Friday, February 26, 2010

[213] Lay It On Me

I’d first like to give a round of applause to PROCRASTINATION. Procrastination; does a body good.

Alas, I am inspired by the politics and emotional drama of the day. I’ve been running under the premise that people might not be as merely stupid as it would seem, so in that vein I’m going to try and discuss the nature of overload.

We live in an era of information overload. We’ve always been plagued by an inability to regulate feelings, and now we get to couple that with streams of updates and advice about how to think or spend our time. Watching Bill Maher who equates the country to a dog, it understands tone and volume, but you can’t explain to it the nuances of “sit,” I have to feel a certain empathy. I can still look to someone like my dad who reads and watches ridiculous amounts of political information, and knows his history, to tie a coherent argument for or against some position. I know there are plenty of dumb, lazy, and/or simply non-caring people out there, but I don’t think as a whole we are impervious to hearing and believing correct information from credible sources.

Well okay then, great, there are still some people who have a clue and who are willing to stand up for and explain why there are right. What kind of person is there message hitting in the first place? One needs not look beyond their circle of friends and acquaintances to glean a whole host of character inadequacies that would plague an argument. In actuality, while I’ve had to deal with a number of explicitly asshole people, their specific bad actions or turns of behavior aren’t worse than the passive acceptance of it all by our “friends.” I simply translate this phenomenon to the larger political picture.

Immature children who get backed into a corner and are made to accept responsibility for their actions are willing to fight, particularly if they can’t run. I make a habit of making people retain the brunt of their shitty decisions. As an “enforcer” or “asshole” I get deliberately “isolated” or marked as dangerous or selfish or any number of “he’s against us” signifiers. In the political realm, this means you get voted out. At least for me, I get to spend more time seeking out or spending time with better people. When you don’t hold a seat of power in our country, you’re almost forced to be a passive recipient of whatever “they” decide in this faux democracy.

What kills me is that the “they” in this scenario don’t have a clue about what it means to be responsible any more than the emotional children who think I need to hate the same people as they do. It seems even more fucked to me that someone is willing to hate or hold a grudge and go down swinging dead in the belief that they are right. Our Senators and Congressman don’t text, understand email, or the importance of the internet. Our corporations don’t care if you’re healthy, about the environment, or if you’re making productive uses of your time. We exist on a philosophy of passively accepting and dealing with whatever and whoever is doing it.

I think the only way to cut through bullshit and be productive, be it politically, emotionally, or mentally is to respect responsibility. And if someone can’t be responsible for themselves, you make them. Why are so many young people non-caring about voting? It’s not that they are simply lazy and dumb; it’s that they recognize our outlets for news are a complete waste of fucking time. We recognize that regardless of the amount of information out there, it will takes years for enough of our “representatives” to even make an inch of progress on something as obvious as global warming. Tell me what channel I should watch to learn any detail of any bill. Tell me an advertised website that does the same thing. Tell me how I’m to be persuaded once I have this streamlined information to spend as much time as it allegedly takes to make a “smart voting decision” that a politician will say when they voted on it. The “nuances” of government are deliberate stumbling blocks that lobbyists and lawyers fought over to make corporations and politicians more money. We don’t deal with explicit facts or figures, we play to interests.

This doesn’t mean I think we need to be experts in everything that flows through government, but it does mean that if we can’t explain it in simple language, we probably don’t understand it. I’ve never watched a physics lecture I didn’t like and I know nothing about the years of math you have to study in order to fully comprehend the field.

So what about the emotional angle? You have to get past the hopes and fears for your future and day to day before you can diligently deal with anything “outside” yourself. I think part of the reason it’s so easy to label young people as lazy and stupid is because, as far as their emotions are concerned, they’ve gotten lazier and stupider. Do I trust the opinion or judgment on the health care bill from the same guy talking openly on the bus about giving a roofy to a girl last weekend? In reality, he could be extremely well versed in the details of the bill and just have a sick sense of humor, but no, I’m still going to go with no.

Think about how emotionally unbalanced or irresponsible you have to be to one, be the guy who’s willing to do that, two, be the friend who lets it happen, or three, be the girl who puts herself in situations that increase that risk. Do you imagine something, dumber, going on upstairs than the future of our country or the implications and severity of their actions? I feel like this is a highly motivating reason for why I behave the way I do. Maybe, just maybe, I can get you thinking properly before you hold a seat in Congress or on the board of some company with any influence.

I feel to a greater extent, “laziness” is a systematic problem more than a personal one. I think we label someone as lazy when they don’t take care of themselves or choose to fight about something they clearly know nothing about. It’s shocking how un-lazy people become when the right motivation is in play. When someone feels like they contribute or are learning or can use their effort and see how explicitly it helps, things get done and get done well. At times, hell primarily, it feels like nothing beyond my own will stands for wanting to see a culture or mental acuity that holds those ideas principal. 
The paradox of utopia