Sunday, October 12, 2008

[139] Bang Bang Shoot Em Up

Sunday, October 12, 2008 at 12:33am

People are pathetic. I say it openly, loudly, and freely as often as I can. Anyone want to venture a guess as to why I say it? People lie to themselves and everyone around them as often as they can in order to maintain some, if not any, semblance of order or status quo. I refuse to let people lie to themselves, and they hate me for it. But let us be clear, I do not feel that me simply pointing out what's already there somehow makes me a "dick." Sure, people don't want to be reminded of their problems or told everything about them that's wrong, but here's a hint, if those things don't matter or don't make you sad, then obviously I'm incorrect and there's nothing left to say. Take the other side of the coin then and ask yourself why my words do affect you if your so quick to say "ya I'm happy" and "that doesn't matter" to my criticism.

There are so many things to say about what matters and what makes you happy. Something matters when you make it matter. A chair is a chair until you deem it your favorite chair, if you want a simple example. If you see drinking and smoking as your "happy facilitators" then your biased and predisposed to finding all justifications for engaging in them. This is where the red flashing light goes off under the word pathetic. I saw a monkey in my psyche class who was "raised" by a wire mother, but would jump to a cloth mother signifying the importance of touch to the security and well-being of animals. I see people as that little monkey being raised by a wired mother, but unfortunately their smart enough to know it. So what do they do? They dress it up, they talk to it, and they get all their friends to remind them just how real and loving it
truly is. I find that at this point my method, which takes a steamroller to the wire mother, is all too appropriate and necessary.

I was told to fix my problems before I went around pointing out all the flaws of other people. To this I responded "what are my problems." You see, I'm all for objective truths or evidence behind any assertions against me. What I got back was a stomp on the foot and a shot to the chest lol. O, and less I forget part of the reason for starting the blog, exploring the accusation that I'm a "dick." If I would try to make a list of my problems, the only one that would even be marginally significant is that I'm lazy and dismayed with big dreams. Consequently, I am trying at least to work on this, hopefully with the help and input of people I care about and respect. Okay okay, so you probably know there aren't so many of those and think I'm destined to fail lol, but no, it happens. Perhaps unfortunately for these people is that I demand a certain level of honesty about oneself in order venture down any further road of trust or enterprise. Call this an "ultimate game" of mine if you will.

I think part of the reason I seem rather stagnant is that I'm happy, but not complacent. As a person, what I'm about, the things that make me laugh, the people I actively try to hang with, the things I have, the support systems; all of that makes me happy. It is important to note that while I'm happy in those terms, I'm certainly well aware of and pissed off about many many other things. I am not complacent nor comfortable with the idea that things can't get better or that "some things just are." Unfortunately this does not mesh with other philosophies that so badly just want for things to be "happy" and "stable," despite whether it means lying or looking past the real issues.

In order to refrain from referring to myself as pathetic I feel it is my task to make you cry if you need to cry and endlessly question and doubt everything you tell me if I don't buy into your version of a "happy" existence. This is significantly much more the case when it comes to people I may feel compelled to invest in either emotionally or financially. Bottom line, I want my life to be about fun and the pursuit of something more than stuffy house parties and video games. If you can't handle that or don't agree with some aspect of my method, give me real reasons to change and surprise, I just might. I'm not just some emotionless void that wanders about looking for things to bitch at. Maybe I come off that way because my emotions don't last longer than they have to, for example, anger and the need to ridicule when I walk past of group of indistinguishable drunken partiers. This does not reflect my overall "lack of happiness" or "dick" nature though.

At the end of the day, I understand that it feels good to be an influence in someone else's life. I like the feeling of being the guy who started the event or conversation that changed an opinion or provided an opportunity. I will not compromise this goal by catering to just anybody. I can't have people spear heading something of this nature who don't know what it is, or even care what it is, to be happy.

Billy Bowman (Bloomington, IN) wroteat 6:50pm on October 12th, 2008
About time you wrote something worth reading.. so many of my friends lately have been posting crap.... sigh.. anywho
I'd almost agree with you when you say people are pathetic, though, I honestly think there's a better word to describe how i feel about them. Stupid perhaps.. unaware? ah.. it's not the point.. I feel much better when people around me are happy, even when i despise what it is they are happy about. I've tried many times to show people a different point of view, to get them to stop lieing to themselves and be who they are, but it's completely hopeless, especially if you go about it by making it feel like an insult to them. I have on several occasions had people at least stop lieing to me for the moment, and open up and show me who the really are, and explain why the do what they do. They revert back instantly, and don't see reason when i explain they shouldn't put up such as facade, but it's more progress then making them cry.
Honestly Nick, you ARE a dick. I could of swore you've admitted as much, but i don't care to look for examples. However, if like you said, you realize this and it doesn't matter, or doesn't make you sad, then it's not really a problem to you.
I understand your want for something more then house parties and video games, but for some people, that is enough to fool themselves into being happy. Criticism won't change that, it will only make them and those sympathetic to them upset and hostile. While I'm sure it won't happen, because I'm sure you've tried it in the past with about the same result as I have, try convincing people through reasoning with them, and being understanding.
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David Dyer wroteat 9:35am on October 13th, 2008
What!? video games don't make me happy? fuck...
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Nick P. wroteat 3:01pm on October 13th, 2008
lol no DAVE video games make you very happy.