Tuesday, January 30, 2007

[18] Basically, This Is Gonna Be Ruff, Oh Well

So I said I would give up everything and do anything for love and I don't believe I've held myself accountable for that. I want that too good feeling and inner glow of those who know happiness. I no I'm in love and not obsessed because I cherish the feelings I get when I'm with dream girl not just the fact that she's a warm body in the room. Sharing the moment just enjoying the same space. The fulfillment of just talking or having a good time. Saving hair from her comb would be obsessive and putting her before God, not to mention really freakin creepy. I'm taking on Tapper as an accountability partner, hitting church on Sundays, and guarding my thoughts for love. It's worth it. And obviously the route I'm headed in is only taking me towards blogs like the last one. God compels your feelings and basically I can't fail if I take the initiative. I have no more excuses and can't doubt that she'll "see" me or that God's plan is flawed and doesn't work for me unless I sincerely just change. I tell people all the time how simple things are and everything is defined by how you look and think about it. How hypocritical can I be if I don't follow my own advice right? I know I can stop and I know I'll be able to do it easier with holy help. I already know what giving in to sin does to you and how it makes you feel. I know how little and bad I feel when I see some past mistake walk past me in the hallway. But as far and as fast as you can fall it only takes asking for forgiveness to put it in the past. That Relient K song keeps popping into my head "who I am hates who I've been" and I really want that to be the case. Dream girl will see when God is working through me. I wouldn't want anything less. I want to make her happy and can't do it without Him. I want to make good on every promise I've made to her. I always hear "God has someone in store for you so great you can't even imagine it" and when it happens you know. I know, and therefore I refuse to let myself get to me. I know it'll be hard at times. I'm sure I'll crash like crazy and hate and be unable to catch myself, but consistent work, accountability, and responsibility will make those times look like nothings. I keep rehearsing what I would say during that time when we all try to explain the sins in our lives to God. Standing there totally helpless to the might just like beaming all around. Do I just say "I gave up, didn't care, lost out and made excuses, please send me to hell." Or "I did what I could, I tried to change, I pushed towards the feelings you arose in me, I had faith and everyday after I fell or messed up I tried again and pushed and talked and worked to get my head straight, if that isn't more telling of who you intended me to be than any of the things I did wrong along the way then that's up to you." For the record all the "I flew around the world helping people" dreams people type connections with God I think are bad acid trips and terrible ways of relating to people. And you know I can still have my opinions and be a good Christian. God wants you when your down when your heart feels as bad as mine did the other night. And its so much easier to see why he says that when you've reached that point. Its actually scary and a real thing to fear. So basically I'm just going to be all that I preach. I will do anything to keep the love. The "search" and "path" are all in the individual efforts and God wants me to break down to be built up. I feel such strong things for only that girl and can openly see all that's presented to me. There's  a reason right? So I'm not letting my dramatic nature let me fail. If I turn my life around, am forgiven and can start again, work towards being the person worthy to be shown off and actually give up and be that living sacrifice God wants and things don't work out, then and only then can one justify losing faith. And I don't believe that point is reachable and if I can be an example to show others who are thinking they've "done all they could" and "suffered so much" that times can't get better and God isn't there for them then and show or explain to them other ways to look at life and better methods of getting over their own minds that plague them as much as mine does then that can only add to the fulfillment I seek in being used as one of His tools. I'm going to tie up the loose ends and try to keep things on the mello and stress free keel I like. I don't have to deal with half the crap in my life as Dream Girl does so I really do owe it to myself and God to show that I can. Living for someone/thing else and finding yourself…..act, and make it happen.