Tuesday, September 10, 2024

[1152] And The Horse You Rode In On

 Here’s the thing, because for the first time since Trump ever entered the political area, I’ve professed to facebook that I would literally buy guns and kill Nazis - that explicitly.

Life is not actually a game. I’ve said it is as an analogy plenty of times, but it’s life and death at all times. Whether you get stopped by  your ailing heart or a car coming the wrong direction, you need to be paying attention to the right shit and proactive to survive in any manner beyond “animalistic.”

You are a fucking animal first. That this is so willfully denied is how we will all end up dead by our own hands. Animals are fucking dumb. Animals are fucking violent. Animals are reactive, arbitrarily horny, and at the literal mercy of circumstance. THIS IS YOU. YOU ARE FUCKING DUMB. YOU ARE FUCKING VIOLENT. YOU ARE REACTIVE, ARBITRARILY HORNY, AND AT THE LITERAL MERCY OF CIRCUMSTANCE.

Whether you deny this about yourself or about the “other side” you’re pretending to engage with, this is the operative fucking narrative and detail that will adjudicate existing altogether. Neither of us needs to maintain an “opinion” on that shit. Neither of us needs to fight over “just how much” we’re plagued by these conditions. You are a wretched, scared, naked animal, first.

Whatever incredibly fair and mean-spirited things you can say about the democrats, they are entirely different categories of awful when you play with fascism. This shouldn't be hard to understand, and it’s not, when you stop acting like a dumb fucking monkey. You don’t get The United States of America when you cede to fascist thinking. It literally no longer exists. When you double down on being fucking stupid and PROUD of your stupidity, everything fucking burns. And you know this, and your evil stupid animal self will do it anyway.

It can get worse. You might literally see the world where you have to kill in order to survive. WHY THE EVER LOVING FUCK WOULD YOU PLAY WITH THAT?!  Why would you apologize for it? Why would you downplay? Why would you hold your tongue against your cliche “right-wing uncle?” Our literal capacity for a remotely coherently modern and stable existence is at stake, and has been, since we started ushering in this fatalistic avatar and hyperbolic bullshit back with Reagan and Thatcher.

It’s a single fucking thread through history. Learn from this shit. Today. I’m not excited about the prospect of some morbid culling of the dumb, lazy, and proud.

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