Monday, January 16, 2012

[264] Life and Everything in It

I exercise my right to be. Fundamentally, it’s the only assumption I need to assume to be true in order to forward any agenda. I perceive. I’m typing. It’s all just a chain of decisions, for better or worse, that are supposed to speak to what’s “me.”

Sometimes, I really don’t understand where I’m coming from. Other than a basic cost/benefit analysis, I don’t really get how I justify. Tonight, for example, I helped a drunken kid get home as I waited for my ride. We bullshitted about the Bulls and ultimately realized Derrick Rose would never touch Michael Jordan. Who thinks I give a fuck about this guy? What the hell possesses me to engage in cordial conversation and make sure he can find his stupid ass home?

Perhaps I sound cold. I’m just confused. Is there some innate thing pushing me towards being a good example? Is it just a result of my practicing? I didn’t even get his name. Maybe I just never want to see myself “falling” too far into the kind of person I know I could be. The more good acts in my favor, the less I need concern myself with flirting around dangerous edges. Does that seem right to you?

I’m fascinated by the power of a decision. I get it in my head that I own something, I will, regardless of what the fuck you think, accomplish something, and it happens. I literally dictate existence if I work towards it. This power I find stunning. I can become anyone. I can play any game. I can even tell you how and what I’m doing and then mold that into how I run something. There has to be something odd about that. Some form of red flag has to go up. I seem to only really relate to people who play with that fire.

It isn’t some cheap thrill either. It’s literally all I can think about. How I can be a person who’s been head over heels and work towards being endlessly dismissive. How I can care hopelessly deeply for a friend and be prepared to cut them down when they decide to crack. I don’t want to say that you “shouldn’t” or man not ought to have to deal with being both, but I can’t deny the conflict. I can’t pretend to know the medium in which I err on the side of positive while someone practically explicitly like me could pull some utterly atrocious shit.

I talk about the regulating influence of my friends. I talk about being the boss and owning shit. I allude to being the most evil/moral/cold/understanding etc. All for what? To better understand myself? To contribute to some haphazard idea of a collective consciousness? Maybe somewhere in the depths of my naiveté I’ll come to believe some future I shape was really about me and my intentions. It feels so crass and simple to say “because it feels good.” Like I’ve simply been conditioned enough to work towards relatively agreed upon societal good things from which to start my positive feedback hamster wheel.

All I can do is flow along with what I like. I like people with strong positions. Strong not meaning intransigently irrational and fear based. I like the simple human interactions and games. It isn’t a lie just because I know what’s going on. I like the idea of being better than someone; of fighting. I need to stop caring if I’m understood and just overtly be, regardless of where I’m drifting towards next. I can’t possibly be hijacked by the problems of the fucking hippies and head-up-their-asses conservatives for I’m far too dismissive of everything. The best I can “hope” for is a meager message that translates in ways that permeate deeper than your shitty opinions.