Monday, June 16, 2008

[98] Expounding In Detail, Such Anger, Alone

Monday, June 16, 2008 at 5:33am

Hell is other people. I start to hate life when I talk to people. Now I understand why I talk to people. I’m trying to find some reason not to hate life with them around. Science is not a belief system. Evidence matters. Science is not a belief system. It is the how that matters. It is where the why’s are coming from that matters. If you hate gay marriage because the bible says so, then the answer to how you could hold such a view is “the bible says so.” It doesn’t even matter that the bible doesn’t say so. All that matters is that you get to believe what you believe. Understanding that being gay exists outside of our species, beyond what you feel about it, independent of a holy book, and within the confines of knowledge about the natural world, does not mean you “believe” a damn thing about gays or gay marriage. Your understanding is not your beliefs. When you confuse the two, problems arise. This is why religion, faith, and belief in a god are harmful. Your religion teaches you that you are not supposed to understand things about the god who’s supposed to be influencing your daily life. Your religion says that you don’t have to justify your faith and at the same time can tell you just how wrong the others have it. Your religion is either lying about one thing, or contradictory. It is dangerous to justify things on faith. The 9/11 bombers had the faith that they were acting on behalf of Allah and would go to heaven. According to the rules of being a martyr, they would get to take their families along with them. They were completely rational in their decision. They acted on behalf of their happiness. This is their “how.” How can someone fly buildings into planes? They can have a belief system that tells them they will be eternally happy in heaven, and have the best intentions for their families in mind.

All the things that didn’t matter with their faith: The feelings of anybody else.
The impact their decisions would send through the world. The knowledge we have about the Koran’s origins. The passages in the Koran that are in contradiction. Faith is the most self-serving, ego centric, knowledge defiant, logic crippling, overly touted, and ridiculously excusable notion to ever befall our species. When you say you have faith, you literally are saying “I’m doing this, believing that, saying this for no reason.” I believe because I believe. I hate war because war should be hated. I’m not gay because I’m straight. God loves me because the bible says so. I feel this because I really do in fact feel this.

I’ve never asked anybody for anything more than to explain themselves. I’ve never asked someone if they could play the role of religious apologetic. I’ve never asked them to read every single thing I have. I’ve never even asked them to care. All I’ve ever done is ask questions. When I try to explain the difference between the “how’s” of science and religion, I’m not preaching a sermon. I’m not on a pedestal of absolute truth. I frequently ask people to prove me wrong or stop me for clarification. What happens instead is, amidst an explanation a comment gets snuck in or a paragraph explaining to me why my analogy is bad. Every single time I’ve asked direct questions I get a response telling me where that question is coming from, or why I shouldn’t ask that question, or how that question doesn’t relate to the topic, or them asking what difference would their answer make. I think people are running from something they don’t even recognize. It isn’t hard to put a religiously minded person into a logical corner from which “that’s what I believe” becomes their escape. What happens when those that aren’t that “religious” by their standards and seemingly don’t carry the baggage, yet still believe in god? They find themselves at the same logical standoff, but don’t have the same kind of reinforcement. They’re move is to go on the offensive right back. What are they defending in religion, nothing, so here comes their view about why you shouldn’t be asking what you’re asking or who you should really be talking to. After all, their belief isn’t hurting them and they get along with their friends, so it must not be hurting them either.

It is harmful, disingenuous, and plainly backwards to practice using “I can’t really explain it” and “that’s just what I believe” as answers. You don’t do this in practice. Your daily lives are not talked about in metaphor. When someone asks what you want to eat, you don’t come back with “well there’s this feeling in my stomach, I think it might be hunger, there are so many kinds of food out there, perhaps something like fries, but not really fries in the “fry” kind of sense, will subdue it.” When someone tells you that’s hunger and potato wedges are up your ally, you don’t reply “Well, I think it’s the spirit of Hungreesha and I respect that you wish to try potato wedges on me, but I really truly believe I’m really supposed to eat something else. Why must every conversation about a god or people’s belief be handled like this. This isn’t even outlandish. Watch for the immediate parallel. What do you believe? “Well I have this feeling, I think its god, despite all my other feelings that have different labels, I think it’s the holy spirit, but not spirit like ghost haha, and the bible is the only place that makes it real. Hmm, maybe that’s happiness combined with confusion and excitement, and I can show you other books have similar themes “O no no no, I believe its Jesus so don’t even bother with science and historical parallels.” Why pretend that there isn’t a reason we have school systems designed to keep everyone on the same page? Math class isn’t 2+2=4 on Monday and 2+2=7 on Friday. Verbs stay verbs and nouns stay nouns in English. Almost every school agrees that you should have gym and computer class. Is this because they “believe” 2+2=4 and that gym will help you stay healthy? NO, HELL FUCKING NO. They KNOW for a reason INDEPENDENT of their BELIEFS that math follows rules and exercise improves your body. You don’t pray for the answers to a test, you LEARN, i.e. get more informed, get more reasons for your actions, understand where your coming.

There is a SCIENCE behind math, a SCIENCE behind fitness, SCIENCE behind language, and a SCIENCE behind beliefs and belief systems. When I ask you if the world was created in seven days, here’s a list of wrong answers. Yes, I don’t know, what is a “day” really?, day meant something different then, what do you mean by created?, seven to god could be billions to us, what does it matter? There is one right answer and it is NO. NO NICK, THE WORLD WAS NOT CREATED IN SEVEN DAYS. I SHOULD BE INSULTED THAT YOU ASKED ME. Science is not the body of absolute perfect knowledge that you should always turn to for every question you could ever ask. Science will not tell you if there is a god independent of space and time because science deals with the natural world and everything in it. This means, you, me, plants, animals, chemicals, miniscule quantities, the vast universe, feelings, brain waves, what it means to be gay, why we would invent marriage, what shoots off in our brains when we say we’re in love. Proposing a scientific proven, re-provable, independent of what I think or believe fact, should not feel like I’m attacking your belief system. If that is indeed how it feels, you’ve set yourself up to feel victimized by the real world. It isn’t me trying to make you feel bad. I don’t get my rocks off making my friends cry or getting headaches in conversations. Let this one thing if nothing else be clear, science is right because of how it goes about explaining our questions, not because we believe in it, not because it was ordained by Science, the god of peer review. Science is right because it makes predictions that come true. Scientific truths can be found all over the world independently by anyone with the tools to find them. It has to stand up to the scrutiny and is not able to run from questions or throw its arms up because it doesn’t like the answer it got. It doesn’t stop when the answer isn’t immediately forth coming. I “believe” that science is our only method, ONLY METHOD, that will lead us towards understanding and truth because of its track record. I read about new innovations and new breakthroughs every day. It’s miracles can be seen by EVERYONE. I can feel directly influenced by someone’s hard work and care. Someone who’s played by the rules of progress. These people aren’t looking for handouts from Jesus when problems arise that they don’t yet understand. These people don’t excuse their ignorance with what they “believe” they should and shouldn’t know.

“We aren’t meant to understand what god’s plan is for us. “ This fatalistic, nihilistic, and hopeless view on life is what I want abandoned and destroyed. This kind of thinking would have kept us praying to the sun because we never understood disease. Were we meant to know how to make atomic bombs? I’m sure part of god’s loving plan for us was to learn how to epically destroy millions of his beings in an instant. Who are these people telling you what you are and aren’t suppose to understand in the first place? If it’s so hard to understand god, why the hell do they just know so deep in their heart that it was in fact this god that made some miracle come true in their life? When you pray to god for something to happen in your life, this is what you’re doing. “God, I know there are starving kids and suffering people all over the world, but can you please just say fuck them for a little bit longer and make sure my life goes how I want it?” “God please change everyone’s free will and rearrange the cosmos to play out like my petty little insecure human mind, who can’t understand you, wills it to be.” Instead of talking to yourself FUCKING DO SOMETHING. Stop with the I wish, I hope, If only, one day, when I die, who knows, that’s just how things are, don’t worry…and go out, get an informed position, get off your ass, learn something. Make a fucking change. Stop pretending like it is okay to sit back and let life rape you. Don’t say some bullshit to me about how things matter or won’t make a difference and then go study for your test because you secretly know god isn’t going to put you in the class you want. Don’t get a job or save for the future because no matter what, things are playing out how they are supposed to. Never think before you speak or worry about anything because your just a gear in a machine of confusion, you’re not hurting anyone.

Belief in god is what makes you comfortable, and proud no less, to spout out contradictions within inches of each other. Faith allows you to lie about what really concerns you in life. Religion gives you a massive body of like-minded individuals to perpetuate the garbling of your thoughts and utterance of absurdities. If you believe the only answers that matter, or are real, are ones you’re going to get after you die, then kill yourself. You can be happy that your just doing what he already had planned for you. It says don’t kill yourself in the bible? Start stoning your kids then, isn’t it obviously spelled out? I bet those become metaphorical stones then. If god is this grand obvious being then you’d think I could get one single sentence out of any believer that couldn’t come from a nonbeliever. You’d think the fountain of evidence overflowing for god would spill out of their mouths and shut me up. That’s my prediction. The overwhelming magnitude of his love and truth will just slap me in the face from some true believer. I’m not hopeful. The awesome power has now cried, given up, wanted to run away, toyed with me, and remains in state wondering what my malfunction is. If you don’t know why lying to yourself is harmful and don’t understand how large groups of misinformed people can influence public policy ergo your life and well-being, then keep asking me why belief in god is harmful. If telling kids an all loving god is sitting idly by for every hurricane, tornado, and earthquake isn’t harmful to what they’ll think about love, tell me what is. Of the 200,000 years we’ve inhabited the planet, god sat with his arms crossed at all the sin and destruction and randomly decided after 198,000 years to add more death, or the worse kind of sacrifice, the coming back to life variety, and calls it mercy.

I can’t even see straight anymore wondering so badly how people think everything is okay “because it makes them happy.” Did you guys know that I “believe in nothing”, “
real Christians believe” certain things others don’t, and that only “if you believe in the big bang theory” does Genesis propose any problems? It doesn’t matter that you can’t practice “believing in nothing”, that every Christian will call themselves “real”, or that there’s nothing to believe, only acknowledge, about the truth of a theory. It doesn’t matter if you can understand the direct and indirect harm it does. All that matters is what makes you happy. La-de-da.
Updated about 5 months ago

Billy Bowman (Bloomington, IN) wroteat 9:56am on June 16th, 2008
Before i read further i have to stop you. This line "Verbs stay verbs and nouns stay nouns in English" is just plain wrong. Language is about as clear cut as religion. Verbs and nouns are sometimes both, and sometimes they turn into adjectives and adverbs too. And sure there are rules about how to conjugate them, but fuck the rules if i comes before e when there's a c involved!!! Y is a vowel, sometimes. It's hard to say when it is and when it isn't. Ain't used to not be a word, but it is now.
Ok now back to what this note's really about....
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Nick P. wroteat 10:04am on June 16th, 2008
Damn, you got me Mr. Bowman.

Billy Bowman (Bloomington, IN) wroteat 10:04am on June 16th, 2008
Also i have to disagree with this: "Science is right because it makes predictions that come true".
Science doesn't, to my knowledge, predict anything. It makes observations, and records them. We can observe the reaction of two chemicals, say sodium and water, and it will explode. That's not really a prediction so much as an observation. Science can make models based on evidence we have, but no one will tell you they are 100% accurate.
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Billy Bowman (Bloomington, IN) wroteat 10:07am on June 16th, 2008
"I’m sure part of god’s loving plan for us was to learn how to epically destroy millions."
I like your use of the word epic here.
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Nick P. wroteat 10:12am on June 16th, 2008
Actually Bowman you don't have me on the science making predictions. That's one of its strengths. When a model is proposed it is with certain assumptions and predictions in mind. When the test is run and those predictions come true, it adds to the reliability of the model. The way certain particles will react or appear at CERN for example is what they are hoping will help define dark matter. Of course not every prediction is true, hence revised models and new hypothesis. I guess the easiest thing to point to would be evolution. Darwin's theory made predictions about lineage that held through in molecular biology and anthropology before the technology existed to show just how right he was.

Billy Bowman (Bloomington, IN) wroteat 10:18am on June 16th, 2008
Ok now i'm done making smart ass comments and i guess i can think about the message of this note.
Now I've been struggling with these issues you bring up for quite some time as you know, and have to decided to just stop caring, with regards to what exactly i believe. I can prove nothing either way, and while i find myself thinking there is SOMETHING of a higher power, i'm going to call it luck, or karam, or whatever comes handy at the time i'm blaming whatever happened to me. For instance, my wisdom teeth don't hurt at all of any religious fantatic would say 'Oh God has blessed you bla bla bla...' it was luck. Or i had a talented doctor. Or karma. I'm going with the talented doctor for the time being.
I'll continue living my life based on my morals, and if that's not enough for any God that may or may not be, so be it.. The contradtction, lack of answers, and my constant disagreement with so much of what's in the bible has become too much for me. If god is as merciful etc. etc....
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Billy Bowman (Bloomington, IN) wroteat 10:27am on June 16th, 2008
As he's supposed he'll appreciate my thinking for myself, and not trying to be good based on what i might be punished or rewarded for.
People need not get offended when you question their beliefs, and if they can't answer a question, then they damn sure need to figure out the answer before they can keep claiming to believe what the believe. All these methods of avoiding answering question 'it's what i believe, i can't explain it.' etc. would be unacceptable in any other part of life. I'd give examples but you gave plenty.
If everyone were to base their ideas on facts and knowledge... how much simpler would the world be.. so many problems that wouldn't exist...
You know, while reading these notes of your i have so many thoughts... but everytime i try to share them with you i lose them.... damn its frustrating...
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Billy Bowman (Bloomington, IN) wroteat 3:54pm on June 16th, 2008
Ah excuse me.. i guess i misread and thought you said science makes predictions that always come true... i will agree many scientific predictions do come true.
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Nick P. wroteat 10:30am on June 16th, 2008
What i do Mr. Bowman is read someone's writing with word up at the same time and type answers as I read. Either that our copy everything and type in a different color next to a line I want to address. Helps keep things focused for me.

Billy Bowman (Bloomington, IN) wroteat 10:31am on June 16th, 2008
Hmm.. i'll keep that in mind next time. Except i'll no doubt forget...