Tuesday, November 6, 2012

[311] Batting A Thousand

So I’m one of those cool kids. As in, I can “understand” where the other cool kid is coming from and reach this copacetic middle ground where we mutually respect each other’s place in life. Except, fuck them.

For as much as I run a little ringer on people, I really can’t stand when people try to turn it on me. I’m good with being a hypocrite as far as shit’s concerned. Where do you get off me calling you on what you’re doing and your refusal to acknowledge that I’ve seen through you’re little scheme. You little bitch lol.

I feel like I am perpetually open to misrepresentation. It’s frankly habit by now. It really doesn’t matter what you say or how you say it, people will decide to understand you in their terms, and it’s your responsibility to “respect” those terms and follow some form of suit.

Why do I crash “random” peoples’ conversations?

I’m not seeking something new. I don’t think I’m going to learn of some perspective. I really feel like I do it so I can feel sad. So I can connect with the tumultuous failings of people and sort of “re-up” just how fucked it is to think differently than I do.

It sucks because I really feel bad for people. Weird right? I’m all “fuck you and shit” and yet I have this like pain in my stomach that’s like “this can’t be all.”

I don’t like other alleged “cool kids.”

My disposition isn’t terribly of choice. I feel like I got here from thinking too goddamn much and over intellectualizing a process that is only concern with whether or not you manager to nut enough times in some chicks vagina. But at the same time, there’s some semblance of respect given the implications of acting like some amoral node that disregards what it means to be human.

I do get angry. Like, super angry. And I really don’t know how to translate that in a way that doesn’t make it “personal.” Because, it kind of is, but in a more important way really isn’t. I don’t pretend like I’m better. I’m not on some thrown. I’m just confused that we don’t do what makes the most sense. And ya, it pisses me the fuck off.

Just talking to this Indian kid about his experience with relationships tonight is enough. It’s so unbelievably sad. There is no guidebook from taking him out of how bad he’s been fucked. And he’s going to make decisions about life and love from how he got shit on as a teenager. My god. The idea that we’re literally handicapped by the stupid shit we may or may not encounter as kids…

As long as people aren’t happy, fuck us. I don’t want a species to keep on and evolve that’s perpetually sad and despotic. The reasons I don’t believe in us is because of our default attitudes toward life. For every optimist you’ll find a hundred thousand circumstantial pessimists It’s not conversation and logical debate that changes them. I feel hopelessly naïve in believing they might’ve worked.

The secret is not killing yourself. If you find a platform to do what you do that overwhelms the objectively reasonable positions you may take on ending your time here, you may as well be a “god.”

It’s hard to swallow how stupid you are. Like, why the fuck bother inventing words and thinking about things, right? But, at the end of the day, you just have your stupid ideas and your stupid reasons that pretend to grasp the entirety of your position.