this shit for too long. I write to make the headaches go away and until I fucking rant about the ignorance and intolerance I guess I won't be ok.