Thursday, February 5, 2009

[75] Word Frivolity, Contemptible Logic (I Need To Start Smoking)

WOW. I just found the site and let me tell you….
I'm bereaved by the idea that people can use the bible for insightful looks into their lives and still remain coherent so I'm officially throwing it out. This one kid started talking about relationships and for a second I was going along with him right up until he started making those, for lack of a better word, bullshit statements that reside nowhere else but the bible. Textbook example "Know who you are in 'christ' before you figure out who you are with someone else." This is so logically incoherent and devoid of sense to me that I have to take a stab at it anyway. Why does no one ever decide to define how they view Christ? Are they aware Christ means anointed one, not Jesus? If I pretended to be a complete layman's person when it came to this sentence all I'd say is that I'm trying to be a good person and forgive. Apparently I'm wrong though, it's something so deep and profound that only you can convince yourself that it makes sense.

This speaks to the frivolity of words. Try one day to not speak and see if you can finally and truly express how you feel towards people or your needs. If you couldn't spout every dumbass catch phrase like "the bible is perfect" "jesus loves you" etc. how would you convey to someone that their eternal soul is in danger and they need to understand what your all about for their own good. My views about imposing that sort of thing in the first place aside, I bet you'd ACT and fucking do something besides crap in the face of basic logic and struggle with finding power behind statements like "Where you there?" and "Why can't you keep things in context?" If I can't convince people to get over the hump of pretending like we're not using the same language, then I'm completely fucked if I'm trying to make a (not usually vague) bigger overreaching point about the inadequacies about certain trains of thought. If I can put this more simply, I contend its bad to chuck apples at an infant and you come back with "well if you don't throw it that hard…." Your ignoring the fact that you don't throw shit at infants for reasons your pretending are in some different context.

After my ethics class and reading Sartre and Kierkegaard I walk away sort of recanting my idea that doing drugs or drinking are the same kind of excuse that faith provides. If man is simply the sum total of his decisions and by making those decisions, in a way, represents the whole of man then the substance abuser takes a backseat to the faithful. At least those things are conscious acts with evident results to everyone. The faithful denies they're role in making the decisions that glorify themselves, and thereby denies the idea that they significantly represent man. How they hold this conviction and still profess the truth and sanctity behind believing your nothing without acts in the name Christ is beyond me, but hey. They are this pitiful beleaguered majority that would simply love to emulate their god if it weren't for that pesky sinful nature. In other words when common sense and human experience actually give them a clue, it's just so much easier to pass the cup to their kids or bible or savior. If there is a bigger roadblock on the path to human progression please tell me.

I start my relationships with people trying to get to know them. I don't care to hear catch phrases of faith if you profess you're a Christian. Remember, I CAN and DO read people and as quickly as I see through my own bullshit I can see through yours. I'm well aware that you believe what you're talking about, I'm not convinced you realize how extensive you've become in your talk. There's a kind of honesty that people don't seem to care about anymore. I was asked why I take this whole god talk so seriously twice in the past two days. The short answer is for pursuit of that honesty. If you can pretend like everything is fine on the inside because you had the methodology handed or preached to you, I can't feel like I'm being a fair or true friend to you on the outside.