Friday, August 30, 2013

[358] Effective Text Message

If I can communicate the 20 different angles I’ve considered approaching this blog from in a meaningful way, hopefully it will serve to amplify the theme, which is in fact, communication.

Information is always being conveyed. No matter how much you’d maybe like to hit pause or hide away, your very status as a person is telling something to somebody. It’s not just that you talk, it’s how you talk, who to, and what about. No one cares that you have hair until it looks like you spent time making look nice or are relaying a message about just waking up. The trick seems to be creating your own message verses allowing people to hear only whatever it is they’re telling themselves about you.

I, rather frequently, state my goals. Whether it’s monetary achievement, personal gratification in different kinds of friendships, or forcefully asserting ideas about conversation and awareness of various things I consider problems, my agenda is rooted in more than leaving you with an impression that I may be a hippie because of my hair. And, while I don’t always act like it, this leaves me with a concern over how, if, and when I try to communicate something. The why is obvious, because in theory, if I’m effective, “things” will get “better.”

So I’m immediately drawn to people who I can talk to. People who don’t flinch at how I say something and actively pursue the reasons I said it. People who can step back and help prepare the word soup without threatening to drown me in it. People who aren’t afraid to put any and every idea they may hold dear on the table to be scrutinized. This fundamental principal, this habit, I think is a prerequisite to anything even resembling “progress.” Some might say it’s to be scientifically minded.

Well before you start to bother talking to other people, you need to be aware of what you’re telling yourself. How that dialogue gets started and the reasons you develop to preserve it can be vastly complicated. Even as someone who puts out what he thinks, generally sober minded and after much forethought, I can still find myself burdened by previous ideas, habits, or ruts that I dug myself in the past. I have to go back and read my own reasonable position to refute the craziness I’ve allowed my head to go in the moment. To change an automatic overtly compelling response like that is incredibly, if not impossibly hard.

So then my dialogue about that response has to change. I have to better identify which feelings or thoughts are worth reading into. I’m starting to play in that stupid emotional realm again now, so when I get jealous, am I really changing my ideas about sex overnight and looking to protect some societal notion of integrity about relationships? No, even if it seems like it would feel really good to fix the shitty feeling in the moment. It’s acknowledging, not irrationally capitulating. You don’t fix a car spinning out by frantically turning the wheel the opposite direction. It’s prompting me to think about where the butterflies are really hiding.

And it takes practice. A lot of all the time daily awareness to when you’re overselling yourself on a story. Doubt is an uncomfortable place until you realize the things you’re basically sure of came out of a healthy skepticism about them. Your reasons get stronger and can stand up to deeper scrutiny. Your goals get a little more polished. Your analogies become leaves on the wind; watch how they soar.

I understand that if it can go wrong in me, it can do the same in others. I will forever be embarrassed by my first violent blood bath stabs at writing or conveying a message. Naturally, if I conceive of most people as the incorrigible dramatic miscreants that I so glaringly resembled at sixteen, I understand why they might take my words, meticulously etched upon my family’s finest parchment, and want to light them on fire. Change is hard, but sometimes it’s only as hard as you’re willing to make it. Incorporating a new idea doesn’t always have to feel like life or death...of your personality, character, or credibility.

There is the context of your mind. The one ingrained in you by virtue of being human, the one bombarding you with advertising and social cues, and the one you cultivate with your inner dialogue. And they’re all competing. We’re still fight or flight mammals but with little reason to generally fear for our lives. We’re tapped into an infinitely growing list of “everything” with a point and click and are prompted to decide something about it all. This very independently of whether or not our opinion is needed or necessary. It can be more than a little distracting and destructive to try and build a mental or social framework to fall into while getting swallowed up by this hole. It’s like an animal that keeps growing more and more hair until you can’t cut enough to identify it’s a dog. Find your inner dog.

There is a social context. There are still plenty of terrified atheists and gay kids who don’t want to get the shit kicked out of them for swimming too hard against their family or society’s current. You wouldn’t consider it a good thing for them to, upon escaping that climate, retain ideas about their deserving of hell or them being evil and disgusting. But that happens, in less extreme, but just as compromising ways. I constantly poke at and speak against religiosity for this reason. The hair’s a knotted mess. Those tangled webs of arguments and empty definitions are where my concern for effective communication came from. And no, it’s never private or personal, you’re always saying something.

The fact this is a blog changes how I write. The fact that it’s geared towards people who (should) know a ton about me and might have been privy to a conversation or ten that provokes blogs slants the message. I think it’s important to know how to write cited detailed analyses rooted in history and evidence. I think it’s just as important to power through lines of reasoning, however potentially absurd, and find the true heart of how and why a message will resonate with you or how and why you’re going about explaining yours. If you’re not appreciative about the prospect of being wrong, when it’s the prerequisite for learning anything worth knowing, how do you respect yourself? How could I take pride in what I do, or call what I write work?

It’s lucky for me that the loudest messages are, not coincidentally, the easiest to hear. We all tend to react in predictably angry or fear based ways if our foundations are rocked. I know when you’re going to fuck the girl you shouldn’t to spite your ex. I know how you’re going to deflect or blame me for picking at your faith. I’d bet there’s an arsenal, conscious or unconscious, that you’d be dying to enlighten me about my ideas or behavior if I pursued something about you too aggressively. This, the glorious fight/flight entanglement both to fend off the present threat and then to flee, perhaps in breaking the relationship, so as to never have to deal with such an unpleasant line of thought again.

I say let them run. It simply communicates to me your hapless and likely hopeless, circumstantial existence. The mountains of ideas you move and impact you hope to have on the world will be helped by those left behind. All 5 of them.