Monday, July 23, 2012

[292] Or, Such Is The Case Otherwise

Blaaaaaaahhhhhh. I write with a heavy heart. My “instinct” so to speak, is to just be mean. It’s kind of sad. Most of what I view in the world I pretty much generally hate, so I’m not terribly off in erring on the side of dick head. Alas, it is not always the case though and I need to find myself humbled in ignorance.

I assume. It’s a “necessary” evil to feel contented about your place in the world. I like to pretend that my perspective is informed after engaging in activities that most are not privy to. But at the end of the day I can be wrong. When you’re forced to be an honest person against your naïve initial interpretations, it’s a very interesting landscape. And that’s what I had to face tonight.

My fundamental hatred has its implications. My doubt and skepticism can be taken too far. I just so happened to unleash on a small business owner. To be fair, he wasn’t exactly quick to accept my retractions or clarifications, but still, I was selling myself as king asshole.

The problem was that I have firsthand knowledge of how much things cost. To me, “local” should by its nature be cheaper and more accessible, fuck the farmers market and the bullshit people will tell you. So when you’re selling something “local” for 2 or 3 dollars more than picking up the same thing form a Kroger shelf, I have a reaction.

It didn’t take dick for me to run the coffee shop, and that’s a part of the reason we were able to last as long as we did. Were it not for the rent, nothing would have prevented us from pulling in pretty nice figures. How am I to believe that anything else is so dramatically more complex or more expensive? If you own the land you’re farming, if you collaborate with other hippie fucks in town, and if you source and sample your menu form the readily available non-GMO esc foods around, forgive me if I think you’re a dick for charging 5 or 6 bucks.

I think small business is the key to jump starting the economy. I think the people making an effort to think locally and sustainably is important. But give me a fucking break, I won’t pretend that growing your own shit in you r backyard or sourcing form every hippie fuck within a ten mile radius justifies a higher price. It’s a bullshit argument. And the smug look of satisfaction staring back at my drunk or otherwise ass does not change the fucking numbers. Either you as the face is being scammed or everyone else is just as keen to the scene of how much you can milk the idea of local goods.

When I tell you, “You can eat a dick” it’s for this reason. I’m not convinced you’re thinking far enough. I don’t think you have the care to hold the people you source from accountable. I think at the end of the day it’s about your personal circle jerk. Whoopy fuck you decided to hit up every “organic” and “local” venue that touts itself important. How ever fucking blind you are to the self-righteous pride you’re feeling“ providing” the service that you do. How easy it is to look down on people who don’t know your numbers.

I’M NOT CONVINCED!!! Our default is to be fucked up! We fundamentally are going to strive for the bare minimum. We may try to feel like something more, something significant, but it’s all a dance. It’s a psychological playground of self-righteous indignation that we don’t believe or don’t fight for or don’t understand. I’m just as empty a pipe-dreamer in striving for my goals without the philosophical underpinnings that answer “why.” This is not an easy message to get across when your initial position is to tell someone to “eat a dick.”

But again, who fucking cares? It isn’t worth it. Even if it were it would be short lived and ill remembered. It would be the grandstand and folly to think my digressions and explanations of the day’s events translated into genuinely giving a shit.