Thursday, July 31, 2008

[114] A Wee Bit Of A Problem

Thursday, July 31, 2008 at 2:43am

Hookay, here's the thing.

Like a dumb ass I'm currently entrenched in another "debate" or haphazard discussion about the christian god. What bothers me more than anything is hearing the same tired arguments and faulty logic that tries to leach from so many misunderstood areas of science and rules of logic. What I want to do is download every last video I've ever watched about evolution or Christianity and put them in a nice packet called No More Excuses. Unfortunately, this endeavor would take a the better part of my week and and space on my hard drives. Also, since the stuff is streamed online, It almost feels too redundant to have my personal copies for independent distribution. Even further, I simply don't find the people willing enough to go through and actually watch and learn from that much information. Finally, I could beat someone over the head with this information, and they would still ask me "how do I know I can trust that's a real bat your hitting me with?"

On the other hand, it would save so much time to just say, "here's a chuck of what you need to look at before we begin talking, get back to me later." It would not allow people to use the, shockingly frequent excuse, of slow internet connections. Anyone who knows the art of arguing online, apart from it being incredibly ridiculous, is that he who has the last word is felt to be the "winner" despite whether the conversation was understood by those reading it or not. To avoid feeling like I've "lost" in that sense I can just dump this on them and perhaps gear the conversation from theoretical speculation about where Zeus flew off too (actually brought up by someone) and to the actual science and most importantly, rules of logical argument that allow me to call people desperately and patently wrong. Do I go for it, and what will it really change?

David M.L. Jaffe wroteat 9:32am on July 31st, 2008
I don't see it changing much. You know those religious ones, they'll just say everything that doesn't agree with the bible is wrong.
Report - Delete

Nick P. wroteat 10:08am on July 31st, 2008
I don't see it changing much either so that's why I took the middle ground and am just making my profile a compilation of links.

Cara Zimmerman (Chicago, IL) wroteat 10:59pm on August 1st, 2008
Hey now, it's not my fault I have a slow internet connection.