Wednesday, July 29, 2009

[187] I'm Sorry I Can't Be

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at 1:09am

I think it ill conceived to believe that we can be perfect. Perfection is a judgment, a term from relevance and perspective. In order for something to be perfect, it has to be compared to all that which is imperfect, which runs into the same sort of problem, determining what, how, and why. Any statement from a limited perspective, I believe, bars you from calling something objectively perfect. There are so many better questions to ask about someone or something than how close or far they are from perfect. This is easier explained by looking at a tool. Is a hammer "perfect" for hitting a nail? Is that really the right question? Was it designed to nail, yes. Does it hit, yes. Is it appropriately proportioned enough for functioning humans to use and understand it, yes. Knowing the utility and usability of something are about the closest things you can use to form any sort of "perfect" concept, and even still it has to be in how you inform your perspective.

Why would we believe that it is even possible to be perfect? Are we made out of perfect atoms? Is there a perfect example we can learn from? Perfection seems to be just the product of bad inductive reasoning. I did something better, therefore there must be an ultimate peak. Realistically, we have many different ways of getting things done, which doesn't necessarily mean we do them well or even remotely perfectly. Take raising kids. You have the plethora of people alive past 40 who've had kids to ask yourself if they were raised perfectly. They reproduced, no? They survived. They had to contribute even marginally to society in order to provide for them and their young. You would hardly find a single person that you'd regard as perfect.

You lose all chance for dignity, to be humbled, to pit your mind against a challenge and overcome it if you're "perfect." Do you hear me religious people? Your god is empty because he has no reason and no problem that could give him any sense of value that you could understand. Perfect love? The most destructive idea I can imagine. Not only does it allow you to be a self righteous delusional asshole, but it gives you the motivation to never change nor really strive to be better or more capable as a person who's part of a healthy society. You project those convictions onto people. You pretend that as long as the word love is involved it negates reality. You can think, hear, see, and say what you want instead of what actually is.

I'm sick of playing to people's perspectives. I wish it was the one thing everyone else would give up as well. People will tell you they understand, they will tell you they love you, they will say that what they are doing is right and good for them, all the while they are spiraling towards a pit of bullshit that wishes it could call itself the "perfect" behavior for them. They are fighting to be contradictions. They are willing the lies. They blind themselves to what was actually said, what could actually work, and what actually happened. STOP PRETENDING things can be perfect or that it's even a viable option. Stop lying to yourself and to me about your understanding and your truth. I don't want to hear it. I won't cater towards it.

Nor you or I will ever be perfect to anybody but ourselves. And guess what, I'm one of the few who is comfortable with who I am and what I do. It's perfect, for me. Whether and when you choose to accept that isn't my concern. Whether you actually understand it isn't really up to me either. Any time I try to explain myself, I'm met with what I "actually" am which is based on assumptions and/or five minute windows of time or interactions. Then I get told condescendingly and piously how things really are. I'm put in my place by the sad, the hopeless, the dramatic, the liers, the pious, and the naive. Perhaps you can imagine how well this goes over. Are there things about me I'd like to improve? Sure. And I've managed to adopt the kinds of ideas and behaviors that will achieve those improvements. Are those behaviors and ideas perfect? No, they are simply better than the drivel other people use to make excuses for their lives. They get me farther than entertaining and wasting time with childish and petty motives.

So how can I say I'm perfect? I'm happy, healthy, motivated, and don't cause any undue harm. It's rather simple. I am incapable of guilt about myself or about you, because I understand things from a rational standpoint. I don't cloud my thoughts with feelings, my feelings are as closely proportioned to what I think as I can make them. I don't care what you feel about me. I don't regard your thoughts as the objective, best suited, or final determination for who I am, and that is why someone would hate me for calling myself perfect. That's why they would do whatever they had to and feel whatever they could to drag me down and make me feel as bad about myself as they do themselves. I am accused of being unable to care, when you'll never find someone who could care more. Fuck your perfection.