Friday, March 30, 2007

[21] IN div...I dual i...tY

What really makes someone an individual? Browse through the thousands of myspace profiles, watch the millions of youtube videos…. Everyone to some degree or another listens to the same music as you do, drinks the same things, takes the weird "I'm alternative, but still cool and dark" picture, or sports their popular clothes. These people have the same smiles, same poses, same thoughts and blurbs in their about me sections. Every school is the worst, or the most exciting and awesome. No one could possibly ask for a better best friend they have in their profile picture. I was just walking around the mall and noticing how every seems to scream their insecurities and pledge their allegiance to the crowd. How you can find a presence in the air of, "I think I'm the only one in the mall and I need to look like this because…….." All the clicks have their cool guy, hot girl, jokester, chubby one to make the others look better. Then I start to think about what I heard in waking life about how history constantly repeats itself with all these famous philosophers and theologians coming to mind blowing conclusions and compounding on all the previous information to make bigger and more mind blowing conclusions. What I don't get is if there is this air or presence lingering over everyone's heads making them feel, say, and think all this that makes them so connected, what is it pushing towards and can we discover true identity? How can we have so much information from the past and technology now and not be able to zero in on the big picture. God signs maybe? Telling us all to tap into our "true" selves and get the point already.

But, it’s like really depressing to think of yourself as nothing more than an imitation of someone more like the person you want to be. I think the only thing that sets us apart from each other is a concentrated effort to deny any connection that may exist. Or maybe fear to explore where that connection could take you. I think that's where it really breaks down when people find love. Its like I go to an MCR concert and find people all arm in arm with their emo alternative chick or dyed hair pierced guy. Now there has to be something to make girl/guy dressed in black different. People sense or feel this connection to something to more than the eyeliner or way they flick their hair. The question is, how can everyone tap into that sense that self that seems to be only perceived by a few? What is that sense of "the one" and the relation it has to who were created to be? Its almost a direct correlation with people that adopt the view of "the few" or "the many" and their confused perception of morals or denied and unanalyzed thoughts about the whys behind their actions. Its easy to justify being a floozy when you kill any urge to stress or think. You can always live by your own rules and be "yourself" when you've never explored what living by something else may have to offer. This is why religion is so intriguing to me. With all of the rules, separatism, and interpretations it all just points to this bigger sense of understanding. They all claim to have the answers behind finding that person who gets into heaven or gets the virgins. But what really is going to more self revealing and problem solving than living? 

Look at sexuality. Sex is supposed to be this engagement between couples in love. Obviously for a lot of people that isn't the case. The bible would shake its finger and say how wrong you are and taking the wrong path to God. For some people though, random fucking may provide this overwhelming sense in their hearts and minds that tells them something more than some errant preacher of the gospel. Anyone that doesn't agree can just look at any "sin" they partake in and look at the messages it sends them. Your continuation of such activities, despite your acceptance or denial of what they are telling you, does not change the fact that the opportunity for a lasting and deep impression is still present. It's kinda funny and coincidental to me how all my "problems" seem to mesh into one picture. Feelings for dream girl, screwed up past, thoughts on religion, plans for my future. It all boils down to me wanting to tap into myself and live like force I can't explain wants me to. Base my decisions on something more than a rule book or an insecurity. We grow up imitating. When do we know how and when the cord can be cut? My thing with the bible is that its only valid if it backs up what you, in every sense of the word "truly," believe before you ever read it. That's when the real message comes across. Until then you look like just another cult member. 

Thou shalt not steal takes on a whole new meaning when you've gone to jail. What do people do when they are restricted? Duh, look to get unrestricted. Why drop a rule book on the heads of a gene pool that's main motivation in life is to be free? You might say to set them free. Free from what though? Free from life? Free from this limbo spiritual battlefield? If that's how its all going down then why live? Does someone being human and then super human give you a better perspective of why you should'nt follow the devil? Do you get an extra merit badge for going through life's bullshit that the angels never had to? I mean its not hard to sympathize with the agnostics and atheists if you can't understand how, if at all, this spiritual force is impacting your life. If everything is set into play because of nothing more than predictable actions and probability then right there is why the concept of love is so important. All the foreseeable actions, time, and probability in the world is going to make you meet or connect with millions of people, but nothing they have to offer can even vaguely compare to the sensation you get being around that one. That's when all those rules and "restrictions" become your life. When you learn and live through actual true love. In all honesty I think your actions are justified in ignorance or knowledge if they are striving to reach that understanding.
Random fun thoughts cus I know you got distracted and stopped really reading after four sentences……If you’re married by a pastor who's boning the alter boys, is your marriage valid?
