Sunday, August 5, 2012

[294] Idealize The Man

What if complete and utter empathy is possible? What if it is not only possible, but required? Empathy as I understand it is about an understanding of feeling. It’s the infinite sadness of losing someone you love. Maybe it’s the awkward settling in to a new social scene. Some know the ability to be pushed to absolute rage that negates pain and the passage of time. You may talk to a therapist or best friend about your experiences and they’ll say “I understand” like everyone trained to engage/dodge where you’re coming from. But when is it the best talk? Is it platitudes and a rub on the back or when they immediately know what the next course of action is? Do you want someone to tell you they understand, or guide you through in a way that validates your feelings when the words are never enough? Understanding of feeling; true compelling empathy that moves someone in the way they know you need to be moved.

I argue (read: hold various strong stances towards or against things) constantly and talk a bigger game than anybody I know. I know that I do not translate my message that makes others feel it like I want them to. There is a lot of trouble you can get into if you relegate everything you think or feel to talk. Luckily, I act, but nowhere near the amount I talk. I sort of feel I’m in a perpetual dress rehearsal. It’s like one day I’ll get my TED talk and lay my case out so brilliantly and like Nick P, you will be forced to walk away from it moved to action. That feels like a worthy challenge or intellectual pursuit. I just have entirely too much theory and not enough data.

And that data can come in many forms. Before I’m anything, I want to be pragmatic. If I wasn’t able to pay the bills, maintain a friend, or even scrap the surface of pop culture or politics, I don’t think you should even bother with me. Data for instance with the turning my car into a cab thing. I already worked a cab job, I already know there’s room for more cabs and more getting drunk people home safe, and I know how much money there is to be made. Until I come home with a few hundred bucks in hand, I don’t even believe me. Granted, I find this odd, but if I didn’t believe it at least in some very important way, I wouldn’t pursue the endeavor in the first place. It’s a mismatching in understanding between expectations for the not experienced future and the ever present now. Maybe I just need to refocus on “ignoring the future.”

I wonder sometimes how much of my experience is because “I’m fairly certain this is the correct thing” played against “this is novel.” It really does take, what feels like something special, because it’s so few and fleeting, to get me excited. Accidents, taboos, spur of the moment decisions, stirring up emotions or conversations that I’ve forced into existence. It’s not so much “risk seeking behavior” as it is “something worth contemplating” or “something that might dramatically change the perspective of all involved.” When I think of the million and a half reasons people don’t do things, I always settle on the very fact of my decision to do so being the only one that matters. If I decide, I win. And people don’t empathize with that.

I can feel fear and uncertainty. I’m perpetually doubtful. I’m always going to go too far and have to make nice. But I’m still going to explore. I’m still going to take a chance. I’m still going to know that there is a simple enough take on a complex picture that can take the infinite uncertainty and see it tamed. It’s empowering in a way that you can’t help but be respectful. It’s “too much power” tempered by the endless perspectives it allows you work with and think about. It’s something I wish everyone felt. It’s something that should be freely exchanged via shared experience. In my mind, in many ways, it’s how I idealize humanity.

I don’t consider myself, necessarily, a good person. I know I’m frequently capable of going out of my way to be a bad one. Underneath these empty judgments about myself is a basic inability to call anything good or bad without a context. I have the freedom to forgive or condemn, not the obligation. I have the potential to flip a desk and crack a foreign fuck cab driver in the face equally to the potential to walk away. Whether you choose to accept circumstance or fate, given the many more ways I have to alleviate problems in my life, I found it “best” to walk away. May your god help you if you think I’d never do otherwise. With this in mind, I see my goal heavily characterized by a burden to create context.

For as good a shit talker as I can be, I need to make sure as many of my actions are far from judgments that don’t take into account how I think a future maybe healthy society should behave. This is a far cry from making excuses for peoples’ behavior. I’m not going to abstain from holding a door open for a fat person because “they need the exercise” for example. But as far as interpersonal relations go, I’m hard pressed to move much beyond basic civility, at least currently. This I think mostly comes from what I see from history. People need a thick skin, they used to have a thicker skin, being kind of dickish to dicks or dick-like things merely flavored the overall conversation. I also think it’s a nice spring board to the even harder conversations that require honesty, accountability, and introspection.

I suppose one of the methods I’m dying to see the results of is rewarding the personality. I literally want to enable people to be more of the kinds of people they are. I think there is a forgotten dividend to respecting respectable people and cultivating a culture of people you want in the future. I think there is a big guise we operate under where life is this thing that happens to us and we have to deal with. I mean, the very reason I don’t go insane is a commitment to creating something new and touting that which I find worth respect. I freely obligate myself to a world that could eventually make sense filled with people I don’t perpetually hate. I want to contribute to the pool of resources you can dip into to feel where I’m coming from. Because god knows it must be hard to follow a lot of these blogs.

In a weird way, I feel like when “I win” everyone does. And I’m not winning until everyone actually is. The fate of my happiness or action/inaction is intimately tied to the degree in which you actually feel it. I want to send a message that can be heard a billion different ways that results in a single thing; a feeling of infinite potential. I want us to arbitrate the context. I want us to write and rewrite and rewrite the rules until the exercise becomes as absurd as the presupposition. We need to feel what we idealize or we’re stuck with what we fear and hate. What we fear and hate will never “disappear” to the realm of merely informing our perspective until we know there’s something more. No, I don’t think it’s something that can be given to you by a sky daddy or guy in a fancy robe. So, that’s where I come in.