Thursday, August 25, 2016

[531] Lie Not?

I’m working too hard. I spend way too much time at the office worrying about things that aren’t my problem and that I can’t fix. What good does it do me to read about Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen and the weapons we supply in order for them to do so? It’s not so much “who cares,” because certainly the millions facing food and medical shortages have an opinion, but what good does it do me? It’s not my place.

I have so many close friends. We see each other all the time and make plans for the future. It’s reassuring to be so deeply understood by people who understand me. Even when things go wrong I know I can rely on some tough conversations that will see us through to the end. It’s no secret that such good people had good influences, and it’s why I’m so blessed to know so many of their family members who have been nothing but a lot of fun.

I have too many dreams to count. From a lot of my hard work and dedication, I’ve learned so many details that have allowed me to reevaluate, but open my mind to new and exciting ways of doing business or attempting to learn things. I wanted to build a sustainable house, for example, but the funding was going to take longer than I’d like, so I pivoted to a more cost effective goal that will only open more doors to potential.

I’m commissioning tools for organizing information too. Although it’s slow going, I know the end product will be something to astound. I may not have a huge amount of money, but I do have time. It’s the most fulfilling feeling in the world to be able to dedicate it to understanding and translating life as it happens. I stopped making projections for when it might happen, but I’m sure it will be soon. I never let my spirit get burdened by “life happens” things I know are built into the costs of doing business.

Even if I don’t have a ton of money, it’s still provides such a security blanket when I think about what I’ve heard from other people. I know that no one would try to exploit or lean on that fact given that they know, as much as we all do, how hard it can be to come across. I’ve learned to mostly keep the specifics of it to myself as I’ve absent-mindedly created some invitations to some uncomfortable conversations. What invaluable opportunities to learn though ;).

I know people are basically good. They just have a lot on their plates and not a lot of time to deal with it all. I made the mistake when I was younger of thinking I had control and could learn and apply different habits that would help steer us. Now, I relax and trust that things will take their course if you let the underlying good-spirited wave of humanity take over. It’s nice to think you might be the change, but the change is happening anyway, and I want to be whatever it is I want to be that day. Lo, the burden of us creatives!

The other day, I took time out to just stop and literally smell and enjoy the flowers. The world is filled with so much hidden beauty we take for granted “just happens” because it’s part of some landscaping at the mall or design on a store front. It was such a colorful and intricate arrangement, I saved a picture of it on my phone.

One of my favorite things to do is people watch. I like to imagine everyone walking by has lived some exciting life or is working hard to achieve their dreams. This life stuff is so complicated in the most fun ways. I find it helpful to put myself in their shoes and styles and play along as their character. The thousands of places that has taken me could fill a book.

Oh! I’ve been thinking of writing a book. Someone told me once that with a little organization and a few citations they thought my perspective could be very intriguing on the question of how to fix things. While there have been haters, mostly people have given me praise for my philosophical insights. It’s slightly embarrassing lol, but hey, I’m so glad to help. Finding the words has never come easy to me, so it’s encouraging that others may follow in my example.

Eating is one of my favorite things to do. I don’t worry too much about things like factory farming or pesticides. I’ve gone vegan. The bad guys can’t survive as long as I’m not giving them my dollar. But honestly, I know they’re not all bad guys and capitalism is the driving force of why I’m able to have so much. I mean there’s so many options once you choose to be healthy! I don’t understand why people think it’s that hard to switch. I even started walking to the store so I could budget gas money for more tasty treats. 2 birds, 1 stone.

It’s hard to imagine me asking for a better life. I’m not religious, but I still find myself praying, but I’m not sure why. It just feels good to know something spiritual is looking out for me. I’m engaged, I give back. And with the karmic flow of the universe, I know I’m getting everything I deserve, even on the few and far between bad days. (I know, I get lazy sometimes and binge TV, oops!)

I think most people just need someone to listen to them. Just getting things off your chest can motivate you to some real changes. Once someone in dire straights learns of all the resources we’ve created to help each other, it’s hard to imagine anyone not being able to live like me. I know it’s not perfect, but there’s hardly any reason not to look on the bright side.

I got a world-class education at a solid school. My car is a little clunky, but it gets me around without costing too much. I got this awesome gift that makes my hair sit and feel absolutely brilliant. It’s hard to not just post random sporadic boasts about the amount of good going on in my life. My instagram rivals my soon-to-be famous favorite Youtube rising star. My god, that place is just too funny!

I wish more people would take the time to just sit in how perfect it all really is. How all you have to do is shift your perspective and the world brightens up. It’s easy if you lie.

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