Saturday, December 15, 2007

[47] To Be Title Later (Maybe Not)


If there is only one thing you should know about me its that I think, a lot. I reached a boiling point in my head and one rant blog is no longer sufficient in the effort to keep me sane. I've read about all arguments that attempt to argue for proof of God. I hear about the different weird and negative relationships people are in. Lately I've been trying to talk to as many people as I can to gain more perspective as I keep finding out you can never know too much about a subject. When I talk on these subjects, and too the people, I'm almost terribly blunt and feel as though they think I'm missing some dire point they're trying to make by my short and sweet answers. I assure you that is not the case and in writing this all out, hopefully I will be able to draw the proper analogies and tie in all the ramblings of my mind into a better foundation of understanding. I will try to provide as many links (which probably won't yet exist at the time your reading this) to the different books or videos I reference because they will always be a lot more descriptive and provide the exact source of what made me think or say something the way I did. I'm working on getting mp3's of any book I mention and am soon going to buy everything I've read if you are interested in borrowing. The library works too. The parts of this, I'll call it an essay, I imagine can be read separately. The parts on religion are designed to show why I think and say the things I do. They are not an attack at belief, in a sense, but an attempt to simply raise consciousness about issues you've maybe never thought about. The relationship part is more than likely going to be a reiteration of blogs I wrote years ago, but more encompassing and detailed. I want to discuss and revise my thinking constantly. This will forever be a work in progress and if you find anything you want to add or argue I will gladly indulge you. I only ask that you read with an open and focused mind so this becomes something positive and helpful and not demonized to fight about.


One of the major reasons for discourse amongst the people I talk to and I are the varying definitions of certain key words. I want to clear this up in the beginning as we can go nowhere if we're not even speaking the same language.

Interpret: an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious.

Over and over I hear about how people are supposed to interpret the bible and I can't help getting overly frustrated. When you interpret something its automatically changed. The second you take in any piece of information your mind twists it into whatever best fits what you've encountered in the past. Ten million people interpreting one book and not getting the same answers is such staggering proof of this fact I don't know how people ignore the inconsistencies of people calling themselves part of the same religion.

Faith: complete confidence in a person or plan

This is something that is not up for question. If you ever go "o but wait" in your mind in regards to any subject you automatically do not have perfect faith in that subject. This can be a dangerous thing if taken too far, for example, does anyone remember September 11th? When I talk of faith, I talk of something that is inherent and too often irrational that we devised to better soften the blows of things we fear or don't understand. Whether you have faith in your relationship or faith in God there is part of you that is relying on nothing but a strong inner conviction that does not require empirical proof nor is up for discussion.

Fact: An indisputable truth. (Update 7/8/2018): A better definition is "anything that can be proven or disproven."

This means that simply calling something a fact does not give it the characteristics as such. When I give a fact its from a well documented subject or respected person of the field. The idea corroborates with others in the field and cannot be refuted simply because you don't think its true.

Belief:  This means that an individual is convinced of the truth of a statement or allegation.

I'm always reminded of this idea, "Just because you are convinced that something is true does not make its so, it is merely convincing." I am on constant guard when it comes to what I actually believe because it matters to me what I tell people truthfully. As a subscribing member to the human race I find that it is easy to be wrong about a multitude of things when you go in looking for information on the preconception that your already in the know. This is why I hate it when people tell me "Well you believe what you believe and I'll believe what I believe, and we'll leave it at that." If you can't even begin to convey to me what you believe how can I go away secure in thought that you even know what you believe?

Hope: A desire for something to happen, while expecting or being confident that it will come true.

It is important to note the difference between hope and faith here. Hope is the stage we are constantly in. Faith is entirely mind encompassing. You hope your relationship gets better. You hope for good health and a good life. It allows you to take in the evidence and persevere down a given path, while faith can completely cloud and lock in an ideal.

Freedom: The power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints.

I made this one last because I want to make a special point about it. One thing I consistently hear is that God gave man free will. I so 100% completely disagree with that statement and I will tell you explicitly why. Reread the definition of freedom. In the religious realm you are not free to disbelieve. If you disbelieve, the externally imposed restraint that sends you to burn in hell kicks in. According to their view, even if your not playing within their rules your subject to be punished by their God. There is absolutely nothing free about this. There is no real choice that exists with such a view. You can be a motor-cross athlete and attempt a double back flip or not ever try. Yes, you may be judged  as a pussy, bad ass, cool, reckless, etc…with either choice, but those judgments can be accepted just as freely as they can be rejected. The "freedom of choice" in religion is a not so elaborate mask put on in the face of analysis that never dug deep enough.

Logical Fallacies
If your going to discuss/argue I believe you should at least learn about the different fallacies you may or may not have been imposing to justify your position. Another reason I get discouraged from talking to people is that they start with a glaring gap in logic and then digress their position from that point. If I can find a the video again there is a quick run through of 22 fallacies that are the main proponents to such arguments. There is also a list in "Why People Believe Weird Things" by Michael Shermer that you can get from the library. The different ways people try to convince me of their thinking generally circle around these ideas:

Anecdotes: You tell a story that seems to support your view. 1 story or 10 stories don't matter if they can't be tested and confirmed by anyone but you.

Burden of Proof: If you can't disprove God then he must exist. Unfortunately the job lies with the person making the claim. I don't personally say God doesn't exist because I believe it's a retarded concept to argue about. If you affirm that he does, its your job to prove it. In the same respect if I say something I will gladly offer the proof and source of my assertion.

After the Fact Reasoning: In short, superstition. Because one thing happened then something else must have been the reason. "Correlation does not mean causation." When you want something to be the reason so badly, then to you, that something will become the reason. Your mind is set to make you happy, if only eventually. If you can't guard against yourself you fall prey to yourself.

Representativeness: As Aristotle said, "the sum of the coincidences equals certainty" again taken from Shermer's book it's the idea that we forget the shortcomings and remember the meaningful times. It's the automatic rationalization you adhere to when your truly uncertain but don't want to give up hope.

Unexplained is Not Inexplicable: "I have some event in my life that I can't think about in any other way so it must be God." This one bothers me the most. I don't care to argue people's personal lives. I can't change you, and would die trying. Your life, as depressingly compelling as it may seem, could always be worse and probably has many unrealized reasons for your behavior in certain situations. This doesn't even need to apply, though it has been tried, when you speak of what God didn't allow in your life. If you want a competition to see who can write about all the times God didn't allow you to die you'd have to factor in all the meteors that don't crash on your house, cars you didn't hit on the way home, and shanks you missed out on walking a city street.

How to Think About Evolution and Natural Selection

Your teachers taught it. You hear about it on the news when a discrepancy with a creationist arises. You can either accept or deny it. I was once told by one of my Christian friends that she believed in "parts" of evolution and when I inquired as to which ones she said "well I don't believe we came from monkeys." This tells me that adequate truths about the theory are not being sufficiently circulated to the mass populous. The b/s arguments that there are massive gaps in the fossil record and no proof that humans came from something lower are disproved in 15 seconds with a  google search. I have the sites saved in my favorites if you don't care to investigate on your own. I also have the names of books that are even better documented and referenced. There was no "chance" in any part of evolution other than random mutations. And when I say mutations I don't mean some grotesque monster that you'd see in some science fiction novel. Only different changes in cells that account for slight variations. The mountains of evidence in favor of the theory will not be summed up here. I only offer an invitation to get informed before you position an argument on something you only think you know about.

Observable "Human" Nature

We think we are the most important. We don't bother to worry about the billions of galaxies in a multi-verse where billions of other life bearing planets may exist. We are trained to think that the things people do are so beyond different and special than what animals do its just "obvious" that someone created us. I find it very interesting then to learn about the behaviors of apes and especially a species of bird. You might already expect to hear that certain primates care for their young, cooperate to achieve goals, compete for status, and so on so forth. I read about a type of bird, I believe in "The God Delusion," that goes so far as to do good deeds like feed others young and take the dangerous lookout positions at night to make a name for themselves. Birds. Our time honored values of being brave and honorable, trusting and loving, are exhibited in birds with egos. You need to get over yourself. Its not defeatist or nihilistic to see and say things for what they really are. We are products of a process who's only goal is survival. The very fact that we are here means that we are the best suited so far for the current situation. Your kids will be a little better off, their kids too, and so on. (Un)fortunately we have become so advanced that we can avoid or negate the regular natural occurrences that would usually weed out the weaklings. It is your selfish genes that want to stay alive that cause over population and starvation. You can stop wondering why God isn't answering their prayers to be fed.

Religious Moderation

 If you don't kill the heretic for talking bad about your God then you are practicing religious moderation. I wanted to get the definition of interpretation out of the way to help explain the problem religious moderation has on the world. In a discussion with a religious friend I asked who's job it was to tell the guy that shot the abortion doctor that his interpretation was wrong. Which religious group is going to confront the people who hold up the signs saying "God hates fags?" The fact, simple and observable fact, of the matter is that people pick and choose which verses are most perfect in forwarding their personal ideas. The next guy that shoots a homo and holds up Leviticus 20:13 can't really be told he misinterpreted can he? Its right there, word for word, the perfect inspired Word of God. "If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." If your reading this you've probably never killed a homo. No "sane" person of faith ever has. The problem arises when an atheist or agnostic tries to point out that this guys mind was warped by faithful conviction and the religious moderates say back off, let him believe what he wants to believe. If the religious person tries to confront those people their arguing the God of the bible against the God of the bible. Try and work out the conflicting rationalizations then. When you choose the parts to praise and parts to ignore your obviously working on some other authority than God's. If you "just don't agree" or "think I'm just not getting it" try owning a slave and using the bible to back you up.


Say you just got out of a bad relationship. Your heartbroken, can't see straight, and the world just doesn't seem to make sense. Millions of questions are darting around your head and before you even utter a word your friend comes along and says " I know how you feel." More often then not, you don't believe them, or you can't trust that they do because their not the same sex, or haven't been in the same type of relationship. Now there are good and bad things involved with taking this viewpoint. Well from what I can tell, mostly bad, the only real good point you can be sure of is that they haven't lived your life or dated that guy. Other than that, the depression, anger, hopefulness, lust, fear, confusion, or love that you may think you've felt they can empathize. When I talk to someone I hate to think that just because I haven't been in long term relationships they believe I have no idea what I'm talking about.
            Feelings are compelling. You'll get over them. When you think that life would not be the same, or that your still going to be emotionally attached your only worrying yourself about something your not experiencing. Yes, there will probably be residual feelings. Yes, people deserve chances and problems should be talked or worked out. The facts will always stare coldly in the face of overwhelming and conflicting feelings. You can make every excuse and I'm going to show them on this nice diagram . You go up and down while reading across. Whether this is the exact format of what happened in your relationship or not it's what can happen when you can't handle the little problems early. It doesn't matter how nice you are or how great you think him to be. The problems are problems. Complaining and hoping will never make them better. You either suffer in a relationship where you constantly rationalize everything he does and justify your feelings towards it or you break it off. Go back to being friends, see what it feels like to talk and exist with out "relationship tension" clouding your heart. You can either be a victim of the line, waver in and out of it, or avoid it all together, but it takes action not excuses. 

   Love: The Games We Play / The Abuse of the Word

O how to begin? Love bothers me. It's the strongest drug with no law against it. You get taken in by its soothing aroma one minute and find yourself cutting in spite of it the next. People live and die by it, yet they are also brash enough to play with it.

If I think about times I would consider myself "in love" once would be with my stuffed animals as a little kid, and the second would be with a girl who didn't love back ;). There's, I dunno, 20 or so depressed and confused blogs about the ordeal. I don't talk much about myself if this is the first time you hear any of this. I call these times love because of the thoughts and feelings I have/had when I reflect on them. With the stuffed animals, when I really put myself back into my kid mind, as my mom cut open and pulled the stuffing from one of my bears in retribution for breaking a glass or something of hers I never felt anything more painful. Anyone who says you don't get emotionally attached to your toys is full of shit. Mind you, I'm a smart, mean, and inventive kid. Imagine the types of terrible thoughts I was concocting in a moment of such anguish.  No I'm not looking for a pity party or for you to tell me my mom was a little confused on how to handle children, I'm well aware. The point is that no matter how young or old you are, "experienced" in the ways of pain and confusion, there's someone out there that knows how terribly hopeless you can feel.
            That's probably not good enough for you so I'll go on about the later situation. Now I'm overly critical when it comes to girls. I can find any flaw and blow it up and automatically turn a girl from cute and agreeable to merely "doable." So imagine my surprise when someone comes along that I can't find anything wrong with. Not only that she's more than I ever thought I could imagine. All of a sudden my usual selfish thoughts are replaced by nothing but hopes, dreams, and aspirations that concern her. I'm not gonna lie, I got borderline nuts and sincerely tried to make it all go away in the name of calm, cool, and rational Nick, and it just wasn't happening. All the questions, all the rationalizations, all the hopes and dream, frustration and bullshit that unfolded is in those blogs. I know how confused you can get, I know how hard it is to listen to the real world, I know what it feels like to be the only one that "knows" while everyone else is just missing it. You don't have to be in that persons relationship to empathize and understand their situation. The facts remained. I got over it and myself. I learned to keep my faith in understanding and the statute of love separate from my hopes that it would be with any specified person. It was a hard ass lesson to learn and fuck me if I can't convey how shitty it can get when you become good at making excuses.

 (line not able to be shown on myspace) like you've read this far newayz

Religion of Love

It's what the 9/11 bombers joined. It what I, to a lesser extent, joined. Its what we all hope to be apart of and not manipulated and hurt by. The perverted con artist with his stunning good looks and stylish ways thinks he invented it. The teenager thinks they can handle it. The confessed believer thinks they understand it. I find it the ultimate oxymoron that people join a religion for love, always looking from the outside in, instead of taking a bit of advice from the Buddhists who believe change comes from within. Its in this area, all the talk about how much, in fact the infinite, amount of love Jesus has for you that I think religion commits its greatest sin.
            What could be more worthwhile and compelling than the love of an infinite God? How can one be so vain as to worry about a petty life issue when all their time and attention needs to be focused on a confessed jealous God? The idea that this ultimate love from God is more important than life itself is what helped drive me insane when I tried to become Christian in pursuit of it. Granted, you would probably say I was doing it for the girl or for any number of wrong reasons, but I can only tell you that while it may have started out as such, I worked at making that not so, and not surprisingly still to no avail. When I think about the different stories I've heard in some "Christian" relationships I'm amazed that I ever thought it was something to aspire to.
            I'd never have expected things like, slapping, talking down to, mentally abusing, threats, and orders to come out of a "Christian" towards his so-called loved one. What I find more disturbing than that is the reasoning the girls use to stay in the relationship. If that buffer line touched on anything you've ever said or felt in a relationship, elevate and tie in all the good things with God and the demonize bad things with the Devil. The battle is no longer felt like its in your control. You have this never ending thirst for this everlasting love that, excuse me, exists only in your mind, and you pray and cry for answers that just never seem to appear because its all part of a plan that your not supposed to, nor can begin to, understand. You no longer believe in yourself. You believe in the belief. Without it your more than lost, your nothing. Your hope springs eternal for a new life of soldier with slave duties. But of course, you can throw it all away right? You have a choice to think about other "non-Christian" girls and be adulterous. You can get your groove on as many times as you want for as long as you live, and you'll only have to go to hell as payback. And God said unto man "Love Me or else, make your choice."

How to Think

No one teaches you how. They try to tell you how but ultimately we assume that because we are, hopefully, we are doing it correctly. Moreover, we couldn't function as our selves if we didn't assume we were thinking correctly. Unfortunately, your brain has side streets and trap doors where your thoughts can fall which effectively change your perception without you ever needing to be aware they exist. Preconceived notions are some of the biggest things affecting how you rationally think. When you adopt or credo or set of beliefs they act as a speed bump for everything you ever see, hear, or do. Take on that bump long enough and you think its simply "you." If I was religious I would probably also take offense to a book entitled "god is not Great" how religion poisons everything. At the same time my offense doesn't change any of the words that could have a significant impact on my thoughts. I wouldn't even touch the book because I "know" it has nothing to do with anything I care about because I only care about God. While its obvious the book is going to have different opinions it also address many if all of the questions your faithful leaders are discussing behind closed doors. Not to take any light off of the history behind the different religions it describes.
 Do I know for sure that I know exactly the perfect way to think all the time? No. Do I think the way I think is credible and can be explained in hopes of other people adopting certain ideas to help themselves? Yes. When you think too much your bound to find a way that is able to put all your thoughts and life experiences, past and present, and keep them in context with respect to a range of perceptions. In other words you can become passionate and not irrational. Your maybe the old guy that the kids come buy and ask for insight and advice from.
            When you think, you have to consider what type of information your getting from what source. Can it trusted and tested? You have to think about what instances in your own life may influence your first reaction or thought to the idea well before you verbally announce them. Anyone who's stopped themselves from saying "A black guy robbed them? Of course" knows how to avoid their "brought up in a racist home" bump. You have to re-evaluate what you call "you." If you can't establish your views, opinions, and even confusions, your playing a whole new dogmatic game.

I Don't Know

For whatever reason these seem to be the hardest words to fully embrace by anyone. There's nothing wrong with them. They are inevitable with the endless questions we humans are capable of asking. By understanding that you don't know, you can begin to question the reasons you don't know. It is unfortunate that while every religion knows everything they still don't know how to admit when they're wrong. I don't trust people with all the answers because they're people with all the answers. Do I know the be all end all of your relationships with God or some significant other? Of course not. Do I know what I can see, hear, and learn about? More than anything else I could claim to know. I don't want you to think, and you don't, that I know it all. But I know a lot, and so do you. The world is a sea of information that grows exponentially every second magnifying and converging on a point that may never have an end. You're the only one who can break the wall of excuses and fear in you mind.