Monday, May 15, 2017

[597] First Principles

I'm anticipating this being all over the place.

I watched “The Red Pill” where a former feminist small-time actress decides to interview MRAs and figure out why their crowd and her crowd can both be concerned with gender discrimination yet can't seem to get along. It's a well-made documentary that happens to highlight why I have a love/hate relationship with documentaries. No matter the topic, each “side” is framed with their own set of statistics, buzzwords, and unbearably frequented caricature of the other person. They don't even notice.

One guy might well up with tears talking about a father who shot himself in the head because the State took his daughter from him for trumped up reasons. Another man will talk about how he was tricked into having a child and how the mother would constantly insist to his son that he was terrible. She insisted the son be obese so he'd identify more with her and despite the father's attempts to document the weight gain and emotional turmoil this caused the son, the court ruled for him to stop documenting. 2 minutes later you get a very “artsy” woman calling these men women-haters and all they believe in is beating women or subjecting them to the kitchen.

You don't have to go out of your way to see how these people aren't talking about the same things. I'm frankly getting bored and sick of seeing the same shit across so many topics. Some pissed off fraction of idiots loads up their parrot-phrases and goes to work on the “toxic” “demons” and “trash” who resemble so superficially your alleged grievances. Even I have the self-awareness to appreciate that my neighbors have offered nothing but help and shown solidarity barely knowing me in “cousin fuck Indiana,” whatever comments I might make regarding their prominently displayed Confederate flag.

What happened to First Principles? What good did it do anyone to start “genderfying” the language and demonizing the fluidity of power? It's females who sexually select the species. Whatever bullshit you have to say regarding “patriarchy,” guess what, the vast majority of you want to fuck and reproduce with precisely what you have now. Yes, most men can beat the shit out of you, but you can end his billion year line of successful progeny on a whim.

We ignore that having a place, any place, can be useful and feel good. People will accept their slave status in a bullshit job before they'll entertain the idea they aren't being “forced” to take care of children? We think there's some larger identity to be gained in fracturing ourselves down into these pissed off little groups. I've read all of the “New Atheists'” books, and what many people well before them had to say regarding religion. I certainly agree with them. I also don't think most people in most places having their feet kicked out from under them would spell a generally better circumstance. To their credit, I don't think they would say so either, but no less they're “The Four Horsemen” ready to kick start the apocalypse.

I have a kind of First Principles approach when I write. I'm looking for the theme that comes up more times than I ever cared to find it. Communication is fundamental to me. We're all basically pretending to have a grasp on ourselves let alone other people, so if you're not in the business of understanding the language and playing field, literally everything you do is fated for very dumb shit first, lucky dividends a distant second. Personal responsibility that allows you to both see your roles big and small and actively attempt to mitigate the potential emotional fallout. Great, you got the message, but then you still found it perfectly reasonable to blow some shit up and act like the world is moving your hands and mouth for you. Common sense is something I don't phrase that way terribly often because, well, I don't think many people have a concept of it anymore. My insistence that there's an appropriately explicit manner in which we ought to be relating to each other has me impressing upon what I gather is some new form of the concept. (Various text behavior, “appropriate” jokes and mannerisms)

The world gets easier when you let it. Dig up what a word is supposed to mean. Rediscover why more strident rules of the past might've been preferred to the ping-ponging of attention and faux-decorum of today. I'm not a feminist or MRA or democrat or even “male” if we find ourselves believing it's my god-given birthright and duty to die in service to a country I don't believe in as part of some sort of draft. I'm not any smarter than that line that got away from me. I'm not angry at what you want to assume I'm angry at. The better I find myself in the slurry, the more I wish you'd dive in as well.

And I know I push it. I know I have a better memory for some things and a freakish voice that switches from drunk hood-adjacent mother fucker to manic depressive to unbearably confusing and meandering over-thinker. I know I'm as likely sometimes to push your buttons on some topic you apparently care passionately about or opt to lay on some flirty text well beyond it being cute or flattering. I betray my common sense and shake off the personal responsibility to communicate better. But even still, I usually have to be pretty drunk to eschew the game entirely. My general day to day sense lays about a more respectable couch.

Maybe I'm just feeling like the oppressed being constantly referred to as more weird or questionable than you. I don't want to feel like I'm identifying with people who's message is so jumbled from disorganized pain. I don't want to flood my head with distracting divisive messaging because you took it literally, and impress upon me the severity, and I'm just oozing redundant satire. What if you die never getting over yourself? I find the thought terrifying and disgusting. What's taking you so long to be as bored as I am? How hard does the world have to push to get you oriented better?