Sunday, April 15, 2007

[23] Shortest, Most Amazing Side Note You'll Ever Want To Read

[edit: Talk about time changing your perspective...yeesh...]

Ok so I'm actually in the middle of reading a book but I had to stop and write a little something because once again I'm blown away. Life After Death the burden of truth by Deepak Chopra should be read by everyone everywhere. I don't care how blanketed or ignorant that statement may sound. If you've ever read my blogs you see me ranting about so many things that all seem to branch off into some random question that seems to either make absolutely no sense or maybe seem vaguely familiar. Well I've literally said things in past blogs that I've read in this book practically word for word. Thoughts that I thought were so crazy and so unanswerable are being answered, or at least addressed, because I'm not alone. If you've ever had a question about the meaning of life, what happens when you die, how you can fulfill your "purpose," or why you may doubts aspects of your religion then I urge you to read the hell out of this book. Read passages over and over and meditate on them. I swear its like the second I'm about to crash and think there is no hope, bam, something like this hits me and again I'm allowed the opportunity to take something and grow. I'm not saying this is a cure all to any and everything you may think of and its not meant to be. It does however provide for the open mind. It doesn't condemn or demean any religion but instead parallels and questions. Buy the book without a second thought, I'm reading it from the library and I'm still buying it when I'm done. By now you get it, I believe this is an amazing book and I'm gonna go back to reading.