Monday, June 16, 2008

[97] Too Angry For A Title To Matter

Monday, June 16, 2008 at 12:56am

Great Nick, you’ve challenged me to think outside the box now disappear into your little notes section of facebook and don’t’ make it personal.

People infuriate me. Every reason I am the way I am comes from how I see people struggling with how to relate or explain themselves. It’s why I have a handful of “friends.” It’s why I just don’t give a fuck about apologizing for what I say and do. I reflect the kind of respect I see people giving to their opinions and lives. Why am I the radical one for asking someone to make up their mind about whether the world was created in 7 days or not? Why should I have to ask that question in the first place? And even afterward still get to be the pushy asshole atheist who can’t just “let me believe what I believe.” After a “conversation” I just had I can only say that it doesn’t take a religious lunatic or “steadfast” Christian to say and do the exact same completely frustrating and nonsensical maneuvers in response to surface scratching questions. Like I knew I had it in me to make people cry, but I didn’t think it was because I could ask them questions. It isn’t just with never happened religious conversations either. I just read a note from someone who says they don’t really know anything about the candidates, but doesn’t like war, yet wants to vote for McCain because, well she doesn’t know, but wants her vote to count, but isn’t really interested in learning about health care or taxes. AHHHHHH!!!!! Also, she doesn’t believe in global warming no matter how much ice they say is melting into the ocean…..

I’m so unbelievably pissed. The main reason my system in the last blog wouldn’t work is because there are people so unbearably nonchalant about their ignorance, that if they were become fully aware of just how unbearable they sounded, they couldn’t hold they’re idea that “you believe what you believe, and I believe what I believe” so deeply. And what’s a more devastating travesty than that. To have to forego the long fought for excuse that has dragged them through their faith for so long. If it would evoke even the slightest tinge of anger or frustration from you seeing someone walking around the mall with a sign saying something like “All niggers are baby aborters” you might be able to understand just how angry I am hearing the same damn things that don’t make any more sense than that, over and over and over and over, never moving anywhere are making me. Your first thought isn’t “How great freedom of speech is, right on guy!” You aren’t so happy that his belief makes him happy and so motivated to just get out there and share it. Hell, you might find it necessary to go up to him and try and explain just how devoid of logic and harmful that view is on society. Why the fuck am I the bad guy? I’m fully capable of just being a belligerent ass who’s only goal is to come up with the most inventive ways to offend and belittle, and yet I don’t. I get words put in my mouth, people tell me they’re being attacked, I get all this protest when, if I had it my way, I’d just post video links and entire books instead of talking at all. That’s all my “belief” system is coming from. Those are my “opinions.” It simply does not matter how you feel then. You don’t believe in the big bang, you see how the evidence supports it. I don’t believe the earth was created in 7 days because I’ve had an elementary education, not because “it’s just something to believe in that makes me happy.” I literally just want to fucking scream when we can’t even pretend, not even pretend for the sake of English and logic, that we’re talking about the same fucking thing like days being days.

I refuse to give up. I will not allow tears and hurt feelings stop me from trying to help people see that it is NOT OK to just believe what you believe and answer questions with “well I can’t really explain it.” It is not okay to think that a prayer you’ve been asking to come true for years finally happens on your deathbed is a miracle. It is not okay to DENY GLOBAL WARMING for fucks sake! All of this is wrong. Patently wrong! Not because “I SAY SO” or “I REALLY DEEP DOWN FEEL THIS WAY.” I am literally ashamed to be part of humanity.

Updated about 5 months ago

Daniel Noah Robbin wroteat 3:20am on June 16th, 2008
I reported your note because it made me cry and question my beliefs and existence. Oh, Nick, I hate you so much!
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Nick P. wroteat 5:10am on June 16th, 2008
And I thought I wouldn't be able to laugh tonight, thank you sir.

Cara Zimmerman (Chicago, IL) wroteat 1:51pm on June 16th, 2008
Well hey sorry for writing what I think.
It wasn't meant to make you mad.
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Nick P. wroteat 2:12pm on June 16th, 2008
it just confuses me when someone says they don't like violence and war, but will vote for the candidate who wants violence and war

Daniel Noah Robbin wroteat 3:15pm on June 16th, 2008
But that candidate would be anti-abortion and gay marriage. Those are the issues that will turn this country around. I don't care if a candidate is against war and corruption. If he doesn't wear an American flag pin on his sportcoat, I'm not voting for him!
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David M.L. Jaffe wroteat 5:37pm on June 16th, 2008
I love your point of people voting just because they want to. Especially Hillary's feminist supporters. They're holding grudges because Obama won, and are trying to band together to vote for McBush. Oh wait, he doesn't give a SHIT about women's rights. Roe Vs Wade? He wants to get rid of it. He calls his wife cunt on camera. The war, which many feminists absolutely disgust? He loves it and wants to go to war with practically every country on the other side of the world. And yet these feminists support him because Obama beat Hillary. Seriously?

If you know about candidates, and you share their beliefs, then go for it. If you have no clue, and want to vote to be cool, OR vote for a candidate that doesn't care about you just because you're holding a grudge against the more sensible candidate, gtfo.

I'm hoping Obama can get this country back on track. Maybe he'll turn it around enough that I might like living here instead of planning on moving to Europe once I'm well off, money wise.
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David M.L. Jaffe wroteat 5:38pm on June 16th, 2008
And whoever denies global warming is a complete and utter dumb ass... Not trying to sound mean, but uh, take a look around the world's climate shifts.