Friday, April 2, 2010

[214.7] How To Read My Blogs

….my blogs.

Note: This and my next blog are in the wake of long ass discussions with Jake George.

It has been brought to my attention that when I write it may be very easy to misconstrue, get your feelings hurt, or otherwise find some way to massively fuck up in how to read my little blogs. With that in mind I decided to provide a set of things you should probably keep in mind before you decide to dive into my thoughts. Now, this is not for those of you who understand that for years I have in fact been writing in English. Nor should you bother with this if I have some sort of emotional hold over you, because frankly, you’re simply not going to believe me and get all flustered anyway.

When I write, if I am not using your name, I’m not talking about you. Yes, I have a recurrence of the days or months events, and you may have been there, or you may feel as negatively about what transpired as I do, but that doesn’t mean you are the topic or even relevant to a later point. I have “called out” specific people in the past about some bullshit action of theirs, and yes it was antagonistic, specific, and was a signal of how little patience I have for those actions, and how quickly I want them to be publicly ridiculed. Be aware, I never just run into a problem and rush to put it on Facebook. From my point of view, you literally have to do everything in your power to refuse diffusing something before it gets big, practically asking for it, before I mention you’ve crossed my thoughts. I care even less about your drama than a random reader who’s never met you.

Apparently, I write or think without a heart. If someone is a friend who no longer acts like a friend, I stop regarding them. I don’t think about them, I literally could not give two shits what goes on in their day to day. When I detail my reasoning, very pointed and play by play of how and why I mentally delete people, it does not mean I don’t give a shit about anyone or am somehow unable to have friends. If this isn’t like “what the fuck did you say that for” obvious for you, you probably shouldn’t bother reading. If you are prone to making insanely ridiculous logical jumps like these, you will fair terribly when it comes to understanding what I’m saying.

I am very dismissive of your feelings. I know feelings can be geared, manifested, and given perspective with proper mental vigor and practice. When someone “reacts emotionally” to something I say, all I’m telling myself is “An irrational person would of course behave and say what they did.” I do not empathize with “feeling my way through my actions.” I like to pretend thoughts and decisions compel me to do things, not physical responses. This does not mean I deny the existence or power of feelings, but I have no patience for them. So, when I go after a religious belief, or harmful action, or failing situation, I truly and completely disregard how you felt, I just state the facts. Call me insensitive I suppose.

Finally, the majority of what I write is me following a line of thought and drawing necessary conclusions. I report, rehash, and reword more than anything. Most of what prompts me to write is people’s own views as conveyed to me through their mouths. If I learn something or say something about religion or relationships, it’s not because I have some grudge or open wound that can only be dressed by bitching. I try to speak plainly and factually, and I want to be engaged in the same manner. I want to be challenged and put in a place to get as many details out as possible. Unfortunately, people hate details. Details make them feel uninformed, pissed off, or drives them to denial and indifference. This is why I don’t write for you, but it’s endlessly redeeming and uplifting when you like or agree with something because it is quintessentially how I feel and think.