Sunday, May 8, 2011

[227] Might As Well Talk To Myself

Might as well talk to myself

So now that I’ve gotten the most of the “little things” that it takes to run a business; tax exemption status, commissioned plans for the kiosk, a product list, and tentative menu, I can’t help but think even more so how this last little “push” of college is going to be a complete fucking pain in the ass. Two weeks after I came to this place I knew I didn’t want to be here. Maybe sooner than that, but I try to keep an open mind, haha.

I tend to have a problem when things are too simple. I mean, this running a business shit has plenty of shit I’ve yet to understand or figure out, but literally every question I have is a phone call or google search away. No matter how anxious or fucking lost I may seem, I have the ability and resources to find someone to fill in the blanks. That fact that it is so step by step kind of blows my mind. The fact that it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do, and when I finally have the time a resources to do it, it’s exactly as I thought it would be is just….wow.

I sometimes worry about this inability to be surprised. It’s easy to say “there are resources available, therefore I tapped into them and answered my questions.” It’s another thing to say, “give me five minutes with any person and I’ll probably dictate most of their views and life.” It happened tonight. I sat alone at steak n shake, got some fries and was planning on chilling. The girls in the next booth invited me over. They weren’t anything special. One knocked up when she was 20, the other passively referring the plethora of boys she’s been with or places she was trying to stay at. Granted, I don’t care who you fuck or how many nor whether you have kids, but I care when your story is that of everyone who fucks around or gets knocked up.

When it comes to getting everything I want, I of course want life to be everything I expect it to be. I want to know that opening a coffee shop, the only coffee shop, in a mall with ridiculously high traffic, is going to net me a shit ton in a relatively short time by comparison to most businesses. I don’t want to be so confident when I deal with people. It makes me want to behave in just, not fun, ways.

You ever write your 250th something blog and feel so self-indulgent? That somehow your semi-tipsy “rants” or depictions of your experience amount to more than words that may or may not translate into an ounce of something meaningful for someone else. Of course I do it to hopefully bring myself more clarification, but there is a clear gratification in hearing that someone was even marginally affected or prompted to think about something. I still need to maintain a sort of self-humbling vendetta. To always shoot myself down and know that nothing I say is that original, that cool, that meaningful, etc. I think I simply pursue a dialogue with myself that I so rarely get from most others. Even more specifically, the spontaneous and exciting dialogue.

I suppose, most importantly, is that it’s not that I expect people to be surprising. I don’t think surprises are anything more than the “right” people under the “right” circumstances. I’m more dismayed that people don’t set themselves up to be surprised. They don’t go out of their way to try and be a surprise. They don’t hold too many “dangerous” contrary views. They don’t act on spontaneous urges. They don’t trust they’d know what to do if they’re day and night wasn’t planned. If the girls that invited me over to their table felt more inclined towards conversation instead of texting the boys from their past, something surprising may have arisen. When people put aside their bubbles, their expectations, and clue into the potential of any moment, you get to explore what would have never existed outside of your awareness of that moment.

And it’s not enough to just be aware of it, you have to want it. It can’t be forced. You can’t persuade someone to be “in to it.” “It” being that moment, the willingness, and the focus on what you can do.

Switching gears.

What does it mean to be stressed? Biolife has been telling me my blood pressure has been high lately and that it’s normally due to stress. What do I have to be stressed about? I pretty much disregard school. I could literally fail my last few weeks and I’m still infinitely confident in my ability to get the coffee shop running that I could give less than a fuck. I don’t surround myself with people I dislike. I’m always good to make myself laugh. Yet, I don’t think I could deny that some shit gets to me. I want to know why.

Why the fuck should I care? I’m genuinely confused by this. You’re talking about a person who doesn’t give a fuck about his own mother. What the hell could be so significant to break into that husk of sociopathic asshole? Do I maintain a sense of “worriedness” to perpetuate some semblance of humanity? Do I simply know that if I give up that last little bit I’m truly lost? Is it just a weird gene expression thing? Some family history of anxiety or angst that supersedes whatever I’d like to condition myself against? Maybe it’s just impossible to claim you understand something unless you can grasp all the “feeling” bullshit that goes along with a given concept. So I do it out of necessity in order to remain a reasoned and thoughtful person.

The reason this is a problem is because I can’t understand the reason to give a shit. I understand selfish hedonism. I understand trying to maintain and celebrate things that make you happy or things you recognize as positive and helpful traits towards well-being. I even get empathy for the most petty and naïve of feelings. I still have yet to understand how to justify giving a shit, overall, given blatant stated nature of things.

How do you care when the problems and solutions can be dictated clearly by any objective standard, and yet nothing gets done? How can you care about someone when they don’t even know, or care to know, what it means to care about themselves? How can you worry when you know it accomplishes nothing? How can you stand to be an example for people who will only fear or hate you? The ones who recognize you have your problem; they like the example, they understand the example, but being like you, they don’t need the level of impact from the example that the person is trying to be. They give a head nod, you receive a head nod, and meanwhile the children meander about the yard uprooting your garden.

I don’t want to go crazy.