Monday, January 12, 2009

[72] I Get To Play Scientist

Lol to stiffen the increasing boredom of being awake in this town I've started to go to all the inspirational video's praising "god" (specific one not included) and comment to all the people who think they are some authority on evolution let alone physics. It's is so funny and sad to be able to see right through every logical fallacy and trigger words. For example with someone says 

"I LOVE JESUS" they almost automatically get 8 thumbs up. That happens as well to the statement "God sent Jesus to forgive us, no matter what we've done he still loves us" along with any statement starting with god sent. Now on the other hand, if someone has a comment around "I like this particular musician, this song is so whatever" they get the basic one or two thumbs and moved on from.

I think pointing out these variations is key to understanding just how and why people all are seemingly professing the same thing, but not really lol. I come to these videos right after watching Darren Brown con people out of money, their keys, and a diamond ring using very simple mind tricks. If anything he's taught me to not go through life simply projecting whatever the world has to offer. These people aren't so lucky. Even the lyrics in the songs are repeated endlessly. All I can think of is that spiraling black and white wheel or a watch going back and forth as someone in the background convinces me I'm sleepy.

There needs to be something that can explain to these people the difference between objective and subjective experience. I already know the comments that will come back, so just for shits and giggles, I'm going to make a short list and compare notes for if/when these people get back to me.

1. Jesus died for you! How can you say the bible isn't perfect? It's the inspired word of God!
2. You think you're so smart? How did the big bang happen? Scientists have confirmed the bible many times.
3. My personal life story of hardship and woe turned out ok, Jesus did it, what do you think now?
4. Who put the monkeys and cells on the planet to start evolution?
5. I'm going to pray for you
6. Why do you have to attack me? Can't you just let people be happy with what they believe?

If I'm right, and I'm guessing I am, I'll be able to copy and paste whatever they send me and place it neatly into one of those categories. I want to play scientist apparently and am having so much fun just reading these people's comments let alone coming up with witty comebacks of which are over their heads. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner.