Friday, December 26, 2008

[167] Never Add Up Anyway

Friday, December 26, 2008 at 6:46am

I'm struggling to keep looking at my world as filled with opportunity instead of shit. I am constantly remind why I don't like people and see humanity as a doomed species. Every turn a new slap in the face. New people and new conversations results in me further digging my heels into my, for lack of a better word, convictions. I suppose the best way to describe how I see things is just relay the stories that prompt me to write.

My uncle knows a millionaire. This guy isn't just a millionaire, he's a millionaire without a job or responsibility, and every penny is from a trust fund. He plays video games and drinks with all of his time. He owns four cars all hundreds of thousands of dollars, and he can't drive any of them because of too many D.U.I.'s. Not only can't he drive these cars that he buys despite this fact, he gets them detailed and upgraded, presumably to make his driveway look that much cooler. Currently, the theory is that he's in jail because my uncle's been unable to contact him two months. People like this guy pain me in a way that is practically indescribable. I'm trying to fight my way through hundreds of people that may or may not be helpful to me to make fractions of what this guy was handed. I need to go out on a limb to afford and stay within the restrictions of a rented house, that probably costs as much as the paint job on one of his cars. I'm more than likely going to have to go through years of hit and miss, hard fought knowledge and potentially helpful, more often harmful, contacts that might grant me the kind of time and money he has (or had) to be happy and find something productive to do. What does that say about the nature of struggling and fighting for shit when there are people who literally have everything you want in life and still find it in them to be depressed and pathetic?

I would be just as happy with the money if I won the lottery or if I had a successful business of some kind. Why? It isn't just about amassing money, it's about facilitating happiness. If I had a way to build a bad ass custom designed house on an island where I could throw parties, learn all kinds of cool shit, eat the greatest foods, and practice enjoying every second of every day without money, I'd do it. Our world isn't playing that game. We are compelled to stick to the system because the vast majority of the weak willed, ill-informed, frankly useless people were brought up to believe that it is the only thing that will get them by.

A second ongoing story that reminds me of the true colors of our species is how unbelievably wasteful we are. Byron and I were sitting at Denny's and looked over at the next table where two basically full plates of food were left. This doesn't bother me because of the tired adage about it being shipped to some poorer foreign country. This bothers me because of how little thought goes into what it took to get that food to their plate. How many people they implicate in their decision to order food and then not eat it. It wastes the time of the waitress, cooks, dishwashers, food processors, packagers, etc. It wastes the actual animal that died to grow cold on a plate. It says to the people selling the food that people will pay absurd amounts of money to not eat. All of this affects cost, quality of food, and the service. Quite simply, when people do shit like that they fuck everyone. We are a species imbued with the notion that it is all about us, our decisions affect our lives and it's no one else's business, and that just isn't the case.

Humanity is no longer about survival of genes. Everyone you've ever seen and asked yourself "how in the hell did they have kids?" should testify to that. There is no reason to behave as if it's us vs. them. If there was any real competition going on, you'd think you'd see faster adaptation, all the cool innovations reserved for science fiction and movies. The last time we competed for anything was with Russia to get to the moon. The litany of things invented, experimented with, and learned was staggering compared to the retardation of our current mental climate. Everyone wanted to be a scientist and had real dreams and prospects that they felt were worth working towards. What do we see today? Cars that can run on water and electricity sprinkled on the public like they haven't existed or been perfected just quite yet. GM CEOs making millions pumping out the same bullshit cars, practicing dumb ass business ethics and policies, and eager to step on as many heads as it takes to keep getting millions of dollars worth of bonuses.

To me, all of this speaks to the bulbous, festering, rainbow colored elephant humping grandma in the room screaming "NO ONE CARES!" No one seems to care about shit. They don't care about their bodies, if they have healthy relationships, how they come across to other people, where their going, or where they've been. I don't see people who enjoy life, I can't find people eager to learn, and I barely find people that relate on my too frequently alluded to "level." Within all of this I'm just wondering where the room is for me to care. We are products of nature. Our cities are our jungles and shaking hands instead of touching antennae with our fellow ant people doesn't seem like a stretched metaphor. If my world consists of so many overwhelming amounts of people who emulate what I see as the destruction of life, and absolutely revel in it, what hope is there? No man is an island. I can't be happy alone, but I can't be happy catering to contradictions and destructive behaviors to my well-being. Some "struggle" that is.

I just wish people were wise to the nature of their selfishness. I understand the concept of everyone helping everyone, makes everyone happier and fulfilled. I can't understand or empathize with being a martyr for some philosophy or ideal that already understands why people won't understand or care to adopt said philosophy or ideal. We're going nowhere. There's nothing more to gain. Why attack and degrade what you have? Why squander the chance to flourish and experience? Maybe it isn't even that no one cares, they all just think that's what everyone else is thinking. Maybe they've been born into a society where the rules have been set, and those rules aren't designed to challenge or provide room for what people care about. Either way, I still don't see the hope. I don't see a way out of falling in line, playing by the rules, squandering most of my time on things that never needed to be there. While the prevailing feeling is anger, I'm not decided on how I'm going to react to this atmosphere.

 David Dyer at 11:19pm December 26, 2008
or maybe bowman its like sewing a sweater, you cant just make the sweater from no where you have to start at one point and make it little by little.
 Billy Bowman at 11:19pm December 26, 2008
I'm unsure.. another failure in my idea.. my original ideas include destruction of world governments and systems.. which seems feasible if you had a few fanatics willing to commit mass murder.. but adds another flaw to the idea..
 Billy Bowman at 11:21pm December 26, 2008
All good in theory Dave, but as I said, your thoughts on helping people one at a time.. it's treating a symptom, not the problem. The problem is how society operates as a whole, peoples suffering is a result of that.
 David Dyer at 11:23pm December 26, 2008
and by helping those people you don't think some will in turn help others and may eventually help in fixing society as a whole?
 Billy Bowman at 11:25pm December 26, 2008
No. That's part of the problem. People are selfish, they want everything handed to them and want to do nothing in return. People are lazy, they'd rather do nothing then do something. People.. people are the part of the problem...
 Byron R. Turner II at 11:48pm December 26, 2008
To Greg who asked “how can we separate anyone but ourselves and maybe the ones close to us?” in reference to the "game"
My answer to that is we can't separate anyone outside of ourselves and maybe a few others that are close without resorting to a more primitive state ( which is unfeasible in numerous ways)

To David that asked “why not spread our ideas?” referencing ending of the "game"
My answer is that you can spread your ideas but they will simply be viewed as radical and unrealistic. - That is why I suggest that we all try to play the “game”, win the “game” and live out your life with those who are close to you in complete freedom.
 Byron R. Turner II at 11:49pm December 26, 2008
Btw I know for a fact that Anarchy is more feasible than changing the future with idealistic ideas. How many revolutions that resulted in temporary anarchy can you name? Compare that to the number of revolutions or better yet revitalization caused by the planting of ideas in hope they will affect the future?

- Before you use a example of some idea that was planted and eventually shaped the future, think about whether it was simply a part of the game or not.
 Nick P. at 1:26am December 27, 2008
Drei, I'm not just coming to it. I'm more dismayed that you thought I have. I thought the majority of my blogs semi-touched this notion when I rant about christians. I've known this all for as long as I can remember, just instead of sounding like a downer who can't stop bitching, I wait till it boils up enough to want to write.

Greg, I would hardly say anyone is trying to conjure up some mystical act that magically convinces people how to think. I doubt anybody here thinks that's possible either. This isn't a blog about the meaning of life. If anything it's to magnify the point that we already know the ways to "reach" people, but there is no personal inert sense or driving force that is making someone's words or ideas more compelling than a tv commercial. I wouldn't say that people don't have influence, just that in lieu of what I see as the problem, it's marginalized and insignificant.
 Nick P. at 1:26am December 27, 2008
Another problem I see in this statement, Greg.

"That alone makes it a better avenue than moping about how pointless it is."

This I feel belittles the role of being honest and angry about the truth of our situation. This isn't me moping and throwing a fit. Regardless of the discourse, I hardly believe anybody is going to drastically change where their at on the subject, assuming they understand it, which only helps reinforce my point and problem again. Immediately I feel the move to get "centered" or deep within wordplay so that the pure emotional revulsion I feel about this is lost in meager words. This endless cycle and struggle all built into the contract.
 Steev Young at 6:23pm December 27, 2008
To Bowman. I think that your mass murder idea might work. If you haven't seen in history mass murder isn't mass murder if you are on the winning side. Think about the white man and the native americans. So make sure that you are killing people that the other people wouldn't miss.

If it didn't work that way then make yourself a martyr while you do it. That way there might be a chance if you do it right that people will look up to you and your vision of how theings should be.

These are might thoughts on this.