Wednesday, May 30, 2018

[726] Ok, Stupid

I turned my OKCupid profile into a long “Short Skirt, Long Jacket” bad sorta-poem. I want it preserved cus it was fun.

What I'm doing with my 

I want a girl who loves having her boobs played with.
I want a girl to prove it's possible to get bored with them. 
I want a girl who reminds me of my exes. 
I want a girl who likes I've more good memories than bad. 
I want a girl who's kind of a whore. 
I want a girl who doesn't glorify sex. 
I want a girl who uses big words. 
I want a girl who doesn't think they're that big. 
I want a girl with kind of a weird laugh. 
I want a girl who can be alone. 
I want a girl who isn't resolved to her fate. 
I want a girl who'll call me out on my weight. 
I want a girl in a sun dress in June. 
I want a girl not afraid to sing along. 
I want a girl who's wise and polite. 
I want a girl who can put up a fight.

My worst quality 

I want a girl who can see through what I say. 
I want a girl who's got so many questions. 
I want a girl with the things that she likes. 
I want a girl that can be left or right. 
I want a girl who acts like herself 
Not "like a girl" or "like a boy" just with something to say. 
I want a girl who appreciates bad writing. 
I want a girl who knows tomorrow's another day. 
I want a girl who's ready to delete her profile. 
I want a girl who's bored and stays anyway. 
I want a girl who will dance in the street. 
I want a girl who's okay with going grey.

The first thing people notice about me 

I want a girl with creative energy. 
I want a girl who can start without me. 
I want a girl who's first to the table. 
I want a girl who winks at me while you pray. 
I want a girl with her nerd and TV shirts. 
I want a girl who's hair will flow all day. 
I want a girl who will crack the joke. 
I want a girl who can say anything. 
I want a girl who cares my arm is asleep. 
I want a girl who knows that I don't care. 
I want a girl that I can see myself in. 
I want a girl who thought of sex just then. 
I want a girl who's available and wicked 
I want a girl to take to see the show. 
I want a girl who hates her job 
But in the off hours finds the point of it all. 
I want a girl who knows who to blame. 
I want a girl with incidental fame.

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food

I want a girl who's seen it all. 
I want a girl who can never get enough. 
I want a girl with a taste for finer things. 
I want a girl who can eat on the run. 
I want a girl who's never thought she fit. 
I want a girl who's one in a million fans. 
I want a girl who's down for the late show. 
I want a girl on which tomorrow depends. 
I want a girl who's been a proper book worm. 
I want a girl with her own sacred space. 
I want a girl who believes in something. 
I want a girl who can save my place.
I want a girl who's spent a little too much. 
I want a girl who knows it was worth it. 
I want a girl who creates her own luck. 
I want a girl with the power to change. 
I want a girl who takes it all in stride. 
I want a girl who thinks it's not that strange.

My partner should be

I want a girl who should be what suits her. 
I want a girl who's hung on for this long. 
I want a girl who wants to know what's next. 
Thong thong, thong thong thong thong. 
I want a girl in the spirit of truth. 
I want a girl who will take her time. 
I want a girl who will shoot the tequila 
I want a girl who prefers it with lime. 
I want a girl who's not so scarred and afraid 
Who turns her pain into power and charges ahead 
I want a girl who's happy to cook. 
I want a girl who knows it's my turn. 
I want a girl who doesn't need to perform. 
I want a girl who knows the stage his hers. 
I want a girl with a plan of attack 
I want a girl who can play it by ear 
I want a girl with her tongue down my throat 
I want a girl who can kiss so sincere. 
I want a girl who says of course it is her day
 her week, her month, and even her year.

I spend a lot of time thinking about 

I want a girl who knows what feels right. 
I want a girl who can think it through. 
I want a girl who can tolerate risk. 
I want a girl who thinks so too. 
I want a girl who will scratch my back. 
I want a girl who'll be my emergency contact. 
I want a girl I could stare at all day. 
I want a girl who won't look away. 
I want a girl who's as busy as a bee. 
I want a girl who wants to start a colony.

When I die, I will

I want a girl who knows the end is nigh. 
I want a girl on a responsible high. 
I want a girl who's post STD. 
I want a girl who can go viral and live. 
I want a girl with her own vehicle. 
I want a girl who goes where she pleases. 
I want a girl who gets noticed and praised. 
I want a girl who can mutually raise. 
I want a girl who will do the work. 
I want a girl who's too old for this shit. 
I want a girl who will stay the execution. 
I want a girl who is fire and lit.

My biggest regret 

I want a girl who appreciates "hey." 
I want a girl who's already impressed. 
I want a girl who borrows without stealing. 
I want a girl who knows how to invest. 
I want a girl who will try random things. 
I want a girl who comes in under budget. 
I want a girl who can drop the ball 
And then shoot it, or kick it, against the wall 
I want a girl who is mildly obsessive 
I want a girl who can pull away. 
I want a girl with too many sleepless nights 
I want a girl who knows it'll be okay.

You should message me if 

I want a girl who wants to hear it straight.  
I want a girl who doesn't really date. 
I want a girl who can be a good friend. 
I want a girl who bothers to check in. 
I want a girl who can grow on me. 
I want a girl who I can defend. 
I want a girl who would call me right now. 
I want a girl who's stuck in the moment. 
I want a girl who takes care of herself 
But knows it's pretty cool when someone is there. 
I want a girl who says time is an illusion. 
I want a girl who says she's still a kid. 
I want a girl who can doubt her best. 
I want a girl who I want to be like. 
I want a girl who knows that I like me. 
I want a girl, not "the" or a "dream."