Sunday, January 20, 2008


How do I put into coherent words the babbling and flappy gums of people who blur every line conceivable between common sense ethics and what it means to call yourself Christian?

I'm so fucking sick of hearing it. Explain to me anyone, though I'd prefer a Christian to do so, why I can contain myself to writing pissed blogs for an hour an not live a life as some beacon of sin because I don't believe what the bible is telling me? Explain it. Tell me why I, the heretic, the one who doesn't get it, the one who doesn't have a personal relationship with god, can live as I do if this "divine message that is christ's love" isn't sinking in.

I'm sick of faith. I'm fucking sick of people claiming bullshit. Who cares if the actual claim is bullshit or not, I'm too tired of arguing biblical semantics. I'm sick of people being absolutely sure of heaven and hell and the love of some savior w/o recognizing why they are doing as such.

What reward are you seeking? It's not good enough to help the poor and sick unless your going to heaven? Maybe the more times you say how Christian you are god will give you a happy life and loving family? It fucking sickens me. Take some responsibility for your actions and realize its not some sin to give a fuck about yourself and make decisions that will positively impact you.

This debate I'm listening to has this idiot DeSouza talking of Mother Teresa hugging a leper because of christ's love. Ummm, ya the hug is making him better, not science, the love of christ made him the unhealthy lepar he is today and now the love of christ is going to heal him with a hug. Lets all be like early christians and crowd into church and try to pray away the plague and just kind of ignore that by doing so we've spread it quicker.

It's fucking sick, absolutely, unequivocally sick to blame the devil for ANYTHING, to say he has influence over ANYTHING, to think that you can fall from god's light into some evil ways for any reason than your own dumbass decisions. You want to treat this life as some battle/playground for god and the devil and meanwhile the real world is saying "ya, well that's all well and good but if your praying when you jump off the building, my laws are still going to kill you before the demon in your mind."

That one day, you had that one thought, you know, it glanced over the idea that Jesus couldn't have been born of a virgin, and yes, that sick part of you that likes to make jokes said "well maybe god just came on her stomach and she worked it around herself" That's the real world people. That's our origin. We are animals who are fascinate and delighted with contemplating things that are taboo, different, and simply wrong according to the preconceptions we're born under. I go back to an example earlier of my one friend, pray in one hand for the lesbian girl, playfully flirt with her in another.

Why why why why why is all i constantly ask myself. Why can't you be good for the sake of good? Why does it matter if jesus or god did or didn't such and such this or that? Why are we creating these barriers of people because some can't get over their irrational ideas or better yet fully appreciate where they are actually coming from. I know, I really do know that there are TOO MANY people LIEING absolutely lieing to themselves about what they are saying and what they are thinking and i'm fucking tired of it. Why are you bitching out? Stop acting like a childish punk who needs to follow the crowd in order to feel secure. I'm not preaching ATHEISM I'm not rallying against the good deeds done, for what is at least said, in the name of religion, I'm standing for TRUTH.


You can have an unexplainable thing happen in your life, you can go through an amazing coincidence. NONE OF THAT automatically assumes that because you were brought up to believe in was god's love that it is presumably so. NEVER can you say you are moral elite because you pick the right passages to quote. NEVER should you suffer the brand of sinner because agenda driven heirarches, men, looked down and determined such.

So help me if I have to here quotes taken out of context to push blatant ludicrousies in logic again. How many Christian apologetics need to work in those crowd pleasing low blows and distortions of scientific findings before someone finally beats it into them that they arn't arguing AT ALL on grounds that defend god or jesus than they do a fucking fairy. EVERY FUCKING TIME YOU SAY "O WELL, THAT DOSN'T APPLY TO "GOD" "HEAVEN" "OUTSIDE OF SPACE AND TIME" "THE SUPERNATURAL" "MY BELIEFE" "THIS OR THAT APOLOGETICS' VIEW" you lose ALL GROUND for remaining in the rational debate arena.

Christianity has hijacked inevitable human progression and labeled it with dogma, self degrating edicts, and simply mad rationalization. How hard is to believe that after enough rocks are thrown, and enough people have gotten pissed off, that we should no longer throw rocks? ITS AS BASIC AS I CAN LAY IT OUT. The god of the bible certainly dosn't understand that point which is precisely why if there was a god he wouldn't be the one so named there. You have to deny your nature, you have to deny that TRUTH, you have to delude yourself, or at least the "christian" part of yourself, into buying into any and every piece of information handed to you on faith because.......fill in the blank because finding an answer to this is simply beyond me anymore.