Tuesday, October 21, 2008

[141] Mostly Independent Not Quite Random Mini Musings

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 11:49pm

I get bored easy. It affects everything I do and everyone I meet. The only two things that have yet to bore me would be music and reading. For those of you following along or were wondering what the title of my last blog had to do with anything, I want to explore a new analogy I concocted. To me, people I meet are like songs. When I actually find a reason to call them friend or confidant they become a favorite song. Now being into music, you can imagine I have many favorite songs. If you listen to music then you know that while you'll probably always remember the words and enjoy the beat to one of them, if it played all day every day for months on end you'd get sick of it. Well, this is how it works for me and people. My ever growing play list includes hundreds of songs I fully know and some I can kinda remember for a cool beat or solo idea. Some I'd pay to see live four and five times, others I'd skip in a heartbeat if they didn't vibe with me that day. I feel this is also an appropriate analogy because I'm always listening to and watching these people and they don't realize it. No, not stalker, but paying more attention than I'd let on. Also, just like the majority of songs from Coldplay or U2, if I feel you sound like that, then it's fuck you I don't care what you think or say. But being the objective person I carry on to be, I'd have to acknowledge the redeeming qualities of almost anything none the less. I just hope the people I get along with don't end up on the radio.


I feel like my clogged toilet is a metaphor for my life at the moment. Granted, this thing would clog if you pissed too much in it, but none the less. I still plan on taking over the campus, but like in every piling shit mound, there’s so much to work through before you can find nuggets of happiness.(assuming you managed to swallow anything worthwhile first) I still hate school, but I’m in the high B to mid C range appropriately as I predicted a few weeks ago, so there’s really nothing new there. I’m moving out of my apartment which smells like god only knows what, and I think it’s going to result in a little more than some of the people involved anticipate. I’m really dissatisfied with the management, but have refrained from going overtly dick and just cussing them out. I’m also rather disappointed in my roommates for bothering to move in in the first place with the apartment smelling as it does. I’m all but decided that I refuse to make my life consisting of a job that requires me to do the same sort of tasks over and over day in and day out. If that means I’m doing nothing and living rather frugally, then so be it. I’m failing at trying to be friends with more and more people because, call it coincidence, the vast majority of people are still exactly how I peg them to be. That isn’t to say that I have no good people to be around, but just as there are many different things you can get from different songs, I’m still looking and wanting more. I need to do such stupid things for the “flow” to progress a little better in my life, and I think my level of rating those things as retarded overrides my drive to finally get them over with.


A perfect week.

I’m excited to wake up early, around 8 or 9 to run to a studio and hear the newly mixed tracks from a band I’ve been scouting and decided kicked ass enough for me to promote them. We go out to breakfast and don’t even glance at the menu, because price is no factor. I have a “car meeting” where business issues and task are discussed as I head to one of the many enterprises I’ve chosen to invest in. Say cooking perhaps, so I head to the kitchen and take part in learning some new dish or recruiting someone to be head chef at some function I have later in the week. After that I get word of some function or party going on across town, so I hit up as many friends that are free as possible and we rock the fuck out as we roll up in style. There’s a pool, lights, great music, and endless food. The party winds down and I head home where relaxing, perhaps a movie takes place and I get to fall asleep not worrying about when I have to wake up in the morning. The night’s over and I’m up. My house, being ever pimp, is situated on a lake so I grab friends, hit the boat, go water skiing, fishing, and other random water related shit for the better part of the day. We decide the area is boring and pack up to catch the next flight overseas. We arive in, say Paris, find some tour guide who knows where and how to have a good time and spend the rest of the day doing whatever the hell there is to do in Paris. This would of course lead to further traveling across Europe and almost certainly then Asia, if only four the next four days so I don’t have to keep coming up with specifics. We head back home just in time for the S.O.A.D reunion concert, coincidentally at one of my venues because I knew a guy who knew a guy who knows Serj. Now replace any activity with another you can imagine and I’d want to be doing that as well. Include a massive amount of books being finished on plane trips and guitar practice and I’m basically set.

Stephanie Smith wroteat 4:13pm on October 22nd, 2008
I love the song and music analogy. It is really true though, and I actauyll find it quite funny that you think this way becasue I too have found myself thinking similarly. I wonder what that means for us though...will people ever be more than just the music that flows through our lives, ever-changing and always going: never to stop and stay a while with us? That is a question I find myself asking over and over again, perhaps you might be closer to understanding the answer than I, if so, let me know for I am still pondering it even as we speak.

**Great write by-the-way Nico. Keep it up, before you know, your thoughts will be in a book somewhere so everyone can read them.**
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Nick P. wroteat 4:45pm on October 22nd, 2008
lol I have soooo much writing, and have been told to put them in book, I'm just not cool enough to get published I think.

Stephanie Smith wroteat 9:21pm on October 22nd, 2008
Haha thats great. I have been published once, last year, in a poetry anthology. May I read some of your other stuff sometime?
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Nick P. wroteat 9:25pm on October 22nd, 2008
There isn't enough posted already? lol