Sunday, November 4, 2012

[310] Because Guns Are Stupid And I Fucking Hate Everything

Guns were designed to kill. (Pausing to hear the counterargument). If you chose to argue in this space, please stick something big enough to cause a break or bleed in your asshole.

I could give two ever loving fucks, really just ask, if your hobby is to shoot things responsibly. You happen to like something meant and designed to kill, potentially en masse. I don’t give a fuck how much it costs you. I don’t give a fuck if what you had was previously legal and now it’s not. I could cry a fucking river (and that’s a lie) about the paperwork or time you have to spend reloading when your life could be made a pinch easier with a 16 round magazine. AND GOD FUCKING FORBID I CALL IT A CLIP!

On the table currently it is guns, but it doesn't matter. Always there will be the ridiculous, uninformed, emotional, brazen “fuck you” position that stands as an “equal” to what common fucking sense and experience has taught us. I’m so fucking tired.

No one is taught how to argue. People genuinely believe that if they feel strongly enough about something, that is the be all end all precursor to something being legitimate and mattering. Look at Sotomayor's commentary on the Daily Show. “I’m amazed at how passionate everybody is.” She didn't say whether or by what means they would be judged right or wrong. She simply marveled at their “passion.”

So quick are people to offer up their perspective. As if they matter. As if their opinion has the information and nuance to change something. They are nothing! They hate the fact they are nothing, and they scream so loud so that you can make them something. They aren't reporting. They’re sensationalizing. They’re personalizing. They’re actively degrading the lesson and the message in order for it to conform to their conception of entertainment.

I fucking hate everything. I hate the lie. I hate the backdrop we’re supposed to operate under in order to get along with each other. I hate the bastardized conceptions of friends and relationships. I hate the wasted time. I hate the unnecessary stress. I hate the pursuit of what was never personally called upon for the acceptance of what was never personally respected.

Do you have any idea how odd it is to try and survive in a world where you don’t genuinely believe people have a legitimate argument and chance of existing? I so hate the world that as a person, if I was somehow wrought with the ideas of those I hate, I would tell you to exterminate me. I’m so under the impression that you have a choice that you have a fucking ability to step back and assess a situation, ESPECIALLY IN THE GOOGLE AGE, that there is no excuse for sounding like an ignorant peasant “humbly making their way through the world.”

It’s because of this I will always be a loner. I will only and ever connect with people who grasp just how far removed I am from any form of contentedness or happiness with how the majority of life is conducted. So much doesn't matter to me. It is too easy for me to forget people. It is kind of scary just how far I think I would go to actually prove a significant point to a vast amount of people.

I just wish you’d wake up. I wish I didn't have to hate you. It feels like a moral obligation. If there isn't someone so disgusted with the world and the place you hold in it, how dare I consider myself a moral being to exist in it. Please, believe and know my hatred. Dream about how horribly one of your friends thinks about our places in the world. Maybe think about changing something. Maybe give a voice to the same kinds of shit that YOU see wrong as well. Take me from my solipsistic island and start an actual movement. Until then, it’s all fucking stupid, I fucking hate everything, it’s all a joke and pathetic circumstance, and I fucking hate you for pretending otherwise. “Fuck off and die” would only seem appropriate if I ever conceived of you of living.

Sure, I'm taking out my philosophical frustrations on whomever chooses to read, but that's really not the point. Just stop lying. Just stop pretending. Just treat things, and people and yourselves like you should. I'll never express how much I long for death in a world where people pretend otherwise.