Monday, October 1, 2007

[37] Break Me Off a Peace

So I'm reading the book "god is not Great" How religion poisons everything by Christopher Hitchens. I like this book. This is a book written by a learned man who has traveled all over the world and personally experienced the terrors that religion has had on it. This is an account of facts and history to explain humanity. He is a staunch atheist who only asks to be left alone in his belief and wonders why he can award such respect and they can't.

Religion is prejudice.

It breeds hatred and suffering. Perhaps as a result of (lacking) evolution. The more someone's beliefs come into question the louder they scream and the more damage they inflict. It's the "purest" form of aspects involving the human condition. Power corrupts when you afford yourself power. Peaceful and understanding people aren't peaceful and understanding because they stand on a higher pillar. I don't want to endure why its happening without knowing how to change something. Its just frustrating. Almost unbearable to watch and hear about so much death and destruction stemming from something so easily identifiable as power trips.

Way before I tried to attack someone's faith, before I tried to sympathize with their view, before read their teachings and considered their doctrines, before I tried to justify their actions I'd just want an honest answer about why they care so much about other people's beliefs. Why doesn't your faith in a perfect afterlife make you happy? In the parable with Jesus and Buddha is a great example of what Jesus is really offering. You get a sedative. Nothing more and most obvious for many much less. You can't speculate about worlds you haven't experienced. You almost can't even really think if you want to get into specifics about how your "conscious" mind really works. You sure as hell cannot be a judge.

Where is any peace…..a fleeting idea no longer valued as a powerful question.

It doesn't matter than fundamentally every religion needs to strive for it. Pick and choose what the words say to you and be like everyone else. Don't admit your wrong because that's weak. How can your God think of you as weak and allow you paradise? And who are all these heretics with their God thinking he's all high and mighty. I will smite him. I will kill, main, and die knowing I was the bigger and better man. As my one Christian friend likes to so popularly refer to me, ridiculous.

I think I know the problem. There is no shortage of thinkers and philosophers. Hundreds of books have been published. "Smart people" conferences are held and ideas are continually passed around. Who's our leader? Who is going to be radically passionate about peace just because? How does one become powerful in speech but still tread in the safe ground that doesn't emit personal bias against religion? Its admittedly a hard role to fill. Too soon would some "believer" try to blow him up or threaten his family. And then yet another glaring example of religious reaction to get noted, eye balled, and forgotten.

I want to be part of a movement. One that knows the divide and concur method. More maniacally referred to as "Satan's method."  A movement that seeks rationality and sanity from those who are not too badly poisoned. I feel like I owe it to life to "convert," in a sense, people into not calling different "evil." I'm not empowered by God to think that way. I would never want to kill or be violent, trying to force people to evolve. To call it a religion would be to pollute the cause.

I'd be wrong if I needed comments to keep writing. I only do it to understand myself more than anything. There's one feeling in the world I'd die for. It will never be a delusional euphoria from an adrenalin intoxication brought on in a heightened perception of my self righteousness and piety. If that seems a bit wordy its more commonly called love by the religious right.