Thursday, May 6, 2010

[217] Fail Government

I want to know what it’s like to live in a country that makes sense. I want to deal with people who speak the same language and behave by the same rules. I want to go to sleep at night so far removed from feelings of utter dread that I begin to forget I was capable of feeling that way. There are a number of things I’m fairly concerned about as they dance around old rich white peoples’ mouths in our government. Net neutrality and regulations about file sharing are two of those things.

First, the fact that net neutrality isn’t a given is just another symptom of the Fascist monopolistic mentality that governs our country. We don’t protect the Constitution, so why should we think to extent freedom of speech to our content on the web? Where are the idiots chanting “Obama’s gonna take our guns away,” because maybe we can teach them to replace guns with “personal websites.” I’ve signed a number of petitions online with at least 2 million people and it may as well be a fart in the wind.

File sharing. Fucking file sharing is not stealing! Never was it stealing, it wasn’t established to steal, it never will be stealing, and the fucks who keep pouring money into lobbying to sue and punish file sharers need to be shot. When you sue someone who “steals” a copy of the movie Avatar, you are called an extortionist. Somehow we fail to comprehend that most people never cared nor would have ever seen 99% of all media ever produced. It’s getting hard for me to find friends with cable let alone ones that drop ten bucks to see a shitty movie every weekend. When I download music it’s usually from bands that I would probably have gone out of my way to ignore had I not an outlet to give them even a meager chance.

And that culture, the one of discovering new things and throwing your support behind things you actually enjoy and don’t just take chances on, actually supports artists. Recording companies have raked in billions from musicians for years, and now that they aren’t the only outlet they cry instead of catch up. Movie makers, if your movie costs 40 million to produce, maybe you should focus on smaller budget ones with, I don’t know, actual story lines and compelling characters, and people will feel even a meager compulsion to support the work. You gain nothing by me not seeing your movie; I open even the chance of looking more into your work by “stealing” it.

I’m not convinced these people ever knew how to make a profit. The prospect of suing over “rights” is just the quickest way to buck without any work. When 9/10 artists you sign lose you money (Yes, that’s why you hear the same ten songs on the radio for months) you don’t deserve your job.