Thursday, March 29, 2018

[705] Fuck Today

Today is a bad day. It's only 2:12, and I've spent most of it asleep. I don't know what else is in store, but it doesn't matter. At around 1 in the morning, I get an email from another useless Craigslist person telling me that I've been strung along in hoping for some help for another 3 weeks. They think there's nothing wrong with keeping someone waiting who's clearly deeply emotionally invested in creating something meaningful and profitable. I woke up at 6 in the morning feeling very tired, and texted the head of a construction company who contacted me yesterday to work on some apartments as a scab that I wasn't willing to risk getting injured on a job site without health insurance. It's been nonstop raining, I was in no way prepared to spend 9 hours pretending the 9/hr was worth it. He thanked me for letting him know, and then said, “good luck.” My email this morning read, “You have accepted the terms and conditions for working at Clustertruck” in 3 separate emails, pressing the thumb down on the point that there is no escape from anti-union, anti-legislation business practices, and you better get in line or starve. I'm trying to find the headspace to drive out to the land to drop off more money for my builder who, 3 different times now, I thought was supposed to be done building the bathroom, but something always comes up.

The Craigslist asshole reminds me of when I tried to be “robotic” in my understanding of how people operate. He echoed the tone and metre of my ex-girlfriend sophomore year of college. “Why, it's unfortunate you feel that way” is one of the most detached and ridiculous phrases you can provide someone when you've pissed them off. I do believe you have a responsibility to cope with your own feelings, but I'm not and have never been under the impression that any one person is an island and we don't affect each other. I feel like a girl who's been waiting for her long term boyfriend to propose after he said he was going to a dozen times. Then when he breaks up with me, he doesn't understand why I'm upset because “it just makes sense for him personally” to pursue women he wants to fuck more.

I'm confused on what people think my motivation is. I'm very angry that people think I'm not entitled to my anger. I don't think they appreciate the threat. I don't think they look to the future. I don't think they even believe they have lives that overlap and are of any consequence. So when I spend 3 weeks of “deliberate patience” to hear, “actually, I was lying all along” that's a net negative to not only my disposition, but to my concept of why I'm bothering at all. You know why I want to sleep all the time? Because enough of those moments back to back tear me shreds. You know why I signed those terms? Because the glancing blows some editorial from what a labor activist writes isn't going to bring down the exploitation machine we've built into how we work together. Turning down the scab gig at least wasn't me actively pursuing one more cut.

I don't need to conduct my life with any sense of purpose or joy. I can turn into the manipulative and indignant. My last attempt to refrain from inflicting that on the world is to try and sleep. I've already pulled out, stayed up all night, and stuck to my shows. I've picked a library's worth to read, and lined up the instruments to practice. I'm moving to the middle of nowhere. I've whittled down my “friends” into the handful of depressives who are as glued to facebook as I am and subset of adults who barely bother to use it at all anymore. When you recede far enough, you either kill yourself, or you lash out.

It gets worse though. An episode of misdirected anger is one thing, but what happens when you can no longer feel one way or another about it? Something I said hurt? What are you anyway? Another liar? Another person who's given up. Another bag of cliches pretending we're closer than we actually are? Another pseudo-competence for any realm beyond your own preservation? You want to chastise me, or lecture me, suggest a book to read, or wring your hands that you can finally be done listening? It's all on the table. Who cares? I speak to avatars and pixels. My appeals thrown in my face. My ideals trammeled beyond recognition. My words as hollow as my next irrational attention-seeking panic attack.

It's a bad day because writing isn't making it better. I'm going to hunch, and huff, and linger. I'm going to press too hard and dig too deeply into pimples and scabs that aren't popable or pickable. I'm going to just stare. I'm going to stare at the life I'm not living and the people I'll never meet. I'm going to stare at the empty and afraid faces who have the gall to tell me they understand how I should behave.