Saturday, July 19, 2008

[109] The Problem Of Dr. Eeeeeviiiiiiil

Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 8:31am

I wish I had every news story, documentary, debate, and youtube video about religion, faith, the bible, the quoran, Jesus, Greek mythology, and science, just so I could splice together every staggeringly important instant that is diminished when reduced to mere words. What instances am I referring to? The question I
have to ask for you (usually) is in reference to the many "this will seal the deal" one-liners and one-paragraphers that the faithful believe put a nice finishing bow on whatever they are trying to sell. These are the times when shoddy low-blow remarks are made against the rabid atheists they are debating. These are
the times when the expert "accidentally" makes a side argument and seemingly random statement that has literally nothing to do with the argument at hand. I want to compile all the clips of people saying, "I believe the bible, Quaran, meaning of jihad, Jesus, faith, and God stand for peace and love." Every earnest and heartfelt witness's account paralleled by the Imam preaching almost word for word about his holy book.

It never fails when I watch someone as articulate and specific as Sam Harris "debating" some Christian theologian or Rabbi, how often the conversation goes from a deliberate digression about faith and rules of conversation, to book critiques and character attacks, and no, not from Sam. Wouldn't you know that right
after I watch this I go into a documentary about the Quaran where its followers and leaders are saying THE EXACT SAME THING about their book and their god. There isn't much to be said here that can't be seen in the documentary and mini "debate" so if you want the links just ask.

I don't know if it's just the newest trend of those defending faith and the bible, but I feel that am too often hearing about "The Problem of Evil." As most of you know, we are evil because we are separated from God, and only by either assimilating or alienating our neighbors will things be okay. Now that fact
aside I simply have to talk myself empty until I can wrap my head around how bloodied their psyches have become.First, the basic and obvious logistics. The idea of being separated from the being that is everywhere at all times and created everything from his will, is just, wow. Second, the idea that evil somehow comes from a lack of belief or connection to the admittedly unseen, not fully understandable, and dare I
mention evil as fuck god of the old testament, is again just, wow. As with their definition of god, these people have as many varying ideas and thoughts about what 'evil' in fact is. They don't want to get specific, because the second they think being gay is as evil and murder, they are only speaking to a selective audience. When there are specific orders from the bible or Quaran to commit, what are obviously evil tasks, the last thing
the believer should say is "The bible/quaran talks about love and peace and Jesus." This selective reading only speaks to the laziness and dishonesty of people who reference their holy books for ANY "spiritual" viewpoint, not just the peaceful one. Alas, there is a difference from quoting the bible to back up your
beliefs about the bible, and quoting to illustrate the types of passages that incite hatred or will influence a followers. This is a fact very few seem to understand. Random thought, I'd like to take a poll to see if people even know Jesus appears in the Quaran.

I'm gonna take a stab at where I think "evil"(as they define it) comes from, and you tell me what you think. I think we should get the obvious fact out of the way; some people simply aren't mentally sound and do all sorts of weird and negative shit because of kangaroos. I think people are, in general, absolutely dominated by their emotions. Anger and happiness (dare I mention love and the rest) are not thought to be things which are controlled, they are just "part of life" as most cliches that misunderstand people go. I think that some people murder because they are instantly filled with some emotion, maybe jealousy over a cheating wife, and as the courts sometimes word it, are "temporarily insane" and unaware of their actions. I find those definitions hard to swallow, but the fact that they even exist, and are successfully used to get people off the hook, show how universally serious the idea "emotions just happen," and are somehow independent of us, is taken. I think people steal, well I know people steal for practical reasons like selling what they get to pay for school. They steal because of the rush that interrupts an otherwise tedious life and simply to have things they want. I think people hate because its necessary. Many many things people do and say need to be hated and fought against. This idea that we're all stemming from the perfect branch of eternal love naively denies the utility of our "sinful and evil" actions.

Naturally, we need to have sex to perpetuate our species, but sex before marriage is a sin, so obviously it's time to draw your own conclusion. Naturally, we observe many animal species to engage in homosexual behavior, in fact, I have gay incestual dogs that hump each either every day, but obviously the abomination of humans stands to reason. What else do these people find evil.... um,... actually I can't really think of any other main issue aside from perhaps believing in a different sky daddy or being an atheist.

Care to hear what I think evil is? I think it is evil to subscribe to any belief that tells you to deny your worth as a human being. I think it is evil to act as if logical argument and deductive reasoning should be debased in light of your faith. I think it is evil to oppress women, which to both lesser and obvious greater extents, both Islam and Christianity do. I think it is evil to not show people how brilliant and exciting science and history are. I think it is evil to feel as if controlling and exploiting anybody but yourself becomes your drive in life. I still feel up in the air about the circumstances under which to kill people, because in my view on life, where there would be one person killed, there would be confusion and shock, although admittedly I feel prepared to decapitate people like Dinesh D'Souza when such a glaring ludicrousy is touted. I don't outright denounce "stealing," and I'm already prepared for when this will get taken out of context, because in my view exists a, potentially, free society, and I understand the motivations and circumstances.(These last two sentences could fuel a blog of their own, but they're here anyway.)

In truth, I like George Carlin's take on things, "Don't kill me, and don't take my shit." There is a simple direction we could all consciously and actively pursue in life. We are so quick to point to the "facts of life" and meager understanding as humans to excuse our seemingly never ending problems. People don't feel like they have control because their focus is on controlling things, ::ehem:: like gods, which are indefinitely beyond their control. Change your focus, and change your life. When those who keep asking god to change the evil and the lives of the believers finally understand they are at the wheel, they will find themselves finally putting an end to their grand Problem.