Saturday, January 5, 2008

[53] I Fucking Hate The Bitch

I can officially say there are two people that I fucking hate more than anything in this world. I've talked enough about the first one so lets move on to Tammi.

Tammi was formerly my mother who I've since renounced (yes as childish as it may sound). Normal mothers give a shit about their kids and maybe listen to what they have to say. Normal mothers don't abuse, physically and mentally, a child or his dad. Normal mothers don't need a rod up your ass that centrally locates you no matter where you are. Normal mothers look a phrase like "Get the fuck out of my life" as an emotionally crippling statement or at least a hint.

My mom, in the past few months no less, outright lied to me, tried to make me think my dad was going to pilfer away my college money, stolen money from me and played like wounded elk like she's just the loving vicim. There are stories out the asshole from my dad's side of the family about what this crazy bitch used to do and say before I was able to understand it all. Let me tell you, you don't want to find out they weren't just being biased.

I need a lawyer, I need a restraining order. If you care to help me in this endevour I will love for forever :). I apparently, who can piss off just about everyone I meet, can't convince this dumbass puppy to find food elsewhere and I can't handle it anymore. I can't even remember being as pissed as I have been since I was a child. Call that coincidence as well. She thinks I'm only out to threaten or hurt her when every email or phone with her I end with some version of "Go the fuck away." Mind you I didn't speak to this bitch for about 3 years, quiet peacefully.

What's making her stay?

Control freak should put under mental disorders and the fat ass should be pumped with pills. This all started when she wanted into my IU email, her excuse to pay the bills. I give access to pay the bills. Not good enough. Not for this bitch no, she wants the whole package. Why? Why not be able to send emails to all my teachers about what I'm doing in class as she's done before in previous years. Why not read everything I may send out to my friends? Play like she confused that I might get angry when she insinuates that I'm out fucking around in class, wasting money, and need to have a leash.

Your moms may have beat you, I can relate. They may have had some fucked up addiction, I can relate. They may have made your life a living hell and I guess its just all coming around cus I didn't have enough mental suffering growing up.