Sunday, May 20, 2012

[283] Practice Makes Permanent

I want to paint a despotic picture. I want to do it through the lens of my meager and small perspective. I hope if you care to tag along on this journey, you’ll get the same things I’m after in writing it.

I’ve been everywhere, or at least, that's what it feels like. I remember what it feels like to have a small, but strong enough conception of family. I remember what it’s been like to be insecure and scared. I’ve never felt so alone than when I thought I was in a kind of love that no one could understand. I have punctuated and deliberate memories of times when I “woke up” to who I was when things needed to change. I reached a point where I could not bear the anxiety and stress of holding a bad idea. I didn’t need to keep relearning the consequences of my behavior. I didn’t have to deny my feelings or thoughts.

You can read through old blogs where I’ve been an emotional train wreck. You can read depressing and dramatic professions of confusion and doubt. You can probably hear the inflection I give the word “fuck” in some of my most pissed off rants about religion, relationships, or general tom-fuckery from various people I’ve occasioned to know. I feel it necessary to bring this up when it comes to my digressions about people and their motivations. I don’t exactly seek to wear street cred on my sleeve. I operate under the assumption that we’re all human. What good is my advice or meddling disposition if not to see results! Why get a little cocky about getting laughs or part-timing as a therapist if there isn’t something to be said about my potential insight?

The thing that I’d love to be too arrogant about were I not so humble, my personality, my perspective, my genuine understanding of something you may not be as keen to as me, is what I look for in other people. There’s the default personality you get by being born under your circumstances and your history. Then there’s what you get to shape when you start making decisions. I think the problems that will extinguish us as a species lie between those two different “Yous.”

I have a relatively psychotic mother. I can take my childhood and know all of the enraging, depressing, demoralizing, and humiliating places it can send me. I can feel them right now just trying to pass on by. That’s the history me. The one who’s, calmly, writing through the heartbeats is the decision me. There are feelings, staples of our beings, which we may never shake. Whether there are physical reactions, winding thought patterns, or little ticks that, for all intents and purposes, dictate us at that precise moment. How we conceptualize them, how we break them down, or where we put them in our chosen mental framework, I think, will dictate our very survival.

It’s easy to feel. It’s too easy to feel. For the better part of our existence, it’s our feelings that meant life or death. Run or fight. Are you afraid, ferocious, or both and the adrenaline rush doesn’t care to split hairs. I very really hate when people take the easy way out. Stated differently, I hate when people don’t think. For surely, thinking is taken for granted. You can’t even get up in the morning without thinking about how to get out bed. Obviously, if it feels good or the people around you agree with it, how fine a comb do you expect needs to be run through it?

The one and only thing that makes me “cool” or “informed” or “Nick P.” is the exercise of my brain. Only when I sat and thought a fuck ton about what it meant to love or be in love did I find myself upon a defensible position on the matter. Only after I assessed the likely consequences of my future with certain people in my life did I start to form strong opinions on ideas about family or what it means to be in a relationship. After 283 and counting blogs of self-exploration can I even regard what have truly been traumatic and compelling moments with oft fondness and purpose to inform and hopefully better the life of someone who’s been there as well.

And that speaks to the consequences of the thinking individual. It’s not to preach, but to educate. It’s not to self-deprecate, but to conceptualize. It’s a move towards freedom of expression and a celebration of choice. It’s exalting knowledge and respecting its ability to, if not erase, draw such an immense picture around the pain and confusion, it becomes a mere compliment to the artist’s overall motif.

This is how I judge character. This is where I play with my internal scale regarding my level of interaction with some person, idea, or endeavor. This is how I choose my heroes and what I “waste my time” with. And like recognizes like. And when you’re not a certain way, it’s jarring; it sticks in my head and troubles me in ways that take it well beyond my probably already spent conception of you. Now it’s at the idea level. Now it’s about the implications. The “what if society at large” questions arise. The uniquely human psychological dispositions and interplay of personalities is a never ending snowball.

It’s how I learned to make a distinction between you and your so-called ideas. It’s why I softened up arguing so vehemently about religious topics. It’s why I try not to automatically stigmatize something and ask a million questions. I feel like this isn’t particularly new behavior, but I haven’t stated it like this. And I’d totally understand why someone would think me hard-lined as for or against. To say that I’m anti-religion or spirituality or whatever else is to simply get me wrong. I’m against unhelpful or incorrect ideas.

But what arrogance! How can you have an incorrect idea? When it doesn't take you where you were trying to go. If you make a claim about yourself and nothing about your actions or feelings reflect that, your idea is incorrect. If you're not prepared to recognize how easy and often the incompleteness of your knowledge on a situation can corrupt your ideas about it, you're not doing yourself any favors.

What we see and do pragmatically is ultimately dictated by the philosophical underpinnings that either enable or inhibit potential courses of action. If the decision makers believe that pursuing carbon emitting fuels is better than sustainable energy, the likelihood of an extinction event rises past a point people concerned with living should be comfortable with. It doesn’t matter how much you may recant your actions faced with the reality of your decision, it’s no longer really an option for this particular group of 7 billion people to carry on into the next few hundred years.

It’s not my concern that there aren’t enough smart people out there or enough personalities. I don’t think everything is fucked up. I think there are different layers to the game. It’s a numbers game, it’s a group psychology game, and it’s an information gathering and translating game. But mostly, it’s a game people are playing incorrectly, and it’s hard to really measure how much blame lies with them and how much is the field that’s been narrowed before they got there.

What’s most disturbing to me, and hopefully it’s just a symptom of my small perspective, is what I find the solution to be: thinking. Taking lessons to heart, adopting and trying ideas, and forcing yourself to an actual platform or informed opinion. I find this disturbing because I know how subtle and nuanced our behavior and thoughts can be. I know we can say one thing, do another, and be on a completely different planet mentally that justifies all of it. I can say that my friends are better at not being like this than most, but they’re not immune. Certainly I could be under a spell about my future or capabilities given my ignorance of the state of the world at large.

But is this not how we learn? Hold an idea, fight for it, and see it through until the consequences? Was it not necessary for me to have and hold a host of terrible ideas in my past in order to garner the kind of perspective and habit of reflection I hold today? How do you fix a necessary precondition to enlightenment? How can you account for the infinite veins through which someone may learn a lesson? Surely an ignorance of the future, or even the here and now should not arrest our decisions or make us any less beholden to our ideas! At least, this is what I hear, time and again, and all I have is an emphatic well, maybe it should!

You see, we have a metric for judging ideas that takes us out of the ignorant monkey brains we’re stuck with. That metric is science. To talk of all the things science doesn’t know is for you to insult yourself, and the collective conscious that was overwhelmingly aimed towards making your life a little bit better, at least sometimes. There isn’t a single vaccinated person with an i-anything that has a right to speak against the advancement of information and technology or the impact it’s had on their lives. But then, why do we make it a controversy?

It only makes sense to me when you bring it back to the very real and much ignored human failings of thought. If we’re bored and want controversy, just pick a topic. If we’re confused or afraid of a subject, there’s a chemical fix in merely reacting. When you feel allegiance to a group, then what a great feeling to know your decisions can be made for you. We have personal, compelling, life-altering lessons that need to be translated en masse. It doesn’t matter how much they’ve sang and written about love, you don’t know MY KIND of love! My family, my experience, my small mind is more compelling, more understanding, and more accepting of what YOU and YOUR BIG world would call my failings, and that makes you wrong!

Just think of the children. I feel like any parent can relate to being in this situation and probably any teacher too. You don’t need a special kind of arrogance or sense of privilege to know when you can be an authority on something. Reduce our politics to overgrown children, and what happens? The people who cry, fold their arms, lie, and name call, with no one to keep them in check, win. We’re whiney children with no parents. And when we adopt a parent, let’s call it “God” for shits and giggles, no way, it tends to think like us! It believes in us, it will save us, we just have to provide no more reason to believe in it than because we wanna! We can get even more ridiculous and project onto a faceless entity called The State or Big Government while living in a democracy!

We crave being justified. It doesn’t matter if we’ve picked a reasonable topic to feel validated over. The very fact that we’ve found someone to agree is enough. The very fact of our compelling feelings is sufficient to keep the motor running. Being skeptical and checking your ideas are conscious and deliberate acts. You aren’t born with the knowledge that you can be profoundly and perpetually wrong. What that means for how you behave in the world I think can overwhelm every best and informed intention. It’s the habit, the norm, the default position and therefor the most likely and easiest.

What we prescribe for ourselves we paradoxically won’t advocate for our neighbor while they take our examples and react in kind. Human rights don’t extend past the front door. We can kill, but when killed it’s the most atrocious. We can steal but when stolen from it’s a threat to democracy and the free market! Today we have policies from 1984. Today we are causing irreversible damage to the planet. Today our numbers paint a grim picture for us and our offspring. Today we are arguing about demonstrable facts against magic. You aren’t separate or better than the discourse. It will come back around and affect you.

Our normal doesn’t work. Our normal is to fight. Our normal mishears, misreads, and distrusts. Our normal is fairly lazy. Our normal is about convenience and speed. We’re complicit and complacent in our circumstances. Our normal is to get used to it. We make excuses, we adopt distractions and vices. We project. Our normal is to ultimately reject everything about our normality ironically for “something more” we disable ourselves from ever creating. We want love, but refuse to understand or define it. We want God without holding a Godly standard. We avoid the struggle and pain because we refuse to think to a point where it finally pays out. We refuse to sacrifice even a sliver of ourselves if it means too much disappointment or another failure. Only to perpetually fail to think.

Practice makes permanent.