Thursday, December 11, 2008

[166] Those Gay Atheist Signs

Those gay atheist signs

Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 6:11pm

I'm catching up on all my videos and the recurring theme is these signs that are "hateful" and mocking of christians. Champions of stupidity like O'rally and Donahue get so worked up from their insecure and ignorant positions. The signs don't say a single word about christians, let alone one filled with hate or that would insight violence. Freedom of speech is just that. If you can say things about atheists or put up a nativity scene, you have your right. You also have the right to be mocked and ridiculed or, your god forbid, corrected and made to be looked at as ignorant. The fact that it talks about religion and doesn't say "All christians are dumb ass cunts who believe in fairies and damage kids with hellfire stories" I think shows immense restraint and sturdy disposition. The real point is that it doesn't matter how you feel about what someone has to say about you or your beliefs. The point is they do, and will continue to have the right to say so. How there could be so many news reports saying the same things and the same, completely twisted objections is beyond me. And for the record, I still unbelievably hate how belittling and childish the "questions" come off when Fox fuckers attack an atheist speaker.

Another theme was the Prop 8 musical. Hilarious btw. Again, the same objection, it's hateful and inappropriate for the season. It isn't hateful to satirize the obvious absurdity of someone's position. It's hateful to deny someone rights you wish to have yourself. If your not gay, don't marry a gay person, duh you stupid fuck. I wish I could just convey things through baseball bat. I write a little not, plant it, cork it, then just crack the fuck out of heads. "It's about the tradition and sanctity...." if not the easiest points to object to, these are the most ludicrous. Fucking pricks.

I just read a good article, think I posted it, about what words are and aren't meant to do. It speaks to the heart of my trouble trying to talk to people about faith. One, because they do exactly what I expect when it comes to dodging questions and undermining the integrity of my points. And also, because I can use the same technique, but with actual evidence to back it up, to make them look stupid from the perspective of any objective onlooker. I think keeping this in mind will help me keep rants shorter and battles better chosen. While I knew everything the article was talking about, just the way it came across is making me think harder about my tactics.

I want to just create interpretations and depictions of the stories in the bible. Let's put up pictures of genocide and put the bible verse next to it. I think that would be fun. How many public depictions of stoning will it take to get these fucks to get smarter and shut the fuck up? The great thing is, they would talk and talk about context and it wouldn't matter. I think I may actually try this one.